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Geek Month & Important Notices
Posted by JT_ on May 14, 2012 2:43 pm
Geek Month is only halfway over, and we've still got goodies for you! :)

Today we have an item that comes in many colors, and is perfect for striking a majestic pose. Can you find it?

At approximately 1:30 AM Puma Time tonight (which will be very early on the 15th), there will be some scheduled maintenance on our hosting server. This should fix the hardware issues that have been happening on and off for the last week or so. We expect to see around 30 minutes of downtime. Thanks for your patience!

Be sure to read the news post right below this one to see what musical selections have been chosen for today! :D
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QuadricatMay 14, 2012 10:47 pm
I love the new items so much :D
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