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Summer Solstice 2015: June 20-24
Posted by JT_ on Jun 20, 2015 12:00 am
Welcome to Summer!!!

Since the extended festival went so well last year, we've done it again! Enjoy the extra days. :)

Summer means beaches, BBQs, backyard pools, vacations, and beautiful outdoor weather! (OK, you may have to contend with some extreme heat and humidity... but that is what water and air conditioning are for, right?!).


Site Layout Style: If you are using "Site Default" as your layout style choice, you should notice our summer style! Bright orange and magenta to get you in a vibrant summery mood.

Bounce Beach Balls: Clicking on user profiles once per hour will net you some awesome prizes!

Gifting Stump: As always, our trusty Gifting Stump is available to send gifts to fellow users.

Fun New Items: We have a bunch of new items, both in the profile click game AND in the Site Shops! Be sure to check them out.

Retiring Items: Items from 2012 will be retiring after this festival ends! If an item's description says "First Released 2012" this is your last chance to grab it!

We hope you enjoy the festival! :)
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Kami Mi Ke NekoJun 20, 2015 12:01 am
WOO! :D My favorite! Since it's over my birthday! *does a happy dance and goes nutz!* :D

PhantomFireJun 20, 2015 12:22 am

mrsgunsageJun 20, 2015 1:02 am

Puma GamesJun 20, 2015 1:23 am
Festival Raffle, yes yes?


Captain StumpyJun 20, 2015 4:23 am
OMFG There is a Pony?!!?!?!! I want them alll!!

ImBeeZeeJun 20, 2015 10:19 am
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