News Announcements

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Posted by JT_ on Jul 16, 2010 4:54 pm
I just got back from eating my delicious burrito for lunch. MMmmmmmmm.

Figured I would send out a burrito to all you Pumapeople who have been active in the last 2 days. :D Enjoy!

Equipped Items Layering
Posted by JT_ on Jul 13, 2010 12:58 am
I just finished up with the maintenance mentioned in the last news announcement. :) So you can now equip and remove items on your Pumas again!

This maintenance was in regard to a brand new feature that has been much requested-- Item Layering!

After you have equipped an item to your Puma, you can now go to the "Manage" link on your Puma Profile to choose more detailed layering options.

There are 4 zones:

ZONE 1 - Behind Puma & Evolutions
ZONE 2 - Between Puma & Back Evolutions
ZONE 3 - Between Puma & Front Evolutions
ZONE 4 - In Front of Puma & Evolutions

Zone 4 is the default zone and will behave the same way as it always has. :) So if you have no desire to play around with the other zones, you can merely equip an item to your Puma and not worry about it!

Within each zone, you can choose the order that each item is shown when you reset your Puma's image. :) As with Markings, the item at the top of the list is the "farthest" away from the viewer and the closest to the back of that Zone.

The best way to see the differences in the Zones and layering orders is to play around with it. :) So go have some fun!

Item Equipping - Temporary Maintenance
Posted by JT_ on Jul 13, 2010 12:31 am
Just wanted to post a brief note letting you all know that I am taking down the ability to equip an item to and/or remove an item from your Puma.

This should be a brief downtime while I perform some maintenance. I'll let you all know when it is back up again later tonight. :)

Update Regarding Image Generation
Posted by JT_ on Jul 08, 2010 10:50 am
I just wanted to officially address a couple of issues people are having:

1). White Lines Around Items

I'm aware of this issue and have found a fix for it. :) Just fine tuning and making sure it's still a FAST solution. So never fear-- we'll get these white lines eradicated this week!

2). When Equipping Items, Image Disappears

This one is a bit more "tricksy" so I am doing some experimenting. If you DO come up with an image that just won't refresh, feel free to just click on his/her name at the top of the Profile page to reset the image. Manual reset like this will work. (If it still doesn't work, please head over to the Bugs forum and let me know! There are a couple of related topics there that would be appropriate for posting.)

Hope this helps. :) Didn't want you guys to think we'd leave you in the lurch!

Also, check out the July TE Items below!

July TE Items!
Posted by JT_ on Jul 07, 2010 12:07 am
July's TE Items have arrived! :) Huge thanks to Kip for this lovely set:

Inkstar Boots [ 3 TE ]

Inkstar Gloves [ 2 TE ]

Also, and FYI for you all: the June TE Items will be increasing in price TOMORROW around this time. So this is your last chance to grab them for 3 TE and 2 TE. :)

Summery Environment :)
Posted by JT_ on Jul 02, 2010 8:34 pm
Just a quick message to wish you all a great weekend, whether you are celebrating a holiday or not! :)

To help make your Pumas a bit more summery, there is a new White Seashells environment stocking in the Environment shop. :)

Here is a preview:


Image Generation - Better Than Ever!
Posted by JT_ on Jun 30, 2010 11:47 pm
I just finished implementing a brand new image generation system that is better, faster, and creates more optimized images. :)

What this means for you?

• Faster Puma Demo!
• Faster Image Resets!
• Faster Transformation Previews!
• Faster Custom Previews!

You shouldn't see any changes to your Puma when you refresh. :) The appearance remains unchanged. So if you DO notice a weird issue, please let me know!

(The only difference is currently in the lineart on pure black Pumas-- since the Lineart itself is "black", it currently does not show on pure black. Working on a possible fix for this, but the pros outweigh this one small "con" by a LONG shot!)


Project Wonderful
Posted by JT_ on Jun 29, 2010 11:11 pm
You may have noticed that we now have a small banner in the footer of our pages. This is Project Wonderful, which is a ad service that we have signed up for. :)

Don't worry-- there won't be any crazy flashing ads all over the place. We are going to monitor the ads and see how it all works out, but we never intend to "spam" you all with noise, flashing, and "expandable" ads.

It should be unobtrusive, but if you see an ad that is problematic, gives you errors, or is just plain inappropriate-- please notify a staff member and we will get it taken care of. :)

Nickname Changing Item
Posted by JT_ on Jun 28, 2010 8:56 pm
I've now added a new item to our TE Shop called a Nickname Eclipse. :)

This item will allow you to change your Nickname (not Login Name) to something different of your choosing. The new Nickname will still have to follow our Terms of Service as well as meet the following criteria:

• Not already being used by another account (Nicknames must be unique)
• At least 2 characters, one of which must be alphanumeric (A-Z or 0-9)
• Only alphanumeric (A-Z, 0-9), underscore (_), period (.), or space ( ) characters

This item is for one use only and is fairly expensive (20 TE). Your Nickname is a bit of "who you are" on P3 and should remain unchanged if at all possible. Sometimes, however, people do change their online persona and thus their name changes-- which is why we have added an item like this. :)

If you have a spelling error or typo in your Nickname, however, that is something that can be fixed on a case-by-case basis. So please do contact a staff member if you have run into this problem!


Some Site Maintenance
Posted by JT_ on Jun 26, 2010 2:48 pm
Hi everyone!

We're doing some site maintenance this weekend which may result in some downtime. It could just be a brief few minutes, or might end up a couple of hours. :)

So we just wanted you to be aware that if the site is down for a period of time, there is no reason to panic!

The best place to find info if you notice downtime is either the Twitter account or the Facebook page:

We also have a temporary forum, which you can also visit:


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