News Announcements

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The Danse is Coming...
Posted by JT_ on Oct 19, 2010 3:18 pm
P3's annual Danse Macabre begins this weekend, on Sunday the 24th!

Are you ready for the fun? :D

Also, I've had a couple bug reports regarding the new For Sale Den. I'll be tackling these bugs tonight-- thank you very much for reporting them!

And we are back!
Posted by JT_ on Oct 17, 2010 5:19 pm
All righty. :) The new For Sale Den code is ready to go.

As a reminder of what the changes are:

• You may only have *max* of 50 Pumas priced for sale in your For Sale Den

• You may only have a *max* of 100 Pumas total in your For Sale Den-- this includes Pumas that are currently priced for sale and Pumas that are waiting and have not yet been priced

• If you had more than 50 Pumas priced for sale, all your Pumas above the 50 allowed have been moved to your Private Back Den. Their pricing info should still be listed in their For Sale Options page.

• If you had more than 100 Pumas total in your for sale den (priced and non-priced), all Pumas above the 100 allowed have been moved to your Private Back Den.

Let me know if you run into any flukes! The new error messages when setting prices and moving to the For Sale Den should be descriptive.

Maintenance Beginning
Posted by JT_ on Oct 17, 2010 4:53 pm
Our brief maintenance is now beginning. I will be logging out all users for about 30 mins to an hour. Thanks for your patience!
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Posted by JT_ on Oct 17, 2010 3:13 pm
Luckily, my Internet is finally back! Saturday at 5 AM didn't end up happening, nor did their second time around 3 PM. It's back and working now however. :)

That means I can finally install our new For Sale Den scripts.

I am going to take P3 down for maintenance around 4 PM Puma Time (in approximately 50 mins).

I expect the installation of the new scripts to take 30 mins to an hour, just so I can make sure everything is all hunky-dory. :)

You will not be able to login during this time-- you'll see an error message letting you know that we are performing some brief maintenance. :)

Thanks for your patience everyone!

New Markings!
Posted by JT_ on Oct 15, 2010 12:02 am
This month we have quite a few new markings for you all. :) They are all themed towards the Danse Macabre!

Head to the Puma Demo to check out:

• Articulation
• Haunted
• Diametric
• Harlequin

Diametric and Harlequin are meant to work both as a pair or separately. :) Some really, really awesome options here!

Thanks to Mo and Quad for these!

The Danse Macabre will begin on October 24th! Are you ready?

REMINDER: In approximately 24 hours I will be implementing the new For Sale Den system. :) Thanks very much for cleaning up your dens! I've been hearing a lot of positive comments about Pumas being sold! I may be taking down P3 for 20-30 minutes tomorrow night when I make the changes so we don't run into any database issues, but I will give you all fair notice. :)

EDIT: It looks like my Internet is down at home. Unfortunately, Verizon says they will hope to have it fixed by 5 AM Saturday morning (which is 8 AM Puma Time and over 12 hours away). I am going to have to wait until tomorrow to do the changes for the For Sale Den, since they will require working Internet!

Edited: 10-15-2010 05:33 pm

What is 42?
Posted by PhantomFire on Oct 13, 2010 6:03 pm
It could be the answer to the meaning of life.. Or to some other profound question we do not recall.

But for P3, 42 is the Puma Overflow Account. This account is made to help members keep excess pumas from cluttering up their prides. These are pumas that have been bred, which are no longer wanted and cannot be portaled or sold. It is a place to send these pumas so they remain in lineage, but do not overwhelm your own account.

To understand how to surrender excess pumas to the Overflow Account, please read this short informative guide on the subject. How to Use the Overflow Account

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Sales Den Changes
Posted by JT_ on Oct 10, 2010 7:47 pm
In order to help Pumas retain their value, we are making a couple of changes to the way the For Sale Den works. The changes are as follows:

• A maximum of 50 Pumas can be priced For Sale at any one time (these are the Pumas located in the For Sale Den that have prices set and are purchasable by other users).

• A maximum of 100 Pumas can be located in the For Sale Den at any one time (this includes the 50 currently priced). If you have 50 Pumas priced for sale, this means you can also have 50 Pumas waiting without a price set (for a total of 100 Pumas).

In addition, the For Sale Options page for each Puma will make it clearer as to the current status of the Puma (whether it is in the For Sale Den or not, and whether it is currently purchasable or not). If you try to move a Puma to a For Sale Den that is full, you'll get a descriptive error message so you know what is going on. :)

These changes will go live the evening of Friday October 15th (after 8 PM Puma Time). This will give everyone 5 days to reorganize their For Sale Den to fit within these new guidelines. :)

On Friday the 15th, I will be running scripts to remove Pumas from sale and from the For Sale Den. No Pumas will be lost, obviously! Any Pumas that go beyond the new limits will be placed into your Private Back Den. If you have less than 50 Pumas for sale, and less than 100 Pumas in your For Sale Den, your Pumas will not be moved.

We strongly encourage you to go through your For Sale Den and reorganize! If Pumas have been around for a long time and are still unsold, we urge you to make use of the Portal. :) That is what it's there for, afterall!

If you want to Portal some Pumas that have been bred (and cannot do so due to the Portalling rules of having no Offspring), please send them to Account #42 which is our Official Puma Overflow account.

Thanks everyone! This change should help P3 retain the value of Pumas, so that we don't have tons of cheapo, under-valued Pumas just sitting around in For Sale Dens. :) We want the market for Puma Sales to be sustainable, which is good for P3 and all of our users.

EDIT: Oh, and I was just reminded that if you are sending any Pumas to Account #42, PLEASE read this post on the forums to make sure you are naming them correctly: CLICK HERE. Thank you!

Edited: 10-11-2010 11:20 am

Poll Closing:
Posted by PhantomFire on Oct 09, 2010 9:17 am
Sunday October 10th will be the last day to make your opinion count!

Make sure you vote! Poll here!
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Posted by JT_ on Oct 08, 2010 3:29 am
The Enviro-Collector has some new environments hiding in her bag! You should go take a looksie. ;)

Also, she told me she ran out of a few, or maybe it was they got lost in the bag... so much going on in there! Either way, these ones are now retired and will no longer be given away by our lovely Enviro-Collector:

• Coffee Stain
• Underwater Garden
• Blast Zone
• Deep Woods
• Rough Jungle
• Blue Arch


October 2010 TE Items!
Posted by JT_ on Oct 05, 2010 9:30 pm
October's TE items have arrived. :D Thanks to Mo for creating this lovely set!

You can buy them separately, but they also fit together if worn by the same Puma. :)

Isis Collar [ 3 TE ]

Lotus Pendant [ 2 TE ]

Other Important Info:
• September TE items will increase in price the evening of October 7th. This is the Rainstorm and Silverstorm.
• August TE items will be removed the evening of October 8th. This is the Watersplash and the Leafchanger Cape.

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