News Announcements

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Happy Cheese Day!
Posted by JT_ on Jun 04, 2012 2:31 pm
Just a quick announcement that today is CHEESE DAY! :D

Celebrate at home with your favorite cheesy dish (I suggest pizza personally!).

Celebrate on P3 with a new item, now stocking in the Delicatessen:


A Brie Wheel! :) Enjoy!

Happy Donut Day! & Surprise Raffle
Posted by JT_ on Jun 01, 2012 1:39 pm


I have a bit of a sugar high, since I spent all morning eating these delicious donut bars from Quad. She mistakenly did not write on the box "DO NOT EAT, FOR P3 ONLY". Luckily I saved some for all of you, and you'll find them in the Sweeties Shoppe. :D

Have you logged in since Monday? I hope so, cause if you did, you'll find a Strawberry Sprinkle Donut Bar in your inventory. WOOHOO!


Alex and I have been rooting around in the P3 basement, and it turns out there are a bunch of cool prizes down here! He's off cleaning out the dust bunnies right now, so in the meanwhile we are going to run a free surprise raffle!

Click on this link to post your entry!

EDIT: The Raffle starts RIGHT NOW and will end at 11:59 PM Puma Time on June 7th. The topic has the full details. :)

Geek Month - Last Day!
Posted by JT_ on May 31, 2012 1:11 pm
Today is the last day of Geek Month. We hope you've enjoyed all the fun new items! :)

Tomorrow, June 1st, we will add all of the new geeky items to the Item Search.

All Geek Month items will continue to stock in shops until June 15th! So you still have time to grab the ones you haven't collected quite yet. :) The Random Event will also stay until the 15th.

Today's items are both "out of this world" (one new, one re-released!)-- and stocking in the same shop. Can you find them? :)

Our Towel Day Celebration ended yesterday, and we hope you enjoyed a few days of hitchhiker fun! Towel Day items will be added to the Item Search today. :)


Geek Month & End of Towel Day Celebration
Posted by JT_ on May 30, 2012 1:18 pm
It's our last Comic Book Release Day for Geek Month! Check out Buy the Book for the latest issues. :)

Also, today is the last day of our Towel Day Celebration. Unfortunately we will have to pack away all the babble fishsticks, tea, and other goodies. Be sure you grabbed them all!
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Geek Month - Final Week
Posted by JT_ on May 29, 2012 3:40 pm
This is the final week of Geek Month! (Awwwwww!)

Today I have Monday and Tuesday items for you! Sorry for the delay for the Monday stuff. :)

Monday's item will help on your galactic adventures, while Tuesday items will help you to be sure you have all the gadgets you need at the ready!

Enjoy! :)

Monday Music Madness!
Posted by PhantomFire on May 28, 2012 1:42 pm
Hello! And welcome to the 11th installment of "Monday Music Madness!"
This week we have lots of great suggestions from our members. The category is "Heavy Metal" so lets get started!
Wow, do we ALL LOVE AC/DC or what? Lots of theirs sent in but I'm limiting it to two choices, sorry! Maybe a new catagory, AC/DC only! ... :)
I LOVE this category! My favorite music and some of my favorite bands! To me, there is NOTHING like listening to OLD metal, Zep, Deep purple, Ozzy, Maiden..etc.. on an analog stereo ( yes we still have one.. WITH tubes!) the soft scratch of the needle as the vinyl moves under... something about that sound... NO CD comes close.. you can hear every breath and every movement on old analog...I'm so glad I still have that option :)

Now, to get down to some serious headbanging!!

From Ashdizzle #1204
This popular Classic...
Band name: Black Sabbath...."IRON MAN"
Black Sabbath, featuring Ozzy Osbourne on vocals
Iron Man

Mittenmon #71 shared
Three Days Grace...Animal I Have Become

Brenne #13 sends us
Band Name: Blue Oyster Cult.... "Veteran of a thousand psychic wars"
BOC one of the ALL TIME classic Metal bands.

MrsGunsage #1114 sends us this awesome band
A7X is the nickname for "Avenged Sevenfold"
Listen to their song...

AC/DC!! whoot.. This sent in by Allira #8
AC/DC....Dirty Deeds
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

And from crazy cat #6022
The all time popular "You shook me all night long"!
Turn it up!
You Shook Me All Night Long

Lukrecia #2989 sends us this
Band Name: Skillet....Whispers in the Dark
Whispers in the Dark

From Camogurl #469
Band Name: Shinedown....Diamond Eyes
Diamond Eyes

Silvery #14 sends us this Gem from Queensryche
Eyes of a Stranger

One of my favorite Metal bands was suggested by BurningSky #107
Band Name: Scorpions.....Rock You Like a Hurricane
Rock You Like A Hurricane

Thank you everyone for contributing!!! There were so many amazing songs here! I loved them all! If I didn't get to yours do NOT be discouraged, Submit them when this catagopry comes up next time!

Now for my picks:
This week are three of my favorite Head Bangers. Hope you like them, Let me know!

Pick #1 The Cult. I love this band!
I have never been able to simply sit still when they are playing!
One of my all time Favs..
Sweet Soul Sister

Pick #2 Band Name: DragonForce...Cry Thunder
Cry Thunder

Pick #3:Band name: Bullet for my Valentine....Tears Don't Fall
Tears Don't Fall

As I stated last week, We want YOUR songs! PLEASE though, don't send more than 2 suggestions at a time.
If you find NEW stuff to suggest, feel free to send, just don't keep sending the same song over and over :) If you wish to suggest music, you must PRIVATE message me directly with the link and the subject line "Suggestion for Music".

Theme for next week "Guilty Pleasures". What does that mean? We all have them. That song you are actually embarrassed to share but you love cause it makes YOU feel good to hear it. ( you know which one I mean) Come on guys.. lets cough those secret songs up!

Congrats to:

AshDizzle #1204
Mittenmon #71
brenne #13
mrsgunsage #1114
Allira #8
Lukrecia #2989
Camogurl #469
crazy cat #6022
Silvery #14
Burningsky #107

Also, Last weeks comments were great guys keep it up!
Our "thoughtful" posters last week are:
Kami mi ke niko 72
Quadricat #74
Ashdizzle #1204

The prizes for "Thoughtful posting" are Novelty Fibbles you can get NOWHERE on P3 EXCEPT by posting!! Want one?? Get commenting!

You go guys!

Same rules this week. The top three postings on the music this week will win the prize! Happy listening and get posting!

MMmmmmm Gargleblaster!
Posted by JT_ on May 27, 2012 2:27 pm
Have you been active since the start of our Towel Day celebration?

If so, you should find a scrumptious Pumagalactic Gargleblaster in your inventory. Mmmmmmmm!

Posted by JT_ on May 25, 2012 6:14 pm
I have just realized that the Vogon Poetry Contest is still running! This is quintessential Hitchhiker entertainment, the third worst poetry in the universe!

Have you entered yet?
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DON'T PANIC - Towel Day 2012!
Posted by JT_ on May 25, 2012 12:00 am
The Answer is:

PHEW now that we have that out of the way, I'm sure no one has panicked, right? You all had your towels at the ready, like the hoopiest of froods.

It's possible you have no idea what I am talking about (GASP!)-- I found this incredibly handy infographic to explain everything.

What, that's not enough?

In that case, head on over to! This holiday is a Puma favorite, and one of the best ways to finish up Geek Month. :)

The Towel Day Celebration begins now, May 25th, and will run until 11:59 PM on May 30th! That's 6 full days of hitchhiking the galaxy, woohoo!

Gifting Stump -- If you know a friend who needs a little extra to make them REALLY hoopy, you will have until the end of the celebration to send them fun gifts!

Do Alphas Panic? -- NO WAY! Alphas always know where their towels are. You should go investigate to see what they're up to!

Active Users Get Towels! -- That's right, anyone active in the last 4 days has received the 2012 commemorative Pink Cape Towel. Tie it around your neck and never forget it at home!

Fun Items -- We couldn't have a celebration without some new themed items. See if you can find them all!

P3 wishes you the happiest of Towel Days! Enjoy!

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