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Activity Gifts & New Items
Posted by JT_ on May 27, 2011 11:50 am
Have you been active on Towel Day or since? If so, you just got a Gargle Blast! Better drink.... very carefully.

In addition to that-- today is BURRITOFRIDAY! So I couldn't help myself. I sent everyone a burrito who has been active since Monday. :D Enjoy!

EDIT BY JT: Since we did not have any new items yesterday for Geek Month, I thought today I would add 10! mwahahahahahahaha!!! Go find 'em!

Edited: 05-27-2011 02:51 pm

And the winner is...
Posted by JT_ on May 26, 2011 1:34 pm
Thanks very much for participating in our Geek Trivia Contest! :)

Our illustrious admin, PhantomFire, went through all of your entries to see who is the geekiest trivia geek of them all!

As we mentioned, there can be only one GRAND PRIZE WINNER! (even though multiple people got 100% CORRECT! woo!).

BUT FIRST... Here are the prizes. ;)

All Participants:
• Everyone who entered received an awesome Profile Badge!

Third Place Winners:
• A full set of our current Towels: Fluffy Towel, Galactic Towel, Beach Towel
• 50,000 Puma Pence

Second Place Winners:
• A full set of our current Towels: Fluffy Towel, Galactic Towel, Beach Towel
• A full set of the Towel Day items released yesterday for Towel Day 2011
• 100,000 Puma Pence

One Grand Prize Winner:
• A full set of our current Towels: Fluffy Towel, Galactic Towel, Beach Towel
• A full set of the Towel Day items released yesterday for Towel Day 2011
• Sapphire Orb (ooooooooohhhhhh shiny!)

There were a couple of tricky questions, for which some people received full credit and partial credit based upon their answers. :) This is how we arrived at Second and Third place after the GRAND winner was chosen randomly from all users who received 100% Full Credit.


You want to know who the Grand Prize Winner was?

The answer is...

Kerouac (#5319)!


And now, for something completely different..
Posted by PhantomFire on May 26, 2011 12:14 pm


1) Dr. Leonard McCoy was affectionately nicknamed what?


2) Book em, Danno! was which TV show catchphrase?

Hawaii 5-0

3) Marge Simpson of "The Simpsons" maiden name is what?

Marjorie "Marge" Bouvier ( Bouvier alone is acceptable)

4) George, Elroy, Judy and Jane are best known in what futuristic cartoon?

The Jetsons

5) The Taelons, Jaridians and Atavus appear in what Sci - Fi Series?

Earth: Final Conflict

6) The "Pink Panther" is what, actually?

The worlds largest pink diamond with an internal flaw resembling a leaping panther. ( will accept answer "diamond with an internal flaw resembling a leaping panther")

7) May 25th is a day set aside to honor a famous Author's Writings. What is the day called and who is the author?

Towel Day, Douglas Adams

8) This actor played "Uncle Martin" in a popular sci fi comedy. Name the actor and the show.

Ray Walston, My Favorite Martian

9) Actor Peter Boyle sang the song "Puttin' on the Ritz"
in what 1974 film?

Young Frankenstein

10) What actress best known for her comedy runs "Ten Forward" aboard the USS Enterprise-D?

Whoopie Goldberg

11) Who is "Johnny Five"?

The Robot from the movie "Short circuit" Who became Sentiant ( Short circuit movie robot acceptable )

12)What are we doing when we jump to the left then step to the right?

The Time Warp

13)They invade our space, and we fall back. They assimilate entire worlds, and we fall back. Not again. The line must be drawn here! Who says this and to whom are they referring?

Captain Jean Luc Picard refering to the Borg

14) Where will you find "eponas theme" being played?

In several Nintendo games ( accepting naming them, Accepting Legend Of zelda games)

15) Who said:"Will somebody please get this big, walking carpet out of my way."

Princess Leia

Grand Prize winner and prizes to be awarded will be announced shortly.
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Posted by PhantomFire on May 26, 2011 12:39 am
Is officially over.!

Winners and prizes announced tomorrow the 26th.
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DON'T PANIC -- Happy Towel Day!
Posted by JT_ on May 25, 2011 12:00 am
You are all incredigasmicly hoopy froods, so I'm sure no one is panicked. Plus, you know the answer is 42. AND you have your towel nearby in case of disaster. Phew.


If you have no idea what I'm talking about-- you better check out! Pumas are quite fond of their towels as well as exploring the galaxy. What better way to celebrate the ending of Geek Month than with a holiday revolving around The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?!

The Towel Day celebration will be from May 25th until the end of the day on May 30th!
-- Why yes-- you will have 6 full days to fling gifts at each other, ponder life, and collect fun Hitchhiker-themed goodies.

Alphas Don't Panic!
-- Hmm, something fishy is going on with those Alpha Pumas. I knew they couldn't be trusted to their own devices! You should go investigate!

Active Users Get Beach Towels
-- This year we have our biggest towel yet-- the Beach Towel! Any users active in the last 4 days have received this commemorative towel for 2011. Never leave home without it!

Fun Items!
-- It wouldn't be Towel Day without some awesome new themed items. ;) See if you can find them all!

LAST CHANCE! Enter now, or forever hold your geeky peace! (Contest will close at 11:59 PM!)

Our lovely Moderator Brenne is once again running her world-horrified Vogon Poetry Contest. My eyeballs are bleeding with anticipation! Winners will be announced on the 31st, so get your putrid entries in!

Quad's Monthly Contest - Comics!
That's right, if you have a funny bone, our Guide Quad has a geeky contest for you to enter! To celebrate Geek Month, you can enter a P3-themed comic for a chance to win. Check out the topic here for the rules. :)

As if all THAT isn't enough... The Enviro-Collector was complaining to me that she hadn't gotten any new environments in a while. I promised her I would fix that today, so the following have been retired:

[ EC #012 ] Oil Lamp
[ EC #013 ] Misty Mountains
[ EC #014 ] Broken Shadows
[ EC #015 ] Ash Reign
[ EC #016 ] Star Explosion

5 new environments have now been added. :D Enjoy!

So long for now, and thanks for all the fish!

Posted by PhantomFire on May 24, 2011 11:25 am
Scroll down News to find GEEK TRIVIA posting.

ONE day left! Get those in ASAP!

EDIT by JT: Just a sneaky little message to let you know I just added in some new items. ;D Can you find 'em?! These ones are geeky, but they will be sticking around after Geek Month. Enjoy!

(PS: Yesterday's item was ............ Free Your Mind!)

Edited: 05-24-2011 01:02 pm

New Geek Item
Posted by JT_ on May 23, 2011 2:07 pm
A new Geek Month item has been added! :)

(pssssst... Friday's additions were a Mod Box and a Guide Box!)

Don't Forget: The Geek Trivia Contest runs until May 25th! You still have a bit of time to get your entry in. :) Scroll down to the Contest news below!

Don't Panic: Towel Day is almost upon us! :D Wednesday May 25th, so be sure your towel is ready to go. I know I need to do a load of laundry. haha!

May is almost on its way out the door, but we've still got some surprises up our sleeves... be sure to keep checking the news for details!

Posted by PhantomFire on May 22, 2011 9:23 pm
PLEASE scroll down and get your answers in ASAP! Contest closes on the 25th!
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Happy Weekend!
Posted by JT_ on May 20, 2011 11:31 pm
I just added in two new geek items! Happy Weekend! :D

(Yesterday's item isn't just for Geek Month, and can be found in the Environment Shop -- Full Moons!)

New Item... Can you find it?
Posted by JT_ on May 19, 2011 7:48 pm
Just a quick update-- I added a new item! This one will be sticking around after Geek Month ends. :) Can you find it??

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