News Announcements

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New Toys
Posted by JT_ on Apr 16, 2010 1:11 am
Four new toys have been added to the Toys & Games shop. :) They have varying rarities!
Darkness Bouncy Ball | Lightning Bouncy Ball | Wind Bouncy Ball | Wood Bouncy Ball

Also, you may have noticed that your Private Messages are now arranged into pages. :)


EDIT: Ah, forgot to mention one thing-- tonight (Friday around 11:59 Puma Time), the Moondance Snails will be leaving the Delicatessen! So this your last chance to grab a Full Moon Snail or a Paper Lantern Snail!

Edited: 04-16-2010 01:13 am

Some fun stuff
Posted by PhantomFire on Apr 11, 2010 9:49 pm
To go with the Chat Party , we sent out a few fun items to everyone active this weekend! Enjoy!

Just a Reminder
Posted by PhantomFire on Apr 10, 2010 5:17 pm
This weekend will be a party weekend in the Chat complex. If you don't have a chat account we urge you to make one. Come join us for fun, Flings and friendship!

Posted by PhantomFire on Apr 10, 2010 12:46 am
Yes, today is indeed JT's BIRTHDAY!

Happy Birthday, JT! Best to you, and many many more!

April TE Items!
Posted by JT_ on Apr 09, 2010 12:54 am
April's TE Items have arrived. :) Head over to the TE Items Shop to purchase:

Fire Lotus Drape [ 3 TE ]


Viperstrike Glove [ 2 TE ]


• At the end of the day on April 9th (today), the February TE Items will be disappearing from the shop! This is the Dreamtear Wings and the Forge Guard Armor. Get them while you still can!

• At the end of the day on April 9th (today), the March TE Items will be increasing in price! The Jamila Collar will be 6 TE and the Royal Feathered Sword will be 4 TE.

Enjoy! :)

User Shop History
Posted by JT_ on Apr 08, 2010 12:54 am
User Shop History has arrived. :)

Similar to the Transfer Histories from our last update, the User Shop History will show you a record of purchases in your User Shop.

Since we now have this history page, you will only receive a notification that lets you know a purchase has been made. In order to see the purchase details, you must go to your history page. :)

The Shop History can be accessed from the top links in your Inventory/User Shop/Shadowbox/Secret Cellar area!


Transfers History
Posted by JT_ on Apr 04, 2010 10:07 pm
History for all Transfers has arrived. :)

You'll be able to see the last 50 of each type of transfer: Bank, Item, Puma.

The History section is located below the Inbound/Outbound Transfers. :)

I also simplified the YOU menu-- now it just links you to one TRANSFERS page, instead of having each one on there.

Posted by JT_ on Apr 02, 2010 9:43 pm
I just wanted to let you all know that I went through and removed all the bunches of duplicate notifications that are in the database. I'm pretty sure I got everyone, but if you notice that you still have a bunch of the exact same notification, let me know!

These are the things you will get notifications for:

• Hunger (one for each Alpha)
• Happiness (one for each Alpha)
• Health (one for each Alpha)
• Breeding Requests (only one! This is one I fixed today.)
• Transfers (one for each type of transfer)
• News (one for new, one for edits)
• Births (one for each kitten born)
• Puma Sales (one for each sale)
• Shop Item Sales (one for each sale)
• Any Admin Gifts (like the BURRITOFRIDAY gift earlier today!)
• Premium Bank Interest (one per week)
• Premium Shop Bonus (one per week)

The plan is this: For Transfers, Puma Sales and Shop Item Sales, I will be creating history info pages where you will be able to see what you have transferred/received/sold. So rather than inundate you will possibly lots of notifications, you will only receive ONE notification for each type.

For example, if you sold 10 items in your shop today, you would receive one notification that says "You sold an item in your User Shop! Head over to your Shop History to see more information." Then you could click to go to the Shop History, and see who bought what and when. :)

Makes sense?

I know that notifications can be annoying if you have a LOT going on and cannot sign in every day, so I hope that these upcoming changes will help!

Let us know if you have any suggestions. :)

Posted by JT_ on Apr 02, 2010 2:54 pm
Happy BURRITOFRIDAY, everyone! :D

If you've been active since Wednesday, you just received a super delicious Chicken Burrito.


The 2010 Moondance Festival is waning...
Posted by JT_ on Apr 01, 2010 12:21 am
Today marks the last day of our Moondance Festival. :)

The Pumas have gone through about 3 bazillion tons of firecrackers! BOOM!

And the Wushis have stuffed themselves completely full of cabbage!

On this, our last of the festival, the Moondance snails have come out to play. :)

All active users in the last week will find a Year of the Tiger Snail hiding in their Inventory. And in the Delicatessen, you'll find two more festive snails to munch on! :)

Our snail friends will only be in the shops for 2 weeks, so snatch them up while you can! Thanks very much to Doc_Baghead for the deliciously adorable snails. :D

Also, I will be adding in the art for Wushi items over the next week or so. :) Kip sent me a bunch tonight so look for them soon!

Thanks for making this an awesome Moondance Festival! We've got lots more fun treats coming up in the weeks to come. :)

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