News Announcements

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Posted by JT_ on May 20, 2013 1:57 pm
Today's brand new item features some invaders... they look awfully familiar though, don't you think?

In addition, the Origami Unicorn can be found in Toys & Games, and our Staff Ceremonial Fez is now stocking for two days only in Pumani (will be removed sometime early afternoon May 22).

Don't forget to check for Monday Music Madness later today!

Posted by PhantomFire on May 20, 2013 12:01 am
Monday Music Madness will be posting in the late afternoon on Monday the 20th. Get your suggestions in!! And please post on the last Music Madness thread to win fun items!! NEW COOL and FUN STUFF COMING SOON!! Don't miss out!! Please check out the thread here Music Madness and post for cute exclusive prizes and submit your favorite music for more prizes! You cannot win.... if you do not play!!
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Geek Month: Crabby!
Posted by JT_ on May 17, 2013 12:37 pm
Today's new item is an activity gift for anyone active since May 10th! Look for the Gamer Crab in your inventory. :)

In addition, the Mutant Fribble has been re-released in the Petite Shop, and the UFO Toy is in Toys & Games. Enjoy!

Curious about that new Energy meter? Check the news post right below this one for the details!

Geek Month: Special New Release! Participate in the Open Beta!
Posted by JT_ on May 16, 2013 4:52 pm
Today we are starting an open beta for a new game on P3! What does open beta mean? Well, while we have tested this game pretty thoroughly, it's possible you may run into a few bugs and other minor issues. It's also possible, as we see people playing this new game, that we will make changes to how the game works. That is why we are calling it an open beta-- it's done and ready to go, but we need your help to be sure it's awesome!

If you DO notice a bug, it's extremely important that you either send me (JT #3) a PM with the information, or post in the Bugs area of our forum. We want to make sure to fix everything ASAP!

Welcome to the Dragn's Hoard!
It's a giant pile of coins and gold bits, collected by a dragn! (As we all know, dragns love shiny things and gold coins definitely apply.) But beware, there are dangers lurking in the form of traps! (More on this in a bit!)

The New Energy System
This game will also help us introduce a new system-- Energy & Gold Energy! In order to play Dragn's Hoard, you will have to spend some of your Energy. At midnight every day, all users receive a FULL refill of Energy. For normal user accounts, this is 40 Energy. For Premium accounts, it is 80 Energy. Think of this Energy meter as a daily freebie that you can spend, but you cannot keep it. If you don't spend it all, it will disappear when the next full refill comes.

In addition to the Energy, we also have Gold Energy. Gold Energy does NOT get reset every night-- think of it as your own personal stash that you can keep, similar to Puma Pence and Tiger Eyes. This is why it starts off at zero. There will be items you can use to increase your Gold Energy (you'll see!). Gold Energy is ONLY spent if you run out of the free daily Energy when trying to click on a coin. There will be no warning that you are using Gold Energy (other than your Energy meter being on zero), so keep that in mind when you are playing!

You will notice there is now an Energy Meter in your Currency area at the top left (it should be a nice purple bar). Over the course of the day, as you spend your Energy to play, your Energy meter will go down.

Every hour, your Energy Meter will increase by 2 so long as you have not hit your Max Energy (40 for normal or 80 for premium). So for example, if your max energy is 80 and you spend it down to 70-- over the next 5 hours, your Energy will increase by 2 until you hit 80 again (or if midnight comes around and your Energy is refilled to 80 automatically).

NOW-- onto the actual game play!

There is a HUGE grid filled with gold coins. The object of the game is to uncover as many of those coins as you can, in order to find the prizes hidden under them. Who doesn't love prizes?? :D

Dragn's Hoard is similar to Minesweeper, but also incredibly different at the same time. You can play Dragn's Hoard with as much or as little strategy as you like, so it is not quite as punishing! You will NEVER hit a game over, until YOU decide to start a fresh grid. Hopefully you will find that no matter your skill level, you can have fun and win some prizes.

The HOW TO PLAY information below is also on the game page itself, so you can reference it at any time.


To begin your game, you can click on any Gold Coin (hoard_coin_gold.png) on the grid. So many options!

Once you have clicked your starting Coin, you are able to move to another Coin on the grid. This Coin must be directly adjacent to your current Coin (colored green). If you move to an unvisited Gold Coin (hoard_coin_gold.png), it will cost 2 Energy. If you move to a previously visited White or Black Coin (hoard_coin_white.pnghoard_coin_black.png), it will cost 1 Energy (yes, you can backtrack to visit another path!).

Your current location Coin is marked with a hoard_coin_black_current.png Green Coin.

Traps exist on the board, and the heat map will give you an approximate idea of how many moves away a trap could be from your visited coins. If you stumble upon a trap, ALL the coins in a radius around the trap will be immediately destroyed (they will turn into Black Coins). A Red square indicates you are within a radius of 1 from the Trap; an Orange square indicates you are within a radius of 2 from the Trap. The heat map will only take into account "hidden" traps-- not any that you have already sprung!

hoard_coin_gold.png - This coin is unvisited. Who knows what awaits beneath it?
hoard_coin_white.png - This coin has been visited, and you received a prize!
hoard_coin_black.png - This coin has been visited, and was completely empty. It also indicates a coin blackened by a Trap explosion.
hoard_trap.png - An exploded Trap! You cannot click on these, since it is much too dangerous.

Puma Pence, items, and some surprises... The only way to find out is to play!

At any time, you can choose to reset your hoard and start a new game. This costs 5 Energy. Your current hoard will be completely erased, and you will be presented with a brand new grid full of Gold Coins.

Want to play? CLICK HERE!!!! or check out the GAMES page!

New Markings, Evolutions, & Paradigms - May 2013
Posted by JT_ on May 15, 2013 8:47 pm
Time to release our new Markings, Evolutions, and Paradigms for May! It has been a while since we saw a new Evolution, and this month we have 2!

Big thanks to Quad and Yam for these!

• Annu [ SAMPLE ]

• Pterois Dorsal Fin [ SAMPLE ]
• Pterois Pectoral Fin [ SAMPLE ]

• Jade Stone
• Lapis Lazuli Stone
• Marble Stone

All are now available for the Custom Demo, Custom Creation, and Utilities.

Geek Month: Comic & Manga Release Day!
Posted by JT_ on May 15, 2013 2:25 pm
We have new issues of our comic series, as well as a brand new Manga for you today! Check out Buy the Book to find them. :)

In addition, Catnip City has been re-released. You will find this item in the Environments Shop.

Enjoy everyone!
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Geek Month: Dark and Stormy...
Posted by JT_ on May 14, 2013 2:26 pm
Today's new release brings us back to a time of dark alleys in big cities, crime and corruption around every corner...

Can you find it?

(Don't forget to read the news post below this regarding Monday Music Madness!)

Music Madness
Posted by PhantomFire on May 14, 2013 2:03 pm
The next posting date will be May 20th! So sorry for the confusion, it's been crazy here at my house due to renovations, work crews dust, paint, plaster. It's difficult to do much when I have to keep leaving the house so I can breathe! They tell me this too shall pass!

Very sorry everyone! Please check out the last M3 news post and Get your entries in for next week! Theme: FOOD!!!!!

Geek Month: Crime Fightin'!
Posted by JT_ on May 13, 2013 12:27 pm
Today is a re-release day-- but of a whole slew of Crime Fightin' items!

Check out the Costume Shop for our Crime Fightin' Boot Shorts, Gloves, and Super Slippers in a variety of colors:

Baddy Black
Bodacious Blue
Creamy Dreamy
Groovy & Green
Manhunting Magenta
O-mazing Orange
Rascal Red!

Geek Month: Mysteriouser and mysteriouser...
Posted by JT_ on May 10, 2013 2:20 pm
There are a bunch of new items for you today, but is this clue enough for you to find them?! It's a mystery!

In addition, the Energy Pistol toy has returned to Toys & Games. PEW PEW PEW!

(All items released last week are now in the Item Demo and Item Search where applicable!)

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