News Announcements

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Chat Raffle to be announced this evening
Posted by PhantomFire on Mar 17, 2014 3:42 pm
at 8PM Puma time. Until then if you have not had a chance to join the chat, make sure you go to Facebook, LIKE Pocket Puma Pets and SHARE the latest status on your wall! You will get your name entered into the raffle! Those who did attend chat can do this as well for an extra entry!!

Use the Facebook button at the bottom right of the page to find our FB page and join in!!

March 2014 - Paradigms
Posted by JT_ on Mar 15, 2014 12:29 pm
It's mid-March, and we have some new Paradigms for you. The main theme of this month is fur, fur and more fur!

(Okay, and some stained glass in case you don't like fur. ;))

• Calico
• Dilute Calico
• Tortoiseshell
• Dilute Tortoiseshell
• Autumn Stained Glass

All are now available in Demos, Custom Creation, and Utilities! Thanks Yam and Quad!

Don't forget about the Saturday Evening Live Chat!

Saturday Evening Live Chat!
Posted by PhantomFire on Mar 15, 2014 12:11 pm
March 15th, Saturday at 3PM Puma time and again at 8 PM puma time we will be hosting Saturday evening live in our Chat rooms!

Topic tonight is: "Pumas that go bump in the night"
Tonight we will be discussing strange happenings! Ghosts? UFOs? Chupacabras? Shadow people? Is any of it real? Do we fool ourselves into believing its real or. is it a legend too tantalizing to die?
All you need to do is participate! That is, not simply show up but actually join in the conversation and chat! It's that simple.

Can't wait to see you all there!!

* To get to the chat complex click on "community> chat complex> follow directions and click the link at the VERY bottom of the page!"

REMEMBER.. P3 is NEUTRAL. We do NOT discuss POLITICS, RELIGION, SUICIDE, ABORTION or RACIAL ISSUES in CHAT. Remember our membership includes many people from all walks of life. Be kind and considerate. Thanks!

Happy Pi Day!
Posted by JT_ on Mar 14, 2014 12:26 pm
An Apple Pi has been sent out to all users active in the last week. :)

It is also stocking in the Cakery Bakery as well! Enjoy!

New Feature - Choose your Site Style!
Posted by JT_ on Mar 13, 2014 12:24 pm
There is a new feature added to the Account Options/Settings page (YOU -> OPTIONS).

You can now choose which site style you want to use while browsing P3!

The default is "Site Default", which means your site style will change with events/seasons as it does right now. :) So if you like that, you don't need to make any changes and your site style will continue to change automatically.

Other options in the drop down list include all of our current seasonal styles, as well as some older "archived" styles that are no longer actively being used.

We will be adding more styles in the future, but for now, enjoy! :)

NOTE: You may need to do a hard refresh in your web browser to see the change if you choose something other than "Site Default". Browsers will cache and store style information, so to reset it you can follow the information here:

If after a hard refresh, you are noticing a page that does not appear to have changed, please send me a PM with the URL! There could be a bug. :)

Hey Folks!!
Posted by PhantomFire on Mar 12, 2014 9:59 am
With the coming of the newsletter we will also be doing P3 "Spotlights".
What are spotlights you say? This is where you get to nominate friends, displays, pumas that you think are worthy of a mention in the newsletter. The people showcased will be given a spot in the newsletter, you will also get mentioned and .. who knows what else? :)

Do you want to suggest someone?
Go here: Click me!

Is there a puma you think is awesome? Go here: Click me too!

How about a fun display? Then go here! : Clickie Clickie!

Let's get those thinking caps on and get the suggestions going!!

Also, We are looking for short stories and poems, writing, art, anything creative! Do you have something for the newsletter? Go here: Click this link too! and show us your stuff!

Anyone wishing to write for the newsletter or help gather fun facts and things should contact me directly here at acct #1!

Edited: 03-12-2014 10:00 am

Saturday Evening Live Chat!
Posted by PhantomFire on Mar 08, 2014 1:31 pm
March 8th, Saturday at 3PM Puma time and again at 8 PM puma time we will be hosting Saturday evening live in our Chat rooms!

Topic tonight is: "Music that we love"
Tonight we will be discussing our favorites. Please bring some to share!!
All participating members will have their names placed in the monthly raffle pot. From that pot several winners will be picked each month to win an Opal Orb, Or a Sapphire Orb, or a Premium idol.
All you need to do is participate! That is, not simply show up but actually join in the conversation and chat! It's that simple.

Can't wait to see you all there!!

* To get to the chat complex click on "community> chat complex> follow directions and click the link at the VERY bottom of the page!"

REMEMBER.. P3 is NEUTRAL. We do NOT discuss POLITICS, RELIGION, SUICIDE, ABORTION or RACIAL ISSUES in CHAT. Remember our membership includes many people from all walks of life. Be kind and considerate. Thanks!

Commenting Disabled

1 day left!
Posted by PhantomFire on Mar 07, 2014 1:41 pm
for the new Mobile Chat app trial. DO we keep it? DO you like it! Let us know!

Pumatopia Gazette - New Email Newsletter!
Posted by JT_ on Mar 07, 2014 12:44 pm
We are going to be starting up a monthly email newsletter for P3. :) Newzy Puma was really excited cause he has been wanting to do this for a while, but he didn't have access to a printing press!

There will be featured forum threads, fun games, awesome Puma features, spotlight interviews, and more! The newsletter will be sent 1-2 times per month. We will figure out the exact schedule once things get into motion. :) If you have any suggestions for things you'd like to see in the newsletter, PLEASE LET US KNOW! You can reply here or post in Ideas & Suggestions on the forum.

You will need to subscribe to the newsletter to receive it-- we will not be automatically adding you! The link can be found on your INDEX page (in the Control Panel there is a Pumatopia Gazette link). You can also go directly to your Account Options (YOU -> OPTIONS).

Your P3 data should be automatically added to the subscription form when you click on the subscribe link. :)


(Just a note for anyone concerned about privacy of your email information-- we are using a 3rd party service called MailChimp that handles all of the newsletter sending! So you will not be "CC'd" or "BCC'd" on a HUGE mailing list. :) )

March 2014 - TE Items
Posted by JT_ on Mar 05, 2014 3:35 pm
Has spring already sprung? Pumas are itchy to show off some green! Take a look at March's TE items from Jamie. :)


Emerald Accessories [ 3 TE ]

This package contains the following: Emerald Feather Boa and Emerald Cascade Necklace


Emerald Mountain Shield & Dagger [ 2 TE ]


Both sets are now available in the TE Items Shop (SHOPPING -> TE ITEMS SHOP), the Item Demo, and the Item Search! Enjoy everyone!

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