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Ok, the gazette is out!
Posted by PhantomFire on Feb 27, 2015 8:49 am
And somethings are missing, namely the spotlights.
I'm having a difficult time getting participation here and would like to open this thread to suggestions on how to make this a feature with more participation! I'd like to run spotlight every month but folks don't nominate and frankly the "click" number on this gazette feature is about 2 out of the entire subscribers which means the feature isn't popular at all. So, would you all prefer we dump it? or are there ways to make it more fun for everyone? Here's your chance to put in your 2 cents!
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furryfeathersFeb 27, 2015 9:07 am
Well, I always read it, but don't usually comment.
I really don't always feel that I know enough about who is currently active to nominate for spotlight.

LOL, now I'm trying to find my Gazette. I started reading on the phone, but now I can't find it in my emails.

Maybe an option to also view online?

luauFeb 27, 2015 9:09 am
maybe you could pull from people who post on the forums? there could be a new member spotlight perhaps.

you could add an item to be awarded with puma spotlights. an actual wearable spotlight you can put on them and then have people self nominate on the forums. receiving an actual item may encourage people to participate. or you could choose a random recently active member and spotlight one of their alpha pumas.

luauFeb 27, 2015 9:10 am
i agree with furryfeathers, too! a link to an archive of gazettes would be lovely. that also might encourage more participation knowing it stays visible on site.

Newzy PumaFeb 27, 2015 9:29 am
Archives are here! :

ApplesFeb 27, 2015 11:23 am
I find it difficult, like furryfeathers, as I'm not overly familiar with who is active.

What about running contests, like the puma design contests. Give a theme to dress up a puma, and the entries posted on a thread, then players send anonymous votes to a staff member. giving points, from 3 to 1 for their top 3 choices. The one with the highest score gets to be the spotlight puma. It might encourage buying and selling of items while people strive to dress up their puma for the contest.

As for player spotlight, is there a way to log activity? Either on the forums, or log in activity?

ZhaveaFeb 27, 2015 11:48 am
I think weekly puma spotlights might be interesting, if you had someone wandering P3 and picking up to, say, 3 pumas?

Can use factors like the design or dress up of the pumas chosen, and even fades would be on the market for the choosing, since there are many that are lovely!

ZhaveaFeb 27, 2015 11:55 am
If a couple of people did my idea, can rotate out who posts to provide different opinions. Then users can comment with their findings and their own personal spotlights, maybe even help find the next week's spotlights for an article writer. c:

sienna77Feb 27, 2015 12:56 pm
I usually always open it up and give it a read, i like it. As for the idea of adding an item for the winners, the winners do already get a prize. after winning last month i was quite happy with it too! But i dont think it should be about getting a prize, it should just be about recognizing users in the community!

My problem with the spotlights is that i forget about it, i dont often visit the general discussions forum to notice the stickies and remember to nominate and vote. maybe if you did an announcement a couple weeks before the gazette was put out, more people would remember to do it?

QuadricatFeb 27, 2015 5:18 pm
I'd prefer it to be a site function honestly, visit a puma page and be able to nominate them for spotlight with a button. That sort of thing.

Also we should hand out trophies for spotlights :)

CleoFeb 27, 2015 5:42 pm
I didn't know we could comment.

trixiepixieFeb 27, 2015 6:08 pm
I think quadriceps is on to something, be able to nominate pumas from their page, same things with players too, have a nominate button on their profile.

But I would also like to suggest that perhaps making the Gazette have its own section in the forums, like the breeding challenge,then perhaps it would get more notice?

trixiepixieFeb 27, 2015 6:09 pm
Darn auto correct on this kindle, I meant quadricat! LOL

Kami Mi Ke NekoFeb 27, 2015 6:11 pm

Well, the only two months we don't have festivals going (at some point during the month) are April and July. Possibly make the spotlights for those months something featuring ze festival - since we tend to have pumas dressed up for festival posted in the item find thread or in another thread like Apples has been doing?

It's possible that we just can't think of a member per month. So maybe someone could be asked to do a "secret shopper" sort of thing where they troll the forums and just sort of see who might be a good member to spotlight. Could be because they helped some newbs, could be a puma giveaway or a person that did an awesome raffle. *shrug* ^^

I think maybe that having a creative display AND a puma spotlight might be one too many things. Combine 'em since often they tend to be one or the same. :D And maybe a week before the gazette goes out a reminder in the news to suggest and vote! It IS easy to forget - I Forget a lot of the time that it's even there, honestly.

Maybe have an "open submissions here" for fun articles that peeps can write and submit to be added. Again, maybe a week before reminder to submit stuff there as well.

Another idea: "Did you know" section. Facts about our TOS, facts about stuff in the guided help topics, facts about certain staff members ("Did you know?? Brenne stalks ALL of your customs. In fact, she often sees them before you've bred them! Want to show off your newest custom and perhaps interest her to buy a kit? xD She also enjoys her pet raccoons, which is likely why she too, likes to hoard shiny - puma - objects!")

As well, maybe if there are times where spotlights are not as easy to find or with no submissions, you can just not have them that month and substitute something else. No reason why it has to be the carbon copy same every month! :D

PhantomFireFeb 27, 2015 6:58 pm
Kami, I like the "did you know" ::: dumps column in her lap:: its yours.. third week of the month deadline :)

PhantomFireFeb 27, 2015 6:58 pm
i really like some of these suggestions! keep them coming!

singleroseFeb 27, 2015 10:11 pm
i can't seem to find it in my email....i added it to my contacts...not sure whts up...

singleroseFeb 27, 2015 10:17 pm
disregard that last statement it has shown up yay!!!

singleroseFeb 27, 2015 10:29 pm
I agree with sienna...a reminer would be awesome...i also agree it should be bout being an active member of community not just for prizes...

trixiepixieFeb 27, 2015 11:33 pm
I agree with Kami about the secret shopper idea for players spotlight. One person trolls around and finds someone who seems to be doing good deeds and helping out, but of course other members can still pitch in their ideas to that person if someone has helped them and they want to give a shout out.

I do however think that there is a bit of a difference with the puma and creative display spotlights myself. To me the creative display speaks of the use of items whereas the puma spotlight should be about what the puma itself looks like, items not counting. That's just my opinion though.

Going on what Kami said, maybe the creative display spotlight could have a specific theme each month, the two months that don't have a special event, we could just make up a theme for them. And then the puma spotlight, if you choose to continue doing both, could be about the looks of a puma itself, perhaps neat combinations people have bred or if there is a particularly awesome custom someone just created?

Maybe it could be something where people come post their entries and then there is a select group of judges who vote on it?

AlliraFeb 28, 2015 5:32 am
I just can't believe there's no festival in the month I was born. I mean come on - if that's not reason to celebrate what is???

sienna77Feb 28, 2015 11:59 am
I like Trixies idea of having a separate forum for the gazette, that would help me remember to vote/nominate, cuz I often will visit the forum page to go to the giveaway topic and I would notice the section and think 'oh, I should go vote or nominate someone'! XD

I also had another idea, I notice the forum happenings section each month seems to be pretty much the same, I like the concept of it, but I don't think it is being used to it's full potential! Perhaps one person could roam the forums and find a nice little thread (or two or three) that could use some attention, perhaps it's a game, someones presale thread, an auction, raffle or other contest, and write a little something about the thread and put a link. Perhaps this will draw more attention to the forums as well?

FlooffyFeb 28, 2015 1:04 pm
Well actually, it's March without a real festival... Moondance almost always starts on 1st of April

PhantomFireMar 01, 2015 10:05 am
Sienna, I like the forum happenings idea. ( partially why Im looking for some newstaff)

sienna77Mar 01, 2015 10:44 am
I would be happy to volunteer for the position! XD

PhantomFireMar 01, 2015 11:44 am
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