News Announcements

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Geeks, Contests, and more!
Posted by JT_ on May 11, 2011 12:41 pm

As you might have guessed-- there's a new item for you today! Check the site shops and see if you can find it. :)

Yesterday's item was the ever popular...

Energy Pistol! PEW PEW PEW

I also heard there was something peculiar going on with those Whole Coconuts... Weird. You guys should check it out.


Have you checked the User Contests, Raffles, & Giveaways forum? Right now we have a couple of staff members running geeky contests! (There are also some non-geek contests there too, so you really should go look!)

Everyone's favorite: Vogon Poetry Contest!

For those with an oversized funny bone: P3 Comic Contest!

There is still time to enter! :D


Special Upgrade Sale you say? Why yes, until May 15th! Please see this news post for the full details! Thanks for your support!

Geek Month Continues!
Posted by JT_ on May 10, 2011 11:59 am
We hope you've been enjoying Geek Month so far. :) There's a new item stocking in Site Shops for you today, but you have to find it first!

Yesterday's item was...

Alien Antennae!

Don't forget-- these Geek items will be available all month and into June! :) We'll announce their final disappearance date closer to the end of May. Some of the items are 2011 only and will be gone forever-- you can tell by the corner icon. If it has "11" in it, it is 2011 only. :)


Don't forget-- our Special Update Sale is still in full swing! Please see this news post for the full details! Thanks for your support!

EDIT: I have just been informed that May 10th is International Monty Python Status Day! So if you're a fan, please feel free to participate with your favorite quotes. :)

Edited: 05-10-2011 05:34 pm

Special Upgrade Sale - Check it out!
Posted by JT_ on May 09, 2011 12:41 pm

P3 is unofficially 3 years old! Our Beta came first, prior to us opening our doors to the public in September (our official birthday of course!). It has been a long and exciting road and we are growing! FAST! We want to give you, our members, the VERY best service that we can. Because of this growth, it is now time for an upgrade to our system!

To celebrate, and to help us make this upgrade a reality, for ONE WEEK starting RIGHT NOW today (May 9) until May 15th at 11:59 PM Puma Time, we will be offering two specials!

SPECIAL #1: Buy one (1) "Premium - 1 Year" idol item from our TE Items Shop, get one (1) "Premium - 4 Months" idol item for FREE!

SPECIAL #2: Buy two (2) "Opal Orb" items from the Gemologist, get one (1) "Opal Orb" item for FREE!

Special Rules:
1). Items must be purchased with TE from the TE Items Shop or Gemologist only. User Shops are not valid for this special.

2). Items must be purchased during the special time period. Purchases prior to the announcement of this special cannot be included!

3). You may only participate in each special one time. If you buy 10 Premium idols and 4 Opal Orbs, you will still only receive 1 4 Month Premium and 1 Opal Orb freebie.

How to get your freebies:
1). Purchase the required item(s) for the special(s) of your choice.

2). Send a Private Message to JT (account #3) with the subject line: UPGRADE SPECIAL

3). In the body of the PM, please specify which Special, OR if you picked BOTH, you are participating in so we can be sure to get you your freebie(s) ASAP!

4). Wait for your freebie(s) to arrive! :)

Thanks for your support! If you have any questions about the process, please contact us before purchasing. :)


I just added in a new geeky item to one of the Site Shops! Where could it be? :D

For anyone who missed announcements about last week's items:

• Wednesday: Resistance Crab
• Thursday: TE Items, Circuit Cape and Space Tourist Suit
• Friday: Black Horn-Rimmed Glasses (which now work-- sorry about the glitch!)

Except for today's item, all geeky items should be searchable on the Item Search.

Enjoy! :)

More Geek Month Fun!
Posted by JT_ on May 06, 2011 12:00 am
I've just released the last Geek Month item for this week. :D See if you can find it! More Geek Month items will be coming next week, too!

Yesterday was the release of our geeky TE Items for May-- so if you haven't read the news below this one, check it out! :)

Have a great Friday everyone!

May 2011 TE Items - A Bit Early!
Posted by JT_ on May 04, 2011 5:23 pm
This month we're posting the TE Items a tiny bit early. :) And why yes-- they are definitely the geeky items for May 5th! Big thanks to Pirran and Quad for these totally awesome wearables! Head over to the TE Items Shop to check them out now.

Circuit Cape [ 2 TE ]


Space Tourist Suit [ 3 TE ]

(Male Lion and Wushi have a special suit, due to their flowing manes!)

• March 2011's TE Items (Indigo Sari and the set of NightDancer Gloves) will be disappearing from the TE Item Shop forever on May 8th! So grab 'em while you can!
• April 2011's TE Items (Moonwatcher Cape and Continuum Dynasty Collar) will be increasing in price on May 8th!

Don't forget to check the news below this one for May 4th's surprise Geek item! Can you find it? :)

Hmmm, what's that low humming sound...
Posted by JT_ on May 04, 2011 12:22 pm
Today is a special day for many geeks around the world!

All I have to say is:

May the 4th be with you!

Oh, and you should probably check the shops for a fun new item that may or may not be related to today's theme! ;)

Did you catch yesterday's item? I'll tell you the name of it below. :) If you haven't got it yet, don't worry-- ALL Geek Month items will be available in the shops until at least May 31st! We will probably extend this, however, since some items will have less time than others in the shops. :)

Are you ready?

Yesterday's item was...

Warp Speed!

Geek Month - More Fun!
Posted by JT_ on May 03, 2011 11:31 am
I have just added another fun Geek Month item to one of the Site Shops! Can you find it? :)

Also, yesterday's item was found! I have added it to the Item Search now. :) Quad has also created a "Geek Month" topic on the Forum in General Chat if you missed out!

If you still want to see if you can find the item from yesterday on our own, CLOSE YOUR EYES NOW! I am going to reveal yesterday's item....


Did you close them?


Super sure?!


It was the Electric Sheep! You can find this companion in the Petite shop for the whole month (we may extend this into June since not all items will be released at once).


Geek Month! - May 2011
Posted by JT_ on May 02, 2011 12:03 pm
Geek Month has officially begun! All throughout the month of May, we will be celebrating geek-kind and all of the various fandoms. :)

Do you love science fiction, video games, reading, Dr. Who, Star Trek, Star Wars, Dungeons & Dragons, MST3K, NASA, telescopes, microscopes, Lost in Space, fluffernutters, learning all there is to know about Life, the Universe and Everything?! I know I've barely touched the surface there, but as you can see-- GEEKS ARE EVERYWHERE! :D

Let's celebrate! The whole month of May is dedicated to Geeks!

And don't panic-- Towel Day 2011 is almost here! ;)

This year, I'm doing a bit of a "scavenger hunt" with the special Geeky items. ;) Right now, I've just added in the very first new geek item-- But where is it? And what is it??

The only hint I'll give you is that it's in one of the Site Shops. mwahahahaha!

Happy hunting. ;)

New Shop - Greengrocer
Posted by JT_ on Apr 28, 2011 7:07 pm
First up for our new shops is the Greengrocer. :) You'll find fresh fruits and veggies here! Right now there's a nice variety of fruits. Yum. :D


EDIT: Woops, I forgot to mention that most of these fruits were made by Macleod! I think one from Quad snuck in there too. ;)

Edited: 04-28-2011 07:22 pm

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