News Announcements

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3.1415... π!
Posted by JT_ on Mar 14, 2015 11:25 am
Happy Pi Day! To celebrate this mathematical day, everyone active in the last 3 days has received a Cherry Pi. :) YUM!

(This pie should also be stocking in our site shops!)

Also I wanted to mention that Hotmail has been rejecting our activation emails. So if you have signed up for P3 recently and have NOT received your activation email, please contact us using the Contact US form linked in the footer! I am working with Hotmail to resolve this, but it may not happen right away unfortunately. :(

March 2015: TE Items
Posted by JT_ on Mar 08, 2015 4:15 pm
Thanks for your patience everyone! My computer is back in business. And Jamie has sent us some lovely TE items for March. :)


Luck o' the Puma [ 3 TE ]

This package contains the entire Luck o' the Puma set: Leprechaun Hat, Pot-o-Gold, Three Clover Sprig, and Two Clover Sprig.


Spring Kiting [ 2 TE ]

This package contains the entire Spring Kiting set: Box Kite, Diamond Kite, and Floating on a Strong Gust.


Both are now available in the TE Items Shop, as well as our Item Demo if you'd like to see them on multiple Puma breeds.


Quick Update!
Posted by JT_ on Mar 04, 2015 9:23 pm
Just wanted to let you all know that TE items will be delayed until Friday. My ongoing computer issues are finally on their way to being resolved, but I'll need an extra day to re-install and get everything situated again. :)

Thanks very much for your patience!

EDIT: Sorry again for the delay. Getting everything reinstalled on my computer is taking longer than expected.

Edited: 03-07-2015 12:17 am

March 2015: New Premium Gift Available
Posted by JT_ on Mar 01, 2015 12:00 am
A brand new month has arrived, which means we also have a new Premium Gift!

This Premium Gift is available until the end of the month for all upgraded users. Head to your Index Control Panel to accept this month's gift whenever you are ready! Don't forget to open it and see what is inside. :)

Not yet Premium? CLICK HERE for more details, or head to the TE Items Shop to buy an upgrade item! Enjoy!

Saturday Evening Live Chat!
Posted by PhantomFire on Feb 28, 2015 1:56 pm
Saturday,February 28th, at 3PM Puma time and again at 9PM puma time we will be hosting Saturday Evening Live in our Chat rooms! CHECK THE NEW LATE TIME

Topic tonight is: "General Chat Casual chat tonight, Movies? Books? Games?
All you need to do is participate! That is, not simply show up but actually join in the conversation and chat! It's that simple.

Can't wait to see you all there!!

* To get to the chat complex click on "community> chat complex> follow directions and click the link at the VERY bottom of the page!"

REMEMBER.. P3 is NEUTRAL. We do NOT discuss POLITICS, RELIGION, SUICIDE, ABORTION or RACIAL ISSUES in CHAT. Remember our membership includes many people from all walks of life. Be kind and considerate. Thanks!

Ok, the gazette is out!
Posted by PhantomFire on Feb 27, 2015 8:49 am
And somethings are missing, namely the spotlights.
I'm having a difficult time getting participation here and would like to open this thread to suggestions on how to make this a feature with more participation! I'd like to run spotlight every month but folks don't nominate and frankly the "click" number on this gazette feature is about 2 out of the entire subscribers which means the feature isn't popular at all. So, would you all prefer we dump it? or are there ways to make it more fun for everyone? Here's your chance to put in your 2 cents!

Pumatopian Gazette
Posted by PhantomFire on Feb 26, 2015 6:17 am
He folks! Due to some insane scheduling ( Classes and family junk) The gazette is running late. It will be out either tonight or Friday latest.
I am desperately in need of a co editor ( obviously)
The person must have good spelling and grammar skills, Be able to work well with bossy pumas and most of all be dependable.
This position is a paid in TE position. Please Message PhantomFire #1 for more details and to apply.

Commenting Disabled

Saturday Evening Live Chat!
Posted by PhantomFire on Feb 21, 2015 2:55 pm
I won't be around for chat today due to a rather rough weekend schedule, however, feel free to use the chat rooms and enjoy yourselves! Any staff wishing to hold chat is free to do so! See you all next week!

And Now.... The Moment You Have All Been Waiting For.......
Posted by PhantomFire on Feb 21, 2015 12:29 pm
The winners of the Latest Hidden Raffle chosen by are.....

THIRD place!!: Amassa Ferralleap #12308
You win 2 TE! Spend them wisely!

::Crowd Cheers::::

In Second Place!!!:Komitadjie #930
You win Your choice of any TE Monthly item in the Shop!

:::Crowd applauds wildly::::

AND..... In First place.....

**Sairye #2399**

Sairye won by ASKING for CANDY... And so

::Crowd goes wild, several pumas faint::::


Congrats on your win! We hope you will enjoy her!

KEEP an eye out for HIDDEN RAFFLE FOLKS!!!
You never know WHAT you can win... or WHO will win a prize!

Peppermint Festival: Last Day!
Posted by JT_ on Feb 16, 2015 12:38 pm
Don't forget-- today is the last day of the Peppermint Festival for 2015!

You have about 11 hours left to grab all the goodies. :)

Thanks for celebrating with us!

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