News Announcements

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Towel Day OOAK Raffle Winner!
Posted by JT_ on May 28, 2010 1:51 am
All righty! :D The moment you all have been waiting for!

Who won the awesome Galactic OOAK Male Lion?!

According to my randomized results here...

The winner is...

Viviana #515!

Congrats to you! :D I will send you a PM about your prize.

Thanks to everyone for entering. :) We had some fun reading through all your favorite towels. teehee.

Reminder! Last Day!
Posted by JT_ on May 27, 2010 11:45 am
This is a reminder that TODAY is the last day to enter our FREE OOAK Raffle. :) Head to this topic to enter!

Also a reminder that on the 28th (tomorrow!) all the fun Towel Day and Geek Day items will be removed. This is all the Snails and Fishsticks and Salmon!

So get them while you can. :D

Hope everyone had a fun Towel Day yesterday!

EDIT: Wow, I think I am some kind of time distortion field. Hope everyone had a fun Towel Day on TUESDAY. :P

Edited: 05-27-2010 12:14 pm

Network Issues
Posted by JT_ on May 25, 2010 8:22 pm
Sorry to anyone who currently (or previously) could not access our site.

Around 6:50 PM Puma Time, our host company had a massive flood against their DNS servers which caused most of their hosted sites to become unavailable.

This problem is ongoing at this time, though it looks like it's not affecting everyone. They're working on resolving the issue ASAP.


Be sure to look at the Towel Day info below!

Towel Day is here you hoopy froods! [ TOWEL DAY 2010! ]
Posted by JT_ on May 25, 2010 12:01 am

::wipes brow::

I know it seemed rather hairy for a bit there, but we managed to make it to Towel Day 2010! :)


Lots of celebrating is going on today, and to kick it off you should find a special Galactic Towel (2010 commemorative!) and a Gargle Blast in your inventory! (This is for users who have been active in the last week)


Also, a certain salmon and snail can be found in the Delicatessen....


In addition to all that, be sure to check out the profiles of all your friends for the Gifting Stump, which is all decked out for Towel Day!

Be sure to enter our FREE OOAK Towel Day Raffle! Click here to see the rules and enter. :) The raffle will be drawn at midnight May 28th! (late Thursday night Puma Time)

I also heard that our lovely moderator Brenne was running a VOGON POETRY CONTEST! What is THAT?? you say? Well, click here to find out!

Happy Towel Day to all! Be sure to carry your towel with you today, you never know when you might need it as a coat, bib, or blanket!

All of the Towel Day-themed and Geek-themed items will be removed on May 28th! Be sure to snatch them up before they disappear!

Posted by JT_ on May 22, 2010 12:02 am





Tuesday May 25th is Towel Day 2010! :D

If you don't yet have your towel, it is OK, keep your eye out for one. As you will definitely need it-- a Towel is the most massively useful thing any puma hitchhiker could have.

To start our celebration a little bit early, you will find some delicious Babble Fishsticks in the Fast Food Kiosk! Thanks Doc Baghead! NOMNOMNOM


(these are just 4 examples, there are more to be found... ooohh...)

Also! On May 28th, a super awesome OOAK Raffle will be drawn! Head over to THIS TOPIC to enter! Please read the rules, as you may only enter once. This is for all users, even our lovely mods and guides. :)

More fun things will be arriving on Towel Day, so DON'T PANIC. There will be more awesome to be had!

Gender Swap, Environment-Collector, and Bakery!
Posted by JT_ on May 16, 2010 10:35 pm


A new permanent item has arrived to the TE shop. For 3 TE, you can purchase the Rebirthing Ouroboros-- an item that allows you to swap the gender of one Puma to its opposite gender. This item works on all Pumas except for those that are currently pregnant, currently for sale, or OOAK! :)

This is a PERMANENT thing and you will need another Rebirthing Ouroboros in order to change that Puma's gender again.


You'll find some new Enviro-Collector environments have hit the magic bag. ;) Go take a look and see if you can find them all!



6 new delicious treats can be found in the Cakery Bakery! Buckeye, Coco Cheesycake, Fancy Pink Deluxe Cake, Junglefudge Deluxe Cake, Pondcake, and the Whiteswirl Truffle! Various rarities. :) Enjoy!

Posted by JT_ on May 14, 2010 1:10 pm

If you haven't already had something delicious for lunch or dinner, you should consider heading to your favorite burrito place to celebrate. :D

And to help your Pumas celebrate too, here's a free burrito for anyone active since Wednesday!


New Items and TE Items
Posted by JT_ on May 12, 2010 1:48 am
Kip gave me a bunch of new items to add tonight. :D Take a look in the Environment Shop and the Boutique for these lovelies:


Bright Clouds | Forest of Tales | Nightwisp


Dark Ocean Earrings | Hammered Gold Earrings | Spiral Lapis Earrings

Also, March's TE items have been removed from the TE Items Shop. Hope you grabbed your Jamila Collar and Royal Feathered Sword!

April's TE items have now increased in price. :) Viperstrike Glove is now 4 TE and the Fire Lotus Drape is now 6 TE.

The Portal
Posted by JT_ on May 10, 2010 12:19 am
A new feature has arrived that should be helpful to people. :)

The Portal is P3's solution to the problem of what to do when you don't like the way a kitten turned out. Or perhaps you realized you had *NEVER EVER EVER* wanted to breed a kitten out of a certain parent-- but you did by mistake! Woops!

The Portal sends Pumas to a great new life free of pixels, 1s, and 0s-- and removes them from our database. :)

This is 100% PERMANENT. You should only use the Portal if you are absolutely certain that you want to delete a Puma FOREVER.

You can Portal a Puma from their profile page. Scroll to the bottom and there should be a new box under the profile edit box.

Here are the conditions for using the Portal:
• No 1st Generation Custom Pumas
• No OOAK Pumas
• No Pregnant Pumas
• No Alpha Pumas
• No Pumas that have offspring (check their Offspring list)
• No Pumas that have items equipped
• No Pumas that are currently set for Public Breeding
• No Pumas that are currently set For Sale

Now, that may sound like a lot of conditions-- but it's to avoid any confusion or possible issues. If you can't accidentally delete a Puma with items, for example, you won't lose those items!

As mentioned above, this is something that should ONLY be used if you are 100% certain you want to remove a Puma COMPLETELY from the database FOREVER. If you make a mistake with portalling, you will have 48 hours to reverse the procedure. Check your Control Panel on the index page for the Undo link.

Enjoy! And no worries-- no Pumas are harmed when they go through the Portal. :) It is safe and they will be well taken care of on the other side!

More New Markings!
Posted by JT_ on May 09, 2010 4:20 pm
As promised in the last news announcement about markings, we have three final ones to announce. :)

Flame Point

Head over to the Puma Demo to check them out!

(Also, please be sure to read the new announcement below this one! :D)

EDIT: Oh boy, I just realized it's May 9th! Today was supposed to be the day where April's TE items increased in price and March's TE Items were removed completely from the shop. Since we didn't announce this with a couple days notice, I will remove and increase the prices on Tuesday May 11th so you guys have a little extra last minute time!

Edited: 05-09-2010 04:48 pm

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