News Announcements

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SURPRISE - New Trivia Game!
Posted by JT_ on Dec 11, 2011 2:07 pm
Do you love trivia, factoids, and quizzes? I sure hope so! Cause P3 has a brand new Trivia game ready to go. :D

You will be given 10 questions every week. New trivia questions become available every Sunday morning at 12:00 midnight Puma Time.

You have until Saturday at 11:59 PM Puma Time to answer all 10 questions before they are locked and you receive 10 new questions. You cannot backtrack!

This trivia system is completely automated like all the other P3 games. So you won't see a news announcement when the new trivia arrives. :) Keep this in mind, since I know other sites announce new trivia since it is not on a strict weekly schedule.

Each Trivia Set lasts for 8 weeks. Users will be given a maximum of 80 questions to answer during this time. Users who have answered the most questions correctly at the end of the 8 weeks will receive special cool Trivia prizes. :)

Ready to play? Trivia can be found on the GAMES page!

**** IMPORTANT NOTE: Trivia is intended as a one-player game. Posting on the forums or in the Live Chat for trivia answers is considered to be cheating and is against the rules of P3. Any user found abusing these rules can be punished per P3's Terms of Service. Please keep this in mind, and do your own research for questions you are having trouble with!

Keep in mind this is a brand new system, so we might find some bugs in the process. :) If you think something very weird is going on with Trivia, please head over to the Bugs forum and make a report! Thanks very much everyone!

EDIT: Well, shucks, it looks like there is a weird error going on here. I was able to successfully answer a couple of questions on my set, but it appears everyone else is receiving an error. I am going to try to get to the bottom of this right now. Sorry guys!
Edited: 12-11-2011 02:19 pm

EDIT2: All right! Let's try this again. :) The error bug should be fixed now.

Edited: 12-11-2011 02:46 pm

Winter Festival 2011 - Dec 10 - Jan 10
Posted by JT_ on Dec 10, 2011 12:00 am
Welcome to P3's 3rd Annual Winter Festival! Time sure does fly. :)

Pumas love frolicking in the snow, snuggling before a roaring fire, drinking warm beverages... Mmmm! Sounds pretty nice to me, too! And we have a whole month to enjoy it here on P3. :) As usual, our Winter Festival runs from December 10th until January 10th of the new year!

What can you look forward to? Well, here's what we have planned:

Gifting Stump: Of course, no festival would be complete without stumps to stuff gifts into for your friends and fellow members! Gifting Stumps will be available all festival long. :)

Snowball Fight!: Our festival profile click game is back! Prizes and fun galore-- 30 days full! Better grab 'em while you can cause some will be gone forever. :) Just go to another member's profile page and click to toss a snowball at them!

New Shop Goodies: In addition to all of the Snowball Fight prizes, we have a bunch of fun shop goodies as well. :) Some are for the festival, but some will be sticking around after, too!

Surprises?!: That's right… This festival season brings with it a couple of fun surprises. ;) But you'll have to wait and see... I'm not going to spill the beans just yet!

Thanks for a wonderful year at P3, everyone! We hope you enjoy the 2011 Winter Festival. :)

Sort Order - FIXED
Posted by JT_ on Dec 09, 2011 3:45 am
Just an FYI-- there is a small bug in the Sort Order code for Puma Inventory. While I fix it, I am deactivating the ability to change sort orders so that no further issues occur. :)

I'll let you all know when it is up and running again (probably around lunchtime-- it's time for bed for me!).

Thanks for your patience!

EDIT: The issue has been fixed! Sort Order changing has been reactivated. If you guys notice that two items are sharing the same Sort Order number, PLEASE contact me immediately and DO NOT touch the Puma until I have repaired it. :)

(I ran a check on the database for this, and there are not currently any-- so if you DO find a duplicate Sort Order, that means it is a new bug.)

Edited: 12-09-2011 02:24 pm
Commenting Disabled

New Feature: Custom Item Positioning
Posted by JT_ on Dec 06, 2011 6:59 pm
That's right! You can now customize the position of wearables on your Pumas! :)

On any Puma with wearable items equipped, go to their Manage Puma Inventory page. This is the same location to change Item Zones, Sort Orders, and Remove items.

There is now an option to "Change Position" for all valid items! Valid items are Wearables and Petites. You cannot change the position of Frames or Environments.

This process is as simple as dragging and dropping (JavaScript is required!). :) When you click on Change Position, you will be brought to a new page with your Puma's current image, and the item you would like to move on top of it. Just grab it with your mouse and drag it around! :)

You can also change the coordinates for the top left hand corner manually using the text fields available (0,0 is default). You may need to use negative numbers to get it *exactly* where you want!

3 Buttons are available:
• Submit New Position -- this will submit your new coordinates to the database and automatically position your item at this location when you reset your Puma's image. You can see the coordinate in the text fields beside this button.

• Reset to Default -- this will place your item back at 0,0 which is the default position. All items start at this default position.

• Reset to Original -- this will place your item back at the coordinates you last submitted. For example, if you move your item around and press submit, but then decide to move it again. When moving it again, pressing this button will revert to your last submission.

• Not all wearables will look awesome when moved from their Default position! Quite a few wearables are form fit exactly to each Puma breed. If you move an item and realize you don't like the new position, just click on "Reset to Default". We wanted to give you all the option of being creative and finding new positions, which is why we have not "locked" these items.

• Some wearables have pieces that always display behind your Puma (even if you have your item in Item Zone 4). These back pieces will also move to the exact position where you drag the "front" pieces. You will not be able to see the back pieces until you view your Puma's profile image.

• While changing the item position, ALL items no matter which Item Zone they belong to will be displayed on TOP of the Puma's image. In order to drag/drop, the item cannot have anything stacked on top of it in the browser window. Once you submit your new position, the item will be displayed in the correct Item Zone.

• Please report anything you think may be a bug in the Bug Reports & Glitches section!

We hope you enjoy this new feature! :) And feel free to ask any questions if something is unclear.

TE Items - December 2011
Posted by JT_ on Dec 05, 2011 12:30 pm
Welcome to December! Can you believe the New Year is just around the corner?! Not to mention, our Winter Festival on P3 begins on Saturday! Time is flying. :)

We have two lovely sets of TE items for you this month. Winter is just about upon us, so here are some items to keep your Pumas "roasty toasty"!


Snowflake Gift Bag [ 3 TE ]
Includes: Snowflake Nightcap, Snowflake Pajamas, Winter Teddy, and Nighttime Hearth

CLICK HERE for sample!

Winter Warmth Bag [ 2 TE ]
Includes: Cable Knit Sweater, Warm Earmuffs, Daylight Hearth

CLICK HERE for sample!

Thanks to Yam and Quad for these sets!

• October's TE Items (Hallow Chest; Raintear Wings) will be removed from the TE Items shop on the 8th!
• November's TE Items (Time Traveller Chest; Ornate Pageant Headddress) will increase in price on the 8th!
• JT might have a surprise for you TOMORROW! :D

Public Breeding - Reactivated
Posted by JT_ on Nov 29, 2011 5:03 pm
All righty, Public Breeding should now be functioning correctly. All of your Puma's breeding statuses (price & info) should be restored.

I had to get the breeding info from a backup from yesterday that was unaffected by the error, so any Pumas you may have priced for public breeding since yesterday late morning will need to be re-priced. Sorry about that!

It is best to double check any Pumas you have changed yesterday or today, to be sure that your changes have been implemented. This error only affected the Public Breeding Options of Pumas.

Public Breeding - Currently Disabled
Posted by JT_ on Nov 29, 2011 3:06 pm
There has been an error with breeding info for public breeding (prices and info). I am in the process of fixing it, and replacing the data for all of your Pumas that were set to be available for breeding.

The Public Breeding Options page is currently disabled-- please do not try to set your Pumas available for breeding at this time.

Thanks! I'll post another news announcement when the problem has been fixed.
Commenting Disabled

Posted by PhantomFire on Nov 28, 2011 10:14 am
Monday, November 28th Come play Scavenger Hunt in the Chat complex, Games room. Starting at 10 am Puma time join Brenne, Sasha and others for fun and prizes! Lots of interesting prizes to be won! For more details contact Brenne #13.

What's that in the bag?
Posted by JT_ on Nov 22, 2011 1:48 pm
It looks like the Enviro-Collector has a few new environments hiding in her bag. I wonder what they could be... ;)

In addition, she has retired 5 older environments:

• Showtime Heat
• Showtime Aqua
• Summer Day
• Summer Night
• Sunstain Jade


Candies and Sweets!
Posted by JT_ on Nov 17, 2011 6:55 pm
Better go visit the Sweeties Shoppe! I heard they got a bunch of brand new candies in from Quad, Yam, Pirran, and Toby. :)


(and more!)

You should also check the Environments shop, since Macleod made a few beautiful sunsets for your Pumas to enjoy. :) Here are a couple:


Enjoy! All items seen above (and the others ;)) should now be stocking!

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