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Summer Solstice 2014: June 21-24
Posted by JT_ on Jun 21, 2014 12:00 am
It's time for our Summer of Fun to begin! We have a TON of new stuff scheduled for summer 2014, and our Summer Solstice Festival will kick it all off! :)

We decided to extend the festival to 4 days this year, so everyone will have one extra day! Woohoo!

Summer means beaches, BBQs, backyard pools, vacations, and beautiful outdoor weather! (OK, you may have to contend with some extreme heat and humidity... but that is what water and air conditioning are for, right?!).


Site Layout Style: If you are using "Site Default" as your layout style choice, you should notice our summer style! Bright orange and magenta to get you in a vibrant summery mood.

Bounce Beach Balls: Clicking on user profiles once per hour will net you some awesome prizes!

Gifting Stump: As always, our trusty Gifting Stump is available to send gifts to fellow users.

Fun New Items: We have a bunch of new items, both in the profile click game AND in the Site Shops! Be sure to check them out.

Summer TE Item: We found some Candy Glitterwings while clearing out the Puma Attic! They are now for sale until August 21st in the TE Items Shop for 2 TE. :)

Retiring Items: WOOHOO! No older retiring items during this festival. :) But as usual, anything marked "2014" (with a 14 in the corner of the image thumbnail) will only be available for this year's festival so be sure to grab 'em!

We hope you enjoy the festival! :)
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Kami Mi Ke NekoJun 21, 2014 8:28 am
woo hoo! The festival of my birthday! My favorite! :D Gotta get me one of those zabeths, so, so pretty you guys. :D

Internal PantharaJun 22, 2014 2:44 am
wooohooo! *goes to jump in the pool and realizes she has no pool to jump in. lol Ah well, at least I have an imaginary pool to play in with my pumas.
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