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3.1415... π!
Posted by JT_ on Mar 14, 2015 11:25 am
Happy Pi Day! To celebrate this mathematical day, everyone active in the last 3 days has received a Cherry Pi. :) YUM!

(This pie should also be stocking in our site shops!)

Also I wanted to mention that Hotmail has been rejecting our activation emails. So if you have signed up for P3 recently and have NOT received your activation email, please contact us using the Contact US form linked in the footer! I am working with Hotmail to resolve this, but it may not happen right away unfortunately. :(
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QuadricatMar 14, 2015 2:16 pm
Happy Pi Day!!! :D

HippiMar 15, 2015 4:18 pm
We counted down to official Pi time
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