News Announcements

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November 2014: New Premium Gift Available
Posted by JT_ on Nov 01, 2014 12:00 am
EDIT: You should now be able to get November's Gift! Sorry about that! If you already clicked once, you will need to re-click to get the package again.

A brand new month has arrived, which means we also have a new Premium Gift!


This Premium Gift is available until the end of the month for all upgraded users. Head to your Index Control Panel to accept this month's gift whenever you are ready! Don't forget to open it and see what is inside. :)

Not yet Premium? CLICK HERE for more details, or head to the TE Items Shop to buy an upgrade item! Enjoy!

Edited: 11-01-2014 11:46 am

Breed Update: Cheetah
Posted by JT_ on Oct 30, 2014 2:43 pm
Our Cheetah has had a bit of a facelift, courtesy of our artist Yam. :) These updates are similar to those received by the Lynx and Wushi.

The Cheetah now has a more realistic shading and fur texture! The shape has not changed, so you shouldn't see any issues with Markings and Wearables.

You should now be able to reset your Cheetah images and see their new art! :) Enjoy! EDIT: If you have not viewed your Puma in a 30+ days, it will automatically reset the image when viewed!

Please send me a message if you notice any issues. :)

NOTE: The Wushi still has some items that need to be updated due to their new facial structure. Sorry for the delay!

Edited: 10-30-2014 03:18 pm

And We're Back!
Posted by JT_ on Oct 30, 2014 11:45 am
Sorry for the downtime everyone! The hosting company had some scheduled maintenance today, but gave us the impression it would be quick.

Turns out, things took longer than they expected!

Thanks for your patience. :) I've sent out a couple booty bags to anyone active in the last 24 hours to make up for the downtime!

Back by popular demand......
Posted by PhantomFire on Oct 27, 2014 10:47 am
Due to multiple requests we are extending the Buy 10 get 5 free sale Sale info until Monday November 3rd at 11:59PM!

Yes! That's right! You can take advantage of great savings up until the end of Danse!
Now you can grab those extras you had hoped for but didn't have the time to get and help support the site!! It's all a win win!

Enjoy Danse Everyone!

Saturday Evening Live Chat
Posted by PhantomFire on Oct 25, 2014 1:56 pm
Saturday,October 25th, at 3PM Puma time and again at 9PM puma time we will be hosting Saturday Evening Live in our Chat rooms! CHECK THE NEW LATE TIME

Topic tonight is: "Danse and things that go bump in the night!" Come join us to talk about Danse, Halloween, goblins spooks ghosts and all things creepy crawly! Casual chat tonight, happy to discuss whatever is on everyone's mind!
All you need to do is participate! That is, not simply show up but actually join in the conversation and chat! It's that simple.

Can't wait to see you all there!!

* To get to the chat complex click on "community> chat complex> follow directions and click the link at the VERY bottom of the page!"

REMEMBER.. P3 is NEUTRAL. We do NOT discuss POLITICS, RELIGION, SUICIDE, ABORTION or RACIAL ISSUES in CHAT. Remember our membership includes many people from all walks of life. Be kind and considerate. Thanks!

Newzy Custom Design Contest 2014!
Posted by JT_ on Oct 24, 2014 10:12 am
Happy Danse Macabre, everyone! This is a report from Newzy, who finds himself absolutely fascinated with this time of the year. He wants to continue his research and he needs your help! :)

Here's what he told us:


Like last year, this is a Custom Puma design contest. The theme is "Pumas that go BUMP in the Night" and what I am looking for are your interpretations of spooky, eerie, ghostly, ghastly and magical! THIS IS IMPORTANT RESEARCH!

Here are the rules:

1). You are limited to five (5) markings/evolutions combinations. You do not need to use all 5, but you cannot go above. (NOTE: Lion's Mane does not count for this limit.)

2). THESE ARE SECRET BALLOTS! You may not show them around or post on the forums! My research will not be successful if you share your experiments.

3). You may use any breed except Wushi (since it is Transformation-only).

4). You may use either gender.

5). Once you have uncovered the perfect spooooooooooky Puma that works for you, copy ALL of the important information down! I need everything!
• Breed
• Gender
• Basecolor
• Eyecolor
• Exact order of Markings and Evolutions, including the color/paradigm for each
• URL of the Puma Design from your Custom Demo picture

Once you have all of this important experiment data, you must send it to me (Newzy!) in account 21!

6). Only ONE entry per person! So make sure you are happy with your very first entry!

You have until November 3rd at 11:59 PM Puma Time to submit your entry (when Danse ends, entries are closed!). This contest is open to ALL users!

Once we have all the submissions ready to go, we will post the Puma images in a contest topic (and announce in the news). You will be asked to vote, secretly! This is for science!

Winners will be announced when the voting closes after we tally up all the votes (this date will be announced when we open the voting so you'll know for sure).

Ready, Set, Create!

If you are having trouble getting the URL of your Custom Demo picture, try this:
• Right click on the demo image and select "copy Image URL" or "copy Image Location" (it may also be located inside of Properties when you right click on the image).
• Paste the URL you copied into your Message to Newzy (#21)!

Danse Macabre 2014: Oct 24 - Nov 3
Posted by JT_ on Oct 24, 2014 12:00 am

Did I scare you?


It's that special time of the year again... fun costumes, all the sugary candies you can eat... jack-o-lanterns glowing at every door... That's right-- it's the Danse Macabre!

From October 24, 2014 until 11:59 PM Puma Time on November 3, 2014, Pumas will be celebrating one of their favorite holiday seasons. You are of course invited to participate as well! :)

Gifting Stump: A festive gifting stump is a must for any festival season. Use it to send gifts to friends and soon-to-be friends!

Knock on Profile Doors: Go knocking on user profiles-- instead of one evening of trick-or-treating, it's for the entire festival! WOOHOO! Click on user profiles once per hour to uncover all the goodies.

TE Shop Costume Trunks: As announced yesterday, our Costume Trunks have arrived! Dress your Pumas as Betelgeuse, Chained Ghosts, Ghosthunters, and Reapers. These 2014 Costume Trunks will ONLY be available until 11:59 PM on November 3rd. After that they will be retired!

TONS of Festival Items: That's right, you had better take a good look at all the site shops! Most shops have brand new items, some of which will even be sticking around after the festival ends. Hope you have your wheelbarrow ready. :)

Random Events: Expect to see a couple of festive random events when surfing around on P3...

Corner Icons: A quick reminder of how corner icons work. If there is no icon-- the item will be sticking around after the festival as a normal item! If there is a Danse Macabre icon with NO year-- the item is only available during the festival, but should be back next year! If there is a Danse Macabre icon with "14" in the corner-- the item is ONLY available until November 3rd and will be retired at the end of this festival!

Retiring This Year: Some Danse items from 2011 will be retiring this year. If you see "First Released in 2011" in the item information, chances are it will be retired on November 3rd. The Black Cat Costume Package, Traditional Ghost Costume, and Haunted Graveyard will not be retiring however. :)

Announcements: More fun things will be happening, so keep an eye on the news for the details! :)

TE SALE! As Alex announced yesterday, our TE sale has begun! Please read this news post for the full details. Thanks so much for supporting P3!

Something isn't quite right... It would seem the Alphas are requesting a rather... umm... unusual dish. Perhaps this is the new gourmet???

Have tons of fun everyone! TIME FOR CANDY!

Edited: 10-24-2014 01:02 am

2014 Costume Trunks Are Here!
Posted by JT_ on Oct 23, 2014 10:01 pm
Just a quick reminder-- our special TE sale starts at midnight! Check the news post below this one for the details. :)

The Danse Macabre begins at midnight tonight (just a couple more hours!), but we can't let it start without some brand new costumes! Available right now are our 2014 Costume Trunks. These can be purchased from the TE Items Shop for 5 TE each, and will be on sale until Danse Macabre ends on November 3rd at 11:59 PM Puma Time.

When you open each trunk, you will receive all of the items contained inside. :)


Betelgeuse Costume Trunk

This costume trunk contains the entire Betelgeuse Costume set, which includes the following items: Cobweb Crusted Study, Betelgeuse Striped Suit, Betelgeuse Shoes, Betelgeuse Nasty Teeth, Betelgeuse Sallow Eyes, and Betelgeuse Wig.


Chained Ghost Costume Trunk

This costume trunk contains the entire Chained Ghost Costume set, which includes the following items: Chained Ghost Body Wisps, Chained Ghost Eyes, Chained Ghost Orbs, Chained Ghost Shackle, and Foggy Hillside Graveyard.


Ghosthunter Costume Trunk

This costume trunk contains the entire Ghosthunter Costume set, which includes the following items: Ghost World Portal, Ghosthunter Backpack, Ghosthunter Goggles, Ghosthunter Hazmat Suit, Blue Ghostcat, and Green Ghostcat.


Don't Fear the ...? Costume Trunk

This costume trunk contains the entire Don't Fear the ...? Costume set, which includes the following items: Harvest Grounds, Reaper Cowl, Reaper Eyes, and Reaper Scythe.


Enjoy everyone! Danse Macabre officially starts at midnight TONIGHT! Get ready for some fun. :)

Danse??? What could be more exciting?
Posted by PhantomFire on Oct 23, 2014 5:36 pm
How about a TE sale? WHOOT! What kind of Sale???? Well I'm so glad you asked! Starting tonight at 12:00 AM Puma time We will be holding a Buy 10 TE get 5 TE free SALE! Yahoo! HOW do you participate?
This sale is ONLY for TE purchases via paypal, So, contact me with your time of purchase info, I will verify and send you the 5 free for every 10 you purchase. OH WOW!!! Think of all the Danse Joy you can now possess! It's almost too good to be true!

This sale will be going on all weekend and ending Tuesday the 28 exactly at 11:59PM! So Hurry! make the most of your TE purchases for Danse!

and have a spooky good time!!

Hidden Raffle winners!!
Posted by PhantomFire on Oct 21, 2014 12:45 pm
The winners for the latest hidden raffle are

1.wyldefyre #552
2.Kami Mi Ke Neko #72
3.Flooffy #10399
3.Runa #2188
5.sparta #2058

Congratulations!! You win your choice of current Monthly TE items!

Please message me with your choice!

WTG guys!!

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