News Announcements

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Breeding Challenge Showcase-- Now Available!
Posted by JT_ on May 09, 2013 5:15 pm
If you check under THE REALM menu on the left, you will see a new link: BREEDING CHALLENGES.

Right now, this link will lead you to the results from our first P3 Breeding Challenge! Obviously this feature will grow as we have more challenges. :)

Thanks again for your entries and congrats to the winners!

Geek Month: Re-release Day!
Posted by JT_ on May 09, 2013 1:42 pm
Today we have a re-release of one of our Geek Month standards-- Alien Antennae!

Check the Costume Shop to grab 'em!
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Geek Month: Comic/Manga Release Day!
Posted by JT_ on May 08, 2013 4:30 pm
Our new set of comics and manga have been released! Head over to Buy the Book to see what's new. :)

Also, anyone active since May 1st has received a Staff Ceremonial Fez! :D Enjoy!

P3 Breeding Challenge #1 - THE WINNERS!
Posted by JT_ on May 07, 2013 5:06 pm
It is the moment you have all been waiting for! Our first P3 Breeding Challenge ended last week with a bunch of AWESOME entries. Everyone spent time and effort, and it showed! Deciding the winners was quite difficult, since every entry had a special "something" that helped it to stand out. The theme for this first challenge was "spring gardens", and we had a nice array of interpretations! Great job everyone. Truly kudos to all of you for your breeding success!

In deciding the winners, our panel of judges agreed that we saw the progressions, from starting to final entry, as a spring rebirth. Each of the winners went from an extreme of winter with their starting Pumas, into the blooms of spring with their Final Entry Pumas. Whether it be flowers just pushing through the soil to herald the start of spring, or fully blooming and full of color and life, all of the winners made us glad that cold winter will soon be over! Spring blossoms are on their way!

In Third Place...

We have oryx (#7669) with the following final entry Puma (click for the full image and Puma profile!):


In Second Place...

We have crazy cat (#6022) with the following final entry Puma:



Billy The Kid (#7312) with the following final entry Puma:


Huge congrats to all of our winners! Bravo!

• The Winner of the Challenge will be awarded: 1 Opal Orb and the Winner's Profile Trophy
• Second place will be awarded: an April or May TE Item of their choosing and a 2nd Place Profile Trophy
• Third place will be awarded: an April or May TE Item of their choosing and a 3rd Place Profile Trophy
• All participants will receive a Breeding Challenge Entry Badge for their Profile

Prizes, Trophies, and Participation Badges will be forthcoming! Thanks for your patience. :) And congratulations to our winners and all entrants! We will be creating a special page to showcase the Breeding Challenges, so look for that soon as well (I'll be sure to post in the news when it's uploaded for viewing).

Our next P3 Breeding Challenge will be announced on May 31st here in the news. :)

Geek Month: New Release!
Posted by JT_ on May 06, 2013 2:38 pm
To help you fight off your case of the Mondays, we have welcomed one of our favorite NPCs to show off his new skills. Can you find him? ;)

May 2013 TE Items
Posted by JT_ on May 05, 2013 12:00 am
Thanks to Quad and Yam for these awesomely geeky TE sets! We hope you enjoy them!


Shroomville [ 2 TE ]

This package contains the Shroomville set, which includes the following items: Pixel Field, Pixel Shroom, Pixel Fribble.


Off to See the Puma [ 3 TE ]

This package contains the Off to See the Puma set, which includes the following items: Ruby Slippers, Striped Stockings, Filmstrip, and Yellow Brick Road.


Also note that March TE Items will be removed from the TE Items Shop on the 8th. April TE Items will increase in price on the 8th. So grab 'em while you can!

Geek Month: May the 4th Be With You!
Posted by JT_ on May 04, 2013 12:00 am
That's right-- today is Star Wars Day!

[ The Imperial March plays over the P3 loudspeaker ]

To celebrate, we have a brand new Star Wars themed item for you all. What is it? You'll have to move your buns to find out...

The Laserswords from last year have also been re-released! Head over to Armed & Dangerous to grab all the colors!

Geek Month: Re-releases!
Posted by JT_ on May 03, 2013 12:24 pm
Today we take a breather from new items and re-release a couple of fun ones from previous Geek Months!

Check out the Boutique for our Black Horn-Rimmed Glasses and the Costume Shop for Fribble Deely Bobbers!

This weekend is going to have a LOT of releases, so take a quick break today and get ready! ;D

Geek Month: New Release!
Posted by JT_ on May 02, 2013 2:31 pm
We have a brand new release today... can you find them?

Your Pumas will have a super view!

Don't forget:
VOGON POETRY CONTEST! Are you the putrid blargraffle cambluffet?

• All Geek Month items will be available until June 15th! So that should give you plenty of time to collect them all. :)

Geek Month Begins! - Comic Book & Manga Release Day
Posted by JT_ on May 01, 2013 1:30 pm

This month is one of the most fun on P3. :) We spend the whole month on everything and anything "geeky". What does that mean? And why it is awesome to be a geek/nerd?

This past weekend, Wil Wheaton (you might know him from Star Trek: TNG, or from his newest show Tabletop, etc) created a video message to a fan's daughter about why it's awesome to be a nerd. You can watch the video here.

His main message is: It's not about what you love, it's about how you love it. Find the things that you love, and love them the most that you can. And don't let anyone ever tell you that you can't love those things.

Geek Month on P3 is about celebrating all those geeky things you love, whether it's science fiction, fantasy, Dr. Who, Star Trek, Star Wars, Game of Thrones, food and cooking, reading and books, science and astronomy and board games and animation and... you could keep going on and on! :)


Every weekday we will have a geeky release for you guys, and it will be announced here in the news, maybe with a little mysterious description to see if you can find it. ;) Some days will have some VERY special releases.... so be sure to check in daily so you don't miss anything!

Wednesday is Comic Book & Manga Release Day. We have some fun new stories for you today, so head over to Buy the Book to check them out!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Comics and Manga remain in the Buy the Book shop until the beginning of Geek Month the next year. This means that last year's comics and manga are retiring TODAY! Grab them while you can, because they will be gone after 11:59 PM Puma Time tonight.

EDIT: We also have a re-released item today, the Cyborg Monocle. Find it in the Boutique!


VOGON POETRY CONTEST! (curated by our snarfboogerest brenne!)

Geek Month should be celebrated by music, dancing (preferably the Mamushka), gifting...and yes...poetry. VOGON poetry.

So, all you creative writing hacks out there, let's see how lowwww you can goooo. The Grand Prize is a Sapphire orb and a kitten from any of Brenne’s custom pumas...your choice, outfitted with background and towel.

First prize is an emerald orb and a gen2 kitten from any of Brenne’s custom pumas, outfitted with a background and a towel.

Second prize is 2 TE and a gen2 kitten of your choice from any of Brenne’s custom pumas, outfitted with a towel.

Third prize is 1 TE and a gen2 kitten of your choice from any of Brenne’s custom pumas outfitted with a towel.

Honorable Mention prize is a Premium Token, plus a gen 2 kitten of your choice, from any of Brenne’s custom pumas outfitted with a towel.

All participants will receive a high gen puma from Brenne’s pride as well, also sporting a towel.

So get writing, and then get in the cue.

You may *snort, wince* Submit as many poems as you wish. Please, if you are going to use a poem that is so bad it doesn't need to be 'improved' vogon style, do not enter it as your submission, but just as a not so shining example of what bad poetry can do in the hands of the irresponsible. The contest shall continue to the end of the liquefy your brain and let it ooze out your ears into prose or verse.

As a public service, I shall post on the thread some previous winners and give you an example of what vogon poetry is supposed to be.

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