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Sales Den Changes
Posted by JT_ on Oct 10, 2010 7:47 pm
In order to help Pumas retain their value, we are making a couple of changes to the way the For Sale Den works. The changes are as follows:

• A maximum of 50 Pumas can be priced For Sale at any one time (these are the Pumas located in the For Sale Den that have prices set and are purchasable by other users).

• A maximum of 100 Pumas can be located in the For Sale Den at any one time (this includes the 50 currently priced). If you have 50 Pumas priced for sale, this means you can also have 50 Pumas waiting without a price set (for a total of 100 Pumas).

In addition, the For Sale Options page for each Puma will make it clearer as to the current status of the Puma (whether it is in the For Sale Den or not, and whether it is currently purchasable or not). If you try to move a Puma to a For Sale Den that is full, you'll get a descriptive error message so you know what is going on. :)

These changes will go live the evening of Friday October 15th (after 8 PM Puma Time). This will give everyone 5 days to reorganize their For Sale Den to fit within these new guidelines. :)

On Friday the 15th, I will be running scripts to remove Pumas from sale and from the For Sale Den. No Pumas will be lost, obviously! Any Pumas that go beyond the new limits will be placed into your Private Back Den. If you have less than 50 Pumas for sale, and less than 100 Pumas in your For Sale Den, your Pumas will not be moved.

We strongly encourage you to go through your For Sale Den and reorganize! If Pumas have been around for a long time and are still unsold, we urge you to make use of the Portal. :) That is what it's there for, afterall!

If you want to Portal some Pumas that have been bred (and cannot do so due to the Portalling rules of having no Offspring), please send them to Account #42 which is our Official Puma Overflow account.

Thanks everyone! This change should help P3 retain the value of Pumas, so that we don't have tons of cheapo, under-valued Pumas just sitting around in For Sale Dens. :) We want the market for Puma Sales to be sustainable, which is good for P3 and all of our users.

EDIT: Oh, and I was just reminded that if you are sending any Pumas to Account #42, PLEASE read this post on the forums to make sure you are naming them correctly: CLICK HERE. Thank you!

Edited: 10-11-2010 11:20 am
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furryfeathersOct 10, 2010 7:49 pm
hmm, lots to do before next Friday....

*looks at schedule and screams!*

JT_Oct 10, 2010 7:50 pm
lol furryfeathers :) If you don't have time to reorganize, that's OK! Like I said, I will be running a script that will move your Pumas as necessary. So you'll be able to take your time after the fact!

brenneOct 10, 2010 7:51 pm
EEEEP! *steps up the shovelling*

MacleodOct 10, 2010 7:57 pm
Yay! :)

WyvernOct 10, 2010 7:58 pm
lol lucky I already finished organizing then XD

QyetOct 10, 2010 8:01 pm
I'm one of those that doesn't have to do anything, since I know I have less than 50 in my sales den XD But this will be a good thing for sales! :D

SashaOct 10, 2010 8:57 pm
Yay I got mine done already!

DragonaraOct 10, 2010 9:22 pm
I also don't need to do anything...I have never had anything like 50 pumas for sale all at once lol.

wyldefyreOct 10, 2010 10:35 pm
mine are almost done...15 lions to reprice or portal and we're good to go

Kami Mi Ke NekoOct 10, 2010 11:47 pm
This is easy enough, I was working towards slimming anyhow :D

Oh and don't forget - if you send pumas to 42 mark them as "Breeding Leftover", "Storage", "Leftover", "Remove", or "Surrendered" purely for organization purposes AND so that it's known exactly that you want it given over in such a way. :)

BiondaOct 11, 2010 3:17 pm
There should be a method to select pumas to put on/off sales, it takes me forever to put off sale and portal them!! 7 pages for each one!!

ShadowOct 11, 2010 8:05 pm
This is going to drastically reduce the value of pumas while everyone is offloading the excess. Pumas normally worth 5000 are now worth 500 not good not good at all. It is making it not worth breeding :( I had more than 300 and still do in my sales den, this means I will only ever breed expensive ones now. I pity anybody trying to start a collection once this is up and running. Gone are the days of cheap beginner pumas.

PhantomFireOct 12, 2010 12:12 pm
Shadow, How do you figure? Pumas worth 5000 dropping in value? That really doesn't track. The cheap pumas would be the things disappearing. Economically speaking this is a benefit not a deficit.

There is really no reason to "offload" pumas. We give everyone ample storage room and a portal to remove pumas that do not sell and haven't sold in a long time. The sales den will store 100, the back den stores as as many as you wish it to hold. There is really no reason to "offload" anything because pumas simply will not "disappear" They will just go into the back den. We are just asking people take the opportunity to decide which they WANT on display.

Edited by Administrator: 10-12-2010 12:35 pm

ShadowOct 12, 2010 5:43 pm
LOL My back den is like a black hole,things go in and there is so much there that they are never seen again LOL I hate to see just how many are actually in there already. I am horrible at sorting out my back den, I need to figure out a better system to tell what is going to be my ones on hold for sale and the ones to reside full time in the black hole.

PhantomFireOct 12, 2010 7:47 pm
ohh. Well good news! We will be adding some features to help that along :) I think you'll like them.

ShadowOct 13, 2010 12:35 am
You guys are the best :)

PhantomFireOct 13, 2010 9:36 am
:: blush:: aw you are too :)

MittenmonOct 13, 2010 12:43 pm
Im good to go!
But oh noes! What will happen to Brenne's Puma mart? D=

PhantomFireOct 13, 2010 5:27 pm
Brennes puma mart will become a lean mean selling machine!

WeaverOct 15, 2010 3:17 pm
BWAAAAH! I'm spending my money on a custom!

Only issue, Harlequin on Cheetah, Lynx and Tiger have a bit of design outside the lines of the back left paw and front right paws.

WeaverOct 15, 2010 3:19 pm
Also. Come into Chat. I need help on a Custom with Harlequin guys. ;)
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