News Announcements

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Markings & Paradigms - November 2011
Posted by JT_ on Nov 15, 2011 12:05 pm
Midway through November already?! The time is flying this fall!

We have some awesome Markings and Paradigms for you this month. :) Take a look at the Puma Demo and play around with these:

Lynx Spots

Ruby Maze
Sapphire Maze
Violet Maze

Thanks to Quad for these lovelies! :)

Manage Puma Equipment - Sort Order Update
Posted by JT_ on Nov 11, 2011 5:05 pm
Sort Order is now active again on the Manage Equipment page for your Pumas!

It was deactivated originally for a fairly serious bug, which now should be fixed! I had to adjust the way I was dealing with the sort order, but I think this will end up being better for everyone. :)

Rather than up or down arrows, there is now a drop down Order menu for each item. You can choose the numbered order you would like for your items. There can be no duplicates however. So, you'll notice that when you choose "3" from the list for an item currently at "1", the item currently in position "3" will swap to position "1" automatically. It is a direct swap, and nothing else will be renumbered.

In order to finalize your new sort order choices, you will need to press the "Apply" button which is above the list for each zone. :)

If you notice any odd issues or think it is not behaving the way you expect, please feel free to create a topic in the Bugs area and I'll look into it!

IMPORTANT: Paradigm Bug Fixed
Posted by JT_ on Nov 08, 2011 1:24 pm
I had a report the other day that something was "off" about Paradigms. I was able to look into this bug today, and it is now fixed.

The bug involved Pumas where a Marking was a Paradigm/Paradigm mix and the Marking itself was less than 100% strength. These Markings were not showing on the Puma image as their appropriate strength, but were correctly stored in the database (and correctly displayed on the Puma Profile).

I can best explain with an example. :)

Here is the Puma that Quad showed to me when she reported the bug: CLICK HERE

As you can see in the Markings info area, Classic Tabby is at 53%, Flame Point is at 15%, Labyrinth is at 23%.

At those strengths:
• Classic Tabby should be half visible (53/100)
• Flame Point should be barely visible (15/100 is not much!)
• Labyrinth should only be *slightly* more visible (23/100-- not much!)

These numbers are very important! And here is why. :) When Quad reported this Puma to me, it looked like this:


But this Puma *should* look like this based upon the correct strengths in the database:


As you can see, the Puma was erroneously showing 100% strength for markings that were very low. :) This has now been repaired, so you should reset the images of any Pumas you think might be affected.

It's possible the image may have a drastic change (like the Puma above) if the Marking strength was very low (I'd say under 50% will probably be extremely noticeable).

This is why the Markings info area on the Puma Profile is so important. :) It will tell you exactly how the Puma should look, even if there is a bug in the way images are generated.

If you are unhappy with how your Puma now looks, feel free to send him/her through the Portal to a new land of safety-- there are no code bugs on the other side! :)

What's this I see?
Posted by JT_ on Nov 07, 2011 7:18 pm
It would appear the Fribbles are multiplying!


I've found these, but I think there are more too. :O Blame Quad! I think she fed them after midnight, or gave them a bath, or...

There is also a new set of wristwatches from Pirran in the Boutique. Your Puma will never be late again! :)


November 2011 - TE Items
Posted by JT_ on Nov 04, 2011 9:24 pm
We're a couple of hours early for November 5th, but I couldn't help myself! I wanted to add these in before my Friday was over to ring in the weekend. :)

This month's TE items are brought to us by Yam McYam and Quad. Thanks you two! Both items are now available in the TE Items Shop under the Shopping menu.

ornate_pageant_headdress.png   time_traveler_chest.png

Ornate Pageant Headdress [ 2 TE ] - CLICK HERE!

Time Traveler Chest [ 3 TE ] - CLICK HERE!

Open the Time Traveler Chest to receive the entire Time Traveler Set, including Boots, Hat, and Vest. :)

Don't forget, September TE items will be removed from the shop on the 8th. October TE items will increase in price on the 8th. Grab 'em while you can!

Be sure to check the results of our Danse Macabre 2011 Raffle below! Congrats to the winners!

Danse 2011 Raffle - The Winners...
Posted by JT_ on Nov 04, 2011 12:33 pm
Thanks to people who came into chat for the winner announcement! We had a lot of fun. :D There was lots of "OOH" and "AHH" and "OMG!". Very exciting!

Since we had so many entries and lots of candy (YUM!) we decided to give away 4 prizes. :)

PRIZE #4: 5 TE

The winner is.... Lukrecia - 2989 !

Prize #3: 2 Month Premium

The winner is.... Sebraxis - 1053 !

Prize #2: 4 Month Premium

The winner is .... Bella61301 - 3274 !


The moment you all have been waiting for. :)

The winner is.... ImBeeZee - 1668 !

But what did she win?! Well... You all know it is a Male Lion. :)

He looks like THIS!

But then.... we covered him up..... like this:


That's right folks, the prize is an AMAZING OOAK Puma designed by one of our artists, Quad!

Thanks to all the entrants, we hope you've enjoyed the Danse! And CONGRATS to our winners! You will be receiving your prizes a little later today. :)

The Raffle Winner...
Posted by PhantomFire on Nov 04, 2011 11:42 am
Will be announced in chat. Come join us!

JT EDITS: I'm about ot announce the grand prize! Better hurry if you want to see LIVE. :)

Edited: 11-04-2011 12:05 pm
Commenting Disabled

The Danse has ended for now...
Posted by JT_ on Nov 04, 2011 12:04 am
Danse Macabre 2011 has now ended! We hope you all enjoyed the festivities and fun new costume items.

The Raffle is also over, and the winner will be announced at noon! (approximately 12 hours from now)

Thanks for helping us to make this Danse the best one yet! :)

Winter is in the air...

Danse Macabre 2011 is winding down...
Posted by JT_ on Nov 02, 2011 1:01 pm
It's halfway through November 2nd, which means there's only a day and a half left of Danse Macabre 2011!

Don't forget:

• Keep "knocking" on Profiles to get prizes!

• Costume Trunks will be retiring at 11:59 PM November 3rd-- Ancient Warrior, Celestial, Terrestrial, and Witch! Grab 'em while you still can, cause once they're gone, they're gone for good. They can be purchase for TE in the TE Items Shop.

• Have you entered the Danse Macabre Raffle yet? It's FREE, and the prize is AMAZING! Don't miss your chance to win! Entries close at 11:59 PM November 3rd, and the winner will be announced at noontime on November 4th.

• If an item has an "11" in the corner, that means it will be retiring on November 3rd when the Danse Macabre ends. Be sure to collect the ones you want cause they won't be coming back next year!

We hope you've been enjoying the Danse Macabre. :) Thanks for joining us for all the fun!

A Reminder to All
Posted by PhantomFire on Oct 31, 2011 5:13 pm
Danse Macabre is almost over for this year....and of course we hope to see you all again next year! As of 11:59PM Puma time November 3rd Danse will end, and with Danse the costume trunks will be gone forever. We do not re- release Danse trunks so when they are gone, they will be gone for good! Remember to grab yours as soon as possible! We hope that every one has had a nice time gathering items and knocking on doors!

Sneaky Edit By JT: mwahahahahahaha! I just sent out a creepy "BOO"-rrito to all users active since Saturday. ;D Enjoy!

Edited: 10-31-2011 07:47 pm

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