News Announcements

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Danse Macabre
Posted by PhantomFire on Nov 03, 2010 10:16 pm
As the Danse winds down and the pumas stagger home wearily after all the festivities, I'd like to take a moment to THANK our amazing staff who helped bring the Danse together.

First and foremost JT, who makes our magic happen through her coding know how. JT you amaze me, always.

Next to the artists who are without question the most wonderfully dedicated people Ive had the pleasure of knowing.

Quadricat #74
Mo # 137
Allira #8
Mac #73
A special thank you to Tobyana #127 for her lovely "stargazer" Petite.

And then to the P3 staff of Mods and Guides who are always there for a person in need, to help out, to lend a hand and to make sure all members have a fun and pleasant experience here. You guys ROCK.

Lastly, but MOST importantly a huge thank you to all of the members. We loved bringing Danse to you all this year cause you guys make it worth while.
Thank you for joining us and keeping the spirit of generosity and giving alive on this site.

Danse will be closing in about two hours so remember to get in the last of your items and door knocking now! Danse will be back next year with all new items and fun!

:: pumas stagger off tossing booty bags to all on their way home::::

Edited: because Alex cannot type his own NAME without typoing it.

Edited: 11-03-2010 10:27 pm

One Day left!
Posted by PhantomFire on Nov 03, 2010 12:35 am
At midnight Nov 4th Danse will be over until next year.
All the Costume Trunks will be gone, never to be sold again. Many of the costume packages will be gone forever as well! You can check which on this thread Items for Danse 2010 any item with a "10" in the lower right corner will never be returning as a buyable from P3, only from other members. So, get yours now and plan ahead!

Remember we have many more things upcoming in November for you so join us daily so you don't miss out!

And, what's that? The pumas want everyone to have ANOTHER booty bag!! Hooray!

Posted by PhantomFire on Nov 02, 2010 4:28 pm
What is this? A booty bag for us?? Yes, all active since Nov 1st 12:01 am have a Surprise in inventory! Make sure you stay active throughout the rest of Danse as we will be sending a few more goodies out!

Contest is now closed!
Posted by PhantomFire on Nov 01, 2010 12:15 am
We had less winners than I'd prepared for so I'm going to award all the prize ( 8 instead of a randomized 5 )

Congrats you guys! Enjoy your new petite!


Yam McYam #2671

shadow #167

Francesca #3447

pirran #111

Daniboo #938

Sunblind #710

Dragonara #7

MsBee #2384

Posted by PhantomFire on Oct 31, 2010 5:24 pm
Remember to enter the Danse Contest! You have until midnight. Even if you do not get the right answer EVERYONE gets a prize for entering! So it is worth it! Winners will be announced tonight at midnight puma time!

Click here

Also Remember to knock on doors on peoples profiles every hour! You can get toys, candy, collectible items. Many will never be seen on P3 again so grab them while you can! Danse Macabre Ends November 3rd at 11:59 PM so get everything you can now!

We hope you all are having fun... Enjoy the Danse!

EDIT BY JT: Hey everyone! I just added an autumn-themed environment to the Environment shop. :) It's a rare one, so see if you can catch it! mwahaha! (no worries, it will stick around after the Danse!) Thanks Alli for creating this lovely piece. :)

Edited: 10-31-2010 06:15 pm

Posted by PhantomFire on Oct 31, 2010 12:06 am
Have a look and feel free to give it a go!

Click here
Commenting Disabled

Reminder: Danse Macabre
Posted by PhantomFire on Oct 30, 2010 7:28 pm
The Danse is almost over! Remember to grab all the lovely items that were released for Danse this year! Many will never be returning to P3 again!

The Costume Trunks, and Packaged costumes will be a great investment later so Stock up now!

Items will be removed at 11:59 PM Puma time on November 3rd so stock up now!

We have a few more surprises in store so, We hope everyone is having a great time thus far!

Danse Macabre 2010 - October 24th - November 3rd
Posted by JT_ on Oct 24, 2010 12:02 am
Happy Danse Macabre everyone!

We've reached one of our favorite times of the year on P3. :) Costumes, candy, and masquerade balls!

Yesterday we introduced a new type of item, Trunks, especially for our new costumes! In addition, another version of Trunks called Packages are also going to be available. :) Packages will be for sale for Puma Pence in the Costume Shop!

(They will be stocking soon!)

In addition to that, we also have a fun profile game for you all. :) The gifting stump will be available, AND there are some other events that our Top Cat will be sharing, too!

Almost all of the shops will be stocking fun themed items, so be sure to check them out. :) The items will be added over the next couple of hours, so if you don't see something right away, please check back!

There are 3 types of items that are being introduced during the Danse this year. Here is a cheat sheet:

1). Items that are introduced but are not Danse-specific and will continue to be available after the Danse ends. These items will not have an icon on their thumbnails.

2). Items that are for the 2010 Danse ONLY. These items will have a thumbnail icon that says "10" as well as [ Danse Macabre 2010 ] in their descriptions.

3). Items that will only be available during the Danse Macabre but are not limited to 2010. These item will have a thumbnail icon as well as [ Danse Macabre ] in their descriptions.

I hope that will help you guys figure out your collections, etc. :)

Special New Items - Trunks!
Posted by JT_ on Oct 23, 2010 3:24 am
Just in time for the Danse Macabre, we have added a brand new type of item to P3. :)

These items are called Trunks. They are openable-- and inside is a complete set of items! Instead of receiving only one random item, you will receive all the items inside. :) Read the description on each trunk to see what is included.

To celebrate the macabre season, we have 5 Costume Trunks for sale in the TE Items Shop. :)

Black Phantom

Red Phantom




(No worries, we will have some costume sets for PP as well when the Danse begins!)

Thanks to Quad and Mo for these lovely items!

EDIT: There was a question as to how long these will be available. These 5 are for the Danse Macabre only, so they will be available until November 3rd when the Danse ends. :)

Edited: 10-23-2010 02:19 pm

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