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Monday Music Madness!
Posted by PhantomFire on May 21, 2012 12:57 pm
Hello! And welcome to the 10th installment of "Monday Music Madness!"
This week we have lots of great suggestions from our members. The category is "Instrumentals" so lets get started!
It's interesting to see what pure music moves our souls. What do we connect with? I love instrumental only music.. I see many of you do as well.

Sent in by Rat #224
Band name:Darker than Black
Song name: Tenderly (this is interesting because it is clearly a variation on the song "Wives and Lovers" by Burt Bacharach and Hal David which made it very interesting!)

From Lukrecia #2989 a very pretty song from Final Fantasy VII.
Aerith's Theme

Brenne #13 sent in this all time classic! AWESOME swing music! And wow! Benny Goodman too. AMAZING! One of the all time greatest on the swing scene! I DARE you to try to NOT move to this music!
Sing, Sing, Sing!

Sent in by Wyvern #75 The always AWESOME Mannnheim Steamroller.
From the CD "Fresh Aire 8" Song...Greek Suite- Night Party
Greek Suite

In the mood for some classical?
From Ashdizzle #1204 by the classical composer Claude Debussy one of his most popular pieces "Clair de lune" from the Suite Bergamasque, The third movement:
Clair de lune

Mrsgunsage #1114 sent in this wonderful piece by Ludwig van Beethoven, Symphony No. 6 in F major, Op. 68, also known as the Pastoral Symphony. the first movement "Allegro ma non troppo"
Pastoral Symphony 1st movement

Sometimes things are so good a few people request it!
From Kami Mi Ke Neko #72 and Allira #8 one of the most well known and well loved classical pieces, Pachelbel's Canon in D, performed here by James Galway on flute. Thank you both for submitting this!
Pachelbel's Canon in D

Next up....Love the brass!

From Usiku #926 Brightening up the day with some brass sounds from Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass "A Taste of Honey"
Taste of Honey

Sent in by Burning Sky #107 Gato Barbieri... from his CD "Caliente"... a Carlos Santana composition "Europa"

Changing the pace a bit..

Silvery #14 sent in this cover version of a favorite Type O Negative song "Love you to Death"
Love You To Death

Mittenmon #71 sent in this song "The Prayer" From Heros of Might and Magic 4.
The Prayer

Thank you everyone for contributing!!! There were so many amazing songs here! I loved them all! This catagory will have to be done again! If I didn't get to yours do NOT be discouraged, Submit them again when this catagopry comes up next time!

Now for my picks:
This week are three of my all time favorite songs. Musicians I love and listen to often.

Pick #1 Mike Oldfield. One of my all time favorites EVER. I have everything the mans ever recorded.
From the CD "The Songs of Distant Earth" inspired by the book of the same name by "Arthur C. Clarke"
Song title "Ascension"

Pick #2 Pat Metheny. This guy is my Dad's idol, so I was introduced to him early in life. This song: "Last Train Home" brings me to a place in a dinstant memory. It sings of long journeys, of places I've not been and places to head towards longingly, lovingly.. looking for the comfort of home.
My Favorite song by Pat Metheny: "Last Train Home" with a great video of Steam locomotives to go with it.
Last Train Home

Pick #3 WOW! how can I NOT pick this?? What fun!
Trans-Siberian Orchestra with "Wizards in Winter" We all need to go out and dance in the snow! :)
Wizards in Winter

As I stated last week, We want YOUR songs! PLEASE though, don't send more than 2 suggestions at a time.
If you find NEW stuff to suggest, feel free to send, just don't keep sending the same song over and over :) If you wish to suggest music, you must PRIVATE message me directly with the link and the subject line "Suggestion for Music".

Theme for next week "Heavy Metal". What does that mean? KICK ASS TAKE NAMES! You got it, Loud and Proud. Lets hear what you consider "Head Banging Good"!

Congrats to:

Rat #224
Lukrecia #2989
Brenne #13
Wyvern #75
Ashdizzle #1204
Mrsgunsage #1114
Kami Mi Ke Neko #72
Allira #8
Usiku #926
Burning Sky #107
Silvery #14
Mittenmon #71

Also, Last weeks comments were great guys keep it up!
Our "thoughtful" posters last week are:
Mittenmon #71
Ashdizzle #1204
TygressDream #1290

The prizes for "Thoughtful posting" are Novelty Fibbles you can get NOWHERE on P3 EXCEPT by posting!! Want one?? Get commenting!

You go guys!

Same rules this week. The top three postings on the music this week will win the prize! Happy listening and get posting!
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MittenmonMay 21, 2012 1:11 pm
Oh yay! I'm glad you got my submission in time! The Prayer has always been my favorite from the HoMM soundtrack, I could listen to it all day long. The whole soundtrack is great! The composers put a lot of work into it, and into this song in particular.

LOTS of wonderful picks this week - but one of them stands out apart from all the others...Wizards in Winter! OMG! I am in love! I've saved this one to my favorites, and plan to listen to it nightly. :)

AshDizzleMay 21, 2012 1:31 pm
So many good songs chosen. Alex I only know the Wizards in Winter one from the Christmas lights youtube vids, had no idea it was Trans-Siberian Orchestra. I do love the song so much movement.

Totally forgot about Pachelbel's Canon in D as well. Beethoven is also such a classic, as a musician I love his work (can't play some of it but still love the beauty of it). Also Last Train Home had one part that just kept me thinking about Footloose (same tone and speed as I'm Free). It was a beautiful song to hear in and of itself.

Rat I love the movement in your song Tenderly. I feel like it should be a song for DWTS. Lukrecia your choice is so beautiful. Brenne oh my gosh I love this song choice, you really can't not move when you hear it. I love swing music just wish I knew how to swing dance.

Wyvern your choice has this nice Arabian feel to it, that I wasn't expecting makes me like it that much more. Oh My Gosh Usiku gotta love Herb Alpert, great song choice. I love the horns in it. My fave of his is Spanish Flea.

Burning Sky I feel like I have heard this one before on some old 80s movies when things were getting hot. Love it, especially the saxophone. Silvery I your choice, I have this love for the piano even though I am not the worlds best and this song has great movement (I wish I was that good on piano).

Adders yours sparks something in me, it's beautiful and should be the used in movie scores. It has a beautiful somber feel to it but at the same time uplifting. Alex Ascension has great movement as well and I keep picturing it over a montage but I can't quite picture why it sounds so familiar.

Great song choices everyone.

SilveryMay 21, 2012 5:23 pm
Ahaahaahaahaaa! I finally got a Type O song in MMM. :3 Although, next week looks promising, too. Can we submit songs with Advisory Lyrics labels? <.< >.>

And now I know the name of *that* song, you know the one, not In the Mood, but the other one. xD Haven't heard Herb Alpert since I was kid invading my parents' record collection. They had that album pictured in the video.

brenneMay 21, 2012 6:36 pm
Ahaha...wizards in winter...we first heard of it along with that youtube of the man with the awesome christmas lights. My whole family was standing around the screen bobbing back and forth in tempo to the music. I love it! I am enjoying very much going through all this new music :)

QuadricatMay 22, 2012 5:26 am
Drat! I missed an opportunity to share Empty Space Orchestra LOL :) Oh well, these are great too!

Instrumental music is one of my favorite genres-- I love not just originals, but also finding instrumental versions of songs I don't like the lyrics to but love the music of ;D

Trans-Siberian Orchestra is definitely on the top of my favs list here-- I've not heard of several of these until now and I'm impressed! So far I am in LOVE with Ascension! Please tell me there is more where this comes from? :DDD

Kami Mi Ke NekoMay 22, 2012 7:55 am
:D Whee! I'm so glad you picked Canon (and props to Allie for having the same awesome taste! :D). It's a very recognizable (in my opinion), awesome piece that I think just needs more credit. :D

Also, glad to see some other classical tunes made the list - Clair de lune and the pastoral symphony are two of the ones that I think can be considered fairly iconic. I definitely recall studying both when I too my music theory class in college. I was also a music minor. ^^

I'm also super pleased that Trans-Siberian made your list, I had forgotten how awesome they were but when I saw that title I was like "OMG !" :D

Aerith's tune is also very pretty - and I'm glad to see it made the list. Many of the Final Fantasy games have awesome instrumentals, it's one of the main reasons I play the games at all sometimes :D

AlliraMay 22, 2012 8:06 am
This is a hard week for me to comment because most of these songs just aren't my "thing". I think you have to be in the mood to listen to some kinds of music and I'm pretty sure I've...never been in the mood for a lot of this :D

Of course I like Pachelbel's canon :)

Even though I wasn't a huge fan of any of them - I DID listen to (some) of all of them which I think is what MMM is all about. And music of course is as different as the people who listen to it :)

PhantomFireMay 22, 2012 1:55 pm
Quad, Mike Oldfield has many many CDs (albums) under his belt. He is perhaps best known for "Tubular Bells" which was used in the movie "Exorcist" His work is wide ranging and EXCELLENT. One of my very favorite artists!

QuadricatMay 23, 2012 3:17 am
I shall have to look his stuff up :D

ImBeeZeeMay 24, 2012 10:00 am
:( I feel so left out; I don't know any of these songs. I only listen to the songs from the 80's. How can I be part of the gang:(

PhantomFireMay 24, 2012 2:53 pm
ImBeeZee, never to late to learn about new music. Experiment, maybe there is something that catches your ear...and music of the 80's you say??? Do you recall Jan Hammer and the popular : Miami vice theme? How about Vangelis and "Chariots of fire" Remember either of those?
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