News Announcements

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P3 is growing!
Posted by PhantomFire on Nov 29, 2009 12:16 am
We are nearing the 1000 member mark and we wanted to say to all of you "Thank You!"

We are thrilled you came to join us and we look forward to many happy days in the future!

Remember to join in on the forum boards, and come visit in the chat complex! It's a great place to meet new friends and network on P3.

Also, last chance reminder for the "Goldstorm" and "Royal Feathered Gloves" in the TE Item Shop Once they are gone, they are gone for good. Grab a few to store away for later! Great investment!

Again thank you for playing, December promises to be a fun month with lots of fun surprises.

To all
Posted by PhantomFire on Nov 26, 2009 1:11 pm
Happy Thanksgiving from the Staff and Admin!
And for those who do not celebrate Thanksgiving, have a great day anyway, and eat some's yummie!

Small gift for the pumas coming your way if you have been active since Sunday.

Final 7 Days!
Posted by JT_ on Nov 25, 2009 12:29 am
This is just an FYI for everyone:

On December 1st, our October TE items will be leaving the TE Items Shop forever.

These two items are:

• Goldstorm
• Royal Feathered Gloves

These are the final 7 days for these two items, so be sure to pick them up if you are interested!

(The price for the Golden Eys Headdress and Bansur Wrap will be increasing on December 5th.)

6 New Markings!
Posted by JT_ on Nov 21, 2009 6:41 pm
Kip has added 6 new markings. :D Head to the Puma Demo to check out the following:

• Kiss
• Little Diamond
• Muzzle
• Tail
• Time Machine
• Warmers

Also, you may have noticed that the News Announcements are now spread out over pages that can be navigated at the top of the News page. :) The forum posts will be following suit shortly!

EDIT: Small adjustment made to a couple of the art files for Time Machine. :) Be sure to reset your Customs if you created some with it! (Tiger, Male Lion, and Cheetah are affected by this)

Edited: 11-22-2009 01:29 am

Bansur Wrap
Posted by JT_ on Nov 19, 2009 2:12 am
The Bansur Wrap is now available for all breeds and genders. :) We had been missing Tiger, Male Lion, and Lynx but all three are now uploaded and ready to go! Have fun!

Also, my development machine has been returned to me! All repaired with no problem, and they did not have to reformat my HDD. So I will be back to getting lots of updates for you guys. :)

Adoption Agency and Portal Updates
Posted by PhantomFire on Nov 16, 2009 2:32 pm
A quick reminder for those who do not know.

You may donate pumas to newbies via the adoption agency.


Puma must be gens 4 and up.
Puma must be named "Newbie"
You must then transfer to Pride #42
Pumas with the incorrect label will be returned.

Also, You may decide to set a puma free if it has not bred to your expectations. We do this Via the "portal" and pumas are set off to live in the wild.


Puma must not be bred unless you are also sending all it's offspring.

Puma/Pumas MUST be renamed "PORTAL"
Puma must then be sent to Pride #42
Pumas with the incorrect label will be returned.

EDIT: Anyone finding they have a puma that is inbred and will not breed PLEASE follow the directions above for setting the puma free.
If you have more than one please message me and I will try to help replace a few.

Edited: 11-18-2009 12:58 am

Posted by JT_ on Nov 14, 2009 1:03 am
A new game has been added-- Excavation!

This game can be played multiple times a day (3 for regular users, 5 for premium) but costs 2,000 PP for each play.

During the game, you must choose sections of an excavation grid to dig. You can find treasures, empty holes, or rocks which will immediately end your game.

Each game only ends once you hit a rock, so there is a chance you may hit a rock right away-- or perhaps you will go through 3, 4, 5, 10... 20... who knows how many you might be lucky with. :)

This game is click-based and does not use Flash. :) Head over to The Realm -> Games to play.


Dev Update :)
Posted by JT_ on Nov 11, 2009 8:40 pm
Hey everyone!

I just wanted to give you a quick update so you don't think I'm leaving you all in the cold after having "working on fun new stuff" in my status for the last week. ;)

I have some of the fun new stuff completely finished and ready to go! WOO! But the problem is, I ran into trouble earlier this week with my development machine. The graphics card was defective, so it is currently in for repairs (free repairs, I might add, since it was covered under a special warranty program for this GPU issue).

All my data is safe, so no worries. :) No hard drive issues at all-- just a graphics card. So I'm waiting to get my machine back so I can get things back on track here. Unfortunately, this requires "time" which is something I wish I had more of.

So, terribly sorry for the delay! I promise you "new fun stuff" will be worthwhile. ;)

(mwahahaha no hints ;D)

Welcome to all our new players!
Posted by PhantomFire on Nov 08, 2009 4:33 am
Hello! Welcome to Pocket Puma Pets.

I am Phantom Fire, Site Administrator. You can reach me at account #1.

Kipestshin is our Art Director. If you need to reach her she is at account #2.

JT is the Code Developer here. She is reachable via Account #3.

The site menu is located to the left of this news item.You might wish to start by accessing "Support". There you can find some info about the game and the list of staff. If you need help, feel free to contact any of them. They are all very friendly and here to help.

I'm sure many of you are wondering how to get started. Your best bet is to go to the Forum. Again, check your menu to the left and look under "Community" then to "Forum". In forum try "Welcome" and the "Help & Questions " threads. Many of your questions have been answered there already.
Post a "Hello" in Welcome. We have a very friendly community who would love to welcome you and help get you going.

Once you have looked around I'm sure you would like to earn some pence. Once again, use the menu to the left and go to "The Realm" and then to "Games". There are a few easy games to play to help you earn enough for your first puma!

When buying your first puma you have choices. You can go to the "Adoption Agency" and buy a starter puma for 5000 Puma Pence.
Access to Adoption info
Or you can save up and check out the Forums "Puma Sales" thread on the sales board. Many members are willing to help new folks get going with a puma of their own.

Pocket Puma Pets is not simply a breeding site and in time we will be evolving. We have many games, communities and features available. We hope you will enjoy watching our progress.

Come join us in the Live chat, You access that Via "Community", "Chat Complex". Make sure you read the info carefully so you can log in successfully. The live chat is a secure community and you must re-register to join.

I hope this info has been helpful and feel free to contact any of our staff for further assistance!

Best to you all and Welcome to P3Games and Pocket Puma Pets.

Ladies and Gentlemen
Posted by PhantomFire on Nov 07, 2009 2:40 pm
Pocket Puma Pets is now open to the public!

Commenting Disabled

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