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DON'T PANIC -- Happy Towel Day!
Posted by JT_ on May 25, 2011 12:00 am
You are all incredigasmicly hoopy froods, so I'm sure no one is panicked. Plus, you know the answer is 42. AND you have your towel nearby in case of disaster. Phew.


If you have no idea what I'm talking about-- you better check out! Pumas are quite fond of their towels as well as exploring the galaxy. What better way to celebrate the ending of Geek Month than with a holiday revolving around The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?!

The Towel Day celebration will be from May 25th until the end of the day on May 30th!
-- Why yes-- you will have 6 full days to fling gifts at each other, ponder life, and collect fun Hitchhiker-themed goodies.

Alphas Don't Panic!
-- Hmm, something fishy is going on with those Alpha Pumas. I knew they couldn't be trusted to their own devices! You should go investigate!

Active Users Get Beach Towels
-- This year we have our biggest towel yet-- the Beach Towel! Any users active in the last 4 days have received this commemorative towel for 2011. Never leave home without it!

Fun Items!
-- It wouldn't be Towel Day without some awesome new themed items. ;) See if you can find them all!

LAST CHANCE! Enter now, or forever hold your geeky peace! (Contest will close at 11:59 PM!)

Our lovely Moderator Brenne is once again running her world-horrified Vogon Poetry Contest. My eyeballs are bleeding with anticipation! Winners will be announced on the 31st, so get your putrid entries in!

Quad's Monthly Contest - Comics!
That's right, if you have a funny bone, our Guide Quad has a geeky contest for you to enter! To celebrate Geek Month, you can enter a P3-themed comic for a chance to win. Check out the topic here for the rules. :)

As if all THAT isn't enough... The Enviro-Collector was complaining to me that she hadn't gotten any new environments in a while. I promised her I would fix that today, so the following have been retired:

[ EC #012 ] Oil Lamp
[ EC #013 ] Misty Mountains
[ EC #014 ] Broken Shadows
[ EC #015 ] Ash Reign
[ EC #016 ] Star Explosion

5 new environments have now been added. :D Enjoy!

So long for now, and thanks for all the fish!
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QuadricatMay 25, 2011 12:05 am

SashaMay 25, 2011 12:14 am

DQ_May 25, 2011 6:19 am

PhantomFireMay 25, 2011 10:54 am
I really need a nice cup of tea

amandaxoxlacombeMay 25, 2011 4:40 pm
Now my Alphas no not to panic, and I do too!!! haha. lol

emmiMay 25, 2011 5:00 pm
omg i'm without my towel on towel day i am so panicking !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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