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Monday Music Madness!
Posted by PhantomFire on May 07, 2012 12:19 pm
Hello! And welcome to the 8th installment of "Monday Music Madness!"
This week we have lots of great suggestions from our members. The category is "Songs from your childhood" so lets get started!
It's fun to look back and listen to the things we thought were great when we were young.

Let's stat this off with a song from Mittenmon #71
EVERYONES favorite.. from the "Lion King"
Band Name: Elton John...."Can you feel the love"
Can You Feel the Love

From Allira #8 WHOOOT I LOVE this song too!!
Band Name : Four Seasons....."Oh what a night!"
Oh What A Night

From Mrsgunsage #1114 another of my favorites!!
Band Name: The Royal Guardsmen......"Snoopy VS The Red Baron"
(PLUS a great video!)
Snoopy VS The Red Baron

This in from Crazy Cat #6022
Band Name: Beach Boys....."I Get Around"
I Get Around

Lukrecia #2989 remembers this from her childhood
From the Anime "Shaman King"
Shaman King

This in from Silvery #14
Oddly I used to hear this song on one of my favorite TV shows as a child too!
Band Name: The Irish Rovers......"The unicorn Song"
Unicorn Song

From Burning Sky #107
A Favorite Cartoon theme song
Kimba the white lion
Kimba Theme song

Thank you everyone for contributing!!! There were so many this time it was difficult to pick!

This is my favorite from my childhood:
Sesame street.... "We are all earthlings"
We are all Earthlings

As I stated last week, We want YOUR songs! PLEASE though, don't send more than 2 suggestions at a time.
If you find NEW stuff to suggest, feel free to send, just don't keep sending the same song over and over :) If you wish to suggest music, you must PRIVATE message me directly with the link and the subject line "Suggestion for Music".

Theme for next week "Songs you like that are NOT in English". What does that mean? We all have a song or two in another language we enjoy even if we aren't sure what the words mean, the melody might capture us. Or we do know what they mean but it's not a band that is "mainstream" popular. Let's see what you come up with!

Congrats to:
Mittenmon #71
Allira #8
Mrsgunsage #1114
Crazy Cat #6022
Lukrecia #2989
Silvery #14
Burning Sky #107

Also, Last weeks comments were great guys keep it up!
Our "thoughtful" posters last week are:
Usiku #926
Ashdizzle #1204
singlerose #145
And for originality, Allira #8 GREAT poem!

The prizes for "Thoughtful posting" are Novelty Fibbles you can get NOWHERE on P3 EXCEPT by posting!! Want one?? Get commenting!

You go guys!

Same rules this week. The top three postings on the music this week will win the prize! Happy listening and get posting!
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Billy The KidMay 07, 2012 12:30 pm
I remember a bunch of them songs from when I was knee-high, too. Takes me back. Great choices, all.

mrsgunsageMay 07, 2012 12:47 pm
The only one of this weeks' picks I wasn't immediately familiar with was Lu's pick, so I ran to the ever trusty youtube and pulled it up. I liked it, I'm not really an anime person, but some of the songs they have are pretty good.

singleroseMay 07, 2012 1:40 pm
Snoopy, I Get Around and Unicorn Song.....all of them had me singing and bobbing. Quite a difference in style but all great memories. The last three were awesome as well...who doesn't like Lion King? Sesame Street just speaks for itself. Ask my grandson. lol... Great choices everyone.

Captain StumpyMay 07, 2012 2:21 pm
Aww Lukrecia Sharman King, I loved that programe! i can still sing along ^_^ Oh and the original My Little Pony :) theme song I still know the words to that. Oh how about Bleach?

Kami Mi Ke NekoMay 07, 2012 7:58 pm
Ok. Thank you for posting the Beach Boys. I had almost forgotten that they were a band that I heard a LOT in my childhood -- they were one of my dad's favorites. So every time we went on a road trip to see the grandparents (at least an 8 hour drive in the family station wagon!) we got to hear lots and lots of cassettes of the Beach Boys. And yes, Cassettes. ;) Some of you young'uns may not know what those are. hehe ;)

And the unicorn song ... what a classic ^^ It's a great song and hey, maybe that's what DID happen to the unicorns! :D :D

Kami Mi Ke NekoMay 07, 2012 8:24 pm
.... another comment because I just thought of something.

We should really archive these song lists somewhere (maybe General Chat forum?) so that someone could just go to a single place to see ALLLLL the awesome songs without going back through the news. Hm. <<.>> ^^

MittenmonMay 07, 2012 8:38 pm
That's a great idea, Kami! We really should!
I'm not volunteering, though ;P

I'm also very curious to know what all the fribbles are in the pile! I keep seeing more and more of them pop up everywhere! :)

RyuStealthfireMay 07, 2012 9:26 pm
I really liked all of them. Especially 'Can you feel the love tonight'. Who doesn't like Lion King songs? That song had me wanting to break out the old drumset and think up a percussion part for it...insparation.

BorjaMay 08, 2012 9:23 am
The Unicorn Song was ever a favorite of mine when little, although I would only hear it every now and again on the radio. My father used to play a game with us, and ask me who sang what song. I rarely ever got them right, as names do not seem to stick in my head, but my mother was fairly good at the game.

VolumeMay 08, 2012 11:42 am
Oh, I like to see Can You Feel the Love up there! Definitely a song that I heard many times in my childhood. Of course, it was Bear Necessities from Jungle Book that my dad always sang terribly to us. ...Which worked well because he was a lot like a bear himself.
My mom was always partial to You Are So Beautiful by Joe Cocker, but Four Seasons premiered many times as well. With both songs, she would grab my sister and I by the hands and lift, lift us up on to the beds to dance at the same height with her. I want to dance just thinking about them!

AlliraMay 09, 2012 10:03 am
I dont usually like jingly type songs with a political undertone - but the Snoopy song is very catchy and the clip with it was awesome. I loved the flying doghouse! I bet kids loved singing "bloody red baron" too.
The Lion King has great music and Can you Feel the Love Tonight is one of the best. It could have been a song in any romantic movie and it's good to listen to outside the movie too - in it's own right.
I love Oh What a Night. I remember hearing it on the car radio when I was a kid and every now and then it will still play. It's just a happy, feel good song. I have it on my ipod now - it's part of my housework songs collection.
The Beach Boys have just about the most cheerful, tuneful songs around - I think people will be loving their songs in 50 years!

I've never heard the Shaman King before but it sure sounds like the theme song to a show. I have about 100 in my head forever from watching them with the kids.

The unicorn song has a very similar feel to other songs I remember from my childhood - Puff the Magic Dragon, the Marvelous Toy - I hope these sort of songs don't get lost and future generations of kids can enjoy the fun and innocence of them.

I remember the Kimba song!Its amazing how songs can stay in your head just.... forever.

I also remember the muppets song - even though my kids werent really into Sesame Street. We liked the muppets though and I remember taking my neice to see The Muppets take Manhatten when she was about 6. I cried when this song played :D :D

WildLeafMay 11, 2012 7:05 pm
Oh my gosh, Can You Feel The Love tonight is one of my favorites on this list. A few months ago I watched the lion king and Can You Feel TheLove Tonight and I Just Can't Wait To Be King are my favorites. They couldn't have made better choices in singers. Great picks this week, keep up the good work!

UsikuMay 12, 2012 7:50 am
wow these are all great songs that take me back to childhood thru motherhood!!!

I just love the Four Seasons. They are one of the best vocal groups that have been able to stay around for what seems like forever and are still touring today.

And what can you say about the Beach Boys??? They are just awesome too. A group that has managed to keep the same sound through so many member changes (remember when Glen Campbell was a member?) and make us all look forward to fun in the sun.

The Lion King and Elton John..sigh...wonderful movie and wonderful song. I think my girls have worn out both the soundtrack cd and the movie!!!

I had not seen the clip for Kimba before but my first thought was...did that artist work on the lion King??? The art work was so similar.

Snoopy and the Red that is a memory. Has been years since I heard that song and the clip was perfect.

We are earthlings made me cry....that is one I use to sing with the girls when they were little and we would sit together and watch Sesame Street. It really had a powerful meaning to the words.

Great Songs this week!!!!
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