News Announcements

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New Outdoor Scenery
Posted by JT_ on Sep 28, 2012 7:22 pm
Since it's now autumn, we thought it might be nice to release some autumn-y outdoor items.

Check out A Change of Scenery for some fun new decor and skies to complete your autumn background.

Here are just a handful of samples-- there are a bunch more to find!


Welcome to Autumn!
Posted by JT_ on Sep 22, 2012 12:00 am
Does the air feel crisp and cool to you yet? Any leaves falling?

Well, maybe not just yet... but Autumn has indeed arrived! :)

Be sure to do a hard refresh (F5 or cmd-R) to see our new background for the fall!

New Shop: Frame & Fortune
Posted by JT_ on Sep 20, 2012 3:14 pm
Just a quick announcement to let you know that a new Site Shop has opened, called Frame & Fortune. You might have guessed-- Frames now have their own shop separated from Environments!

It should begin stocking soon. :)


Birthday Raffle - THE WINNERS!
Posted by JT_ on Sep 19, 2012 7:41 pm
Congratulations to our Grand Birthday Raffle winners! :) Per the rules, the winners were randomly chosen from the eligible entries. Here are our lucky users...

5th PRIZE - 2 TE

Spring #1310!

4th PRIZE - 2 TE

Dogsbat #5816


AshDizzle #1204


Jaguara #9409


Nethralia #3121

And.... wait a minute, what do we have here?? Oh, it is a special surprise drawing of only users who joined us for the chat announcement! :) We randomly choose a name to win an Orb of Mystery!

The winner is: MsBee #2384!

A huge congrats to all the winners! Thanks to everyone for entering. :) We had fun reading through your entries to see what you liked best about P3!

(Prizes will be distributed to the winners shortly!)

Live Chat Raffle Announcement!
Posted by JT_ on Sep 19, 2012 6:53 pm
Don't forget! In about 8 minutes we will be starting our Raffle Winners announcement in our Live Chat!

Be there or be square :D
Commenting Disabled

Talk Like a Pirate Day 2012
Posted by JT_ on Sep 19, 2012 12:48 pm
Hoist yer grog to pirates and send those survy land lubbers to the brig!

Ahoy! Today be Talk Like a Pirate Day!


Arrrrrrr we be flyin' the Jolly Pumer on this here ship!

There be some new plunder found in A Change of Scenery. Arrrrrrr! And for any o' you bilge rats lookin' for pirate lingo, check here.

Birthday Celebration has come to an end! (Awwwwww)
Posted by JT_ on Sep 19, 2012 12:00 am
A huge thanks to all of our users for making this a great birthday! P3 users are the best! :)

The Raffle is now closed to entries. There will be a live drawing of the winners Wednesday September 19th at 7:00 PM Puma Time! Join us in the live chat!

Thanks again, and we hope you had a great week!

(Arrrrrr... another announcement later in the morning me hearties...)

Last Day - Birthday Celebration
Posted by JT_ on Sep 18, 2012 12:34 pm
These are the last 11 hours of our birthday celebration. We hope you all have enjoyed the fun so far. :)

The Raffle closes tonight at 11:59 PM Puma Time! So be sure you get your entries in by clicking and posting HERE!

The Raffle winners will be announced tomorrow (Sept. 19th) around 7:00 PM Puma Time. :)

Also note: tomorrow is Talk Like a Pirate Day!

YUM! Cupcakes!
Posted by JT_ on Sep 17, 2012 5:29 pm
The Cakery Bakery is stocking a few new gourmet cupcakes, thanks to Tobyana! Yum!



We're down to the last day or so of our birthday celebration! Don't forget to keep playing the profile game to win awesome prizes. :D

Have you entered the birthday raffle yet? Click here!


September 2012 - Markings & Paradigms
Posted by JT_ on Sep 15, 2012 2:45 pm
We hope everyone is enjoying the birthday celebration so far! :D

Today is the 15th, so we have a couple of Markings and Paradigms to release. Thank you to Yam and Quad for these treats!

• Dama Dama
• Gavia

• Green Satin Ripples
• Shadow Satin Ripples

They should now be live for all Custom creation, Splatter, and the Demos of course! Enjoy!

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