News Announcements

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Regarding P3 Chat Room
Posted by PhantomFire on Jun 15, 2013 1:31 am
Recently it has been discovered that the P3 Games chat room is being used to recruit and play other game sites. While we have no issue with video games and the like, we DO take exception to the chat room P3 pays for being used to help encourage, play, and send traffic to other pet / breeding game sites. There is a difference between having a brief conversation about another site, and monopolizing the chat with non-P3 site discussions.

If you wish to discuss game play and strategies for another site, PLEASE use their chat room to do so. If they don't have a dedicated chat like we do here, there are many free options such as AIM, Skype, Facebook, as well as IRC channels. We also allow some discussion on our own forums, too, under the Other Game Discussions section.

P3 Games chat is for the convenience of P3 Games members to play, post their pumas, sell and network. NOT to recruit for other sites, or to exchange game play tips for other sites. This activity has to stop immediately.

We tend to be very laid back and reasonable, as well as open to suggestions and working with members. We're sure this is why people feel comfortable using our chat for activities completely unrelated to P3. We would like to steer our P3 Chat back toward P3 discussions! In this case, any further use of chat for these reasons stated above will result in loss of chat privileges.

Please be aware and act accordingly.

Thank you!
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Eyrie Updates
Posted by JT_ on Jun 11, 2013 8:45 pm
First of all, the enthusiasm for the Eyrie so far has been great. :) We're happy you guys are having fun!

Second of all, this whole system (including the Dragn's Hoard game) is still considered beta, so you can expect that further changes may happen over the next couple of weeks as we see how everything works out. So thanks for helping us test this new system and make it the best it can be! If you have any suggestions, don't be afraid to post them in the Ideas & Suggestions area of the Forum.

• Some adjustments have been made to interaction requirements, and we'll continue to monitor and see if what we've decided upon is working. We won't take away any of your current eggs or hatchlings, but you may notice some changes on future ones.

• The Random Eyrie Nest option has been given a bit of a bonus! In addition to the pence or dragn food prize, you will also receive 1 interaction point towards your own Eyrie for free. :) This only applies if you click from the Random Eyrie Nest page (it is linked on your Index Control Panel as well as the Eyrie page itself).

(This interaction point will be randomly assigned to a nest in your Eyrie. If you don't have anything currently being nurtured, the point will be forfeit.)

Thanks for playing!

Happy Donut Day!
Posted by JT_ on Jun 07, 2013 2:20 pm


Today we celebrate the delicious doughy treat called the DONUT! MMmmmmmmmm. You'll find these lovely new filled donuts in the Cakery Bakery. Quad made them special cause she loves you all! :D

Have you logged in since Monday? I hope so, cause if you did, you'll find a Puma Claw Donut in your inventory. WOOHOO!

(This item will also be stocking in the Cakery Bakery :))

June 2013 TE Items
Posted by JT_ on Jun 05, 2013 2:35 pm
Summer is almost here! In case you have any fancy summer parties to attend, we have two TE items this month that are perfect choices for accessories. Thanks to Quad and Yam for these!


Lush Bouquet Fascinator [ 3 TE ]


Fiddlehead Lace Fascinator [ 2 TE ]


Also note that April TE Items will be removed from the TE Items Shop on the 8th. May TE Items will increase in price on the 8th. So grab 'em while you can!

Happy Cheese Day!
Posted by JT_ on Jun 04, 2013 5:06 pm
Today is Cheese Day, so we thought we would celebrate with a Bleu Cheese Wedge! Yum!

You can find it stocking in the Delicatessen.

In addition, anyone active since Friday has received one of these smelly wedges. :)

Monday Music Madness!
Posted by PhantomFire on Jun 03, 2013 3:19 pm
Hello! And welcome to another installment of "Monday Music Madness!" The category today is "Songs about CLOTHING".

I got me a white sport coat and a pink crustacean!

MsBee (#2384)
Band: Leonard Cohen....."Famous Blue Raincoat"
Famous Blue Raincoat

Sasha (#11)
Band:Brian Hyland .........."Yellow Polka-dot Bikini"
Yellow Polka-dot Bikini

katsutos (#110)
Band:J. Reyez & Tommy C. of IBU...."Wedding Dress (English Version)"
Wedding Dress

izgir (#10458)
Band:Neil Diamond..........."Forever in Blue Jeans"
Forever in Blue Jeans

Maddie (#3235)
Band:ZZ Top....."Sharp Dressed Man"
Sharp Dressed Man

Allira (#8)
Band:Paul Young ......."Wherever I Lay My Hat"
Wherever I Lay My Hat

mrsgunsage (#1114)
Band:Paul Simon......."Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes"
Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes

Flooffy (#10399)
Band:David Bowie......"Black Tie White Noise"
Black Tie White Noise

brenne (#13)
Band:The Hollies...."Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress"
Long Cool Woman

Sambari (#2846)
Band:General Larry Platt......."Pants on the Ground"
Pants on the Ground

Usiku (#926))
Band:Dolly Parton......."Coat of Many Colors"
Coat of Many Colors

Camogurl (#469)
Band:Nancy Sinatra......."These Boots Are Made For Walkin'"
These Boots Are Made For Walkin'

Kami Mi Ke Neko (#72)
Band:Cherry Poppin' Daddies......."Zoot Suit Riot"
Zoot Suit Riot

Internal Panthara (#10759)
Band:Lorrie Morgan......"Something in Red"
Something in Red

Tolf (#2458)
Band:Keith Urban......."You Look Good In My Shirt"
You Look Good In My Shirt

GreenRowan (#2410)
Band:Mitch Ryder..."Devil with the Blue Dress"
Devil with the Blue Dress

Billy The Kid (#7312)
Band:OST - The Drowsy Chaperone...."Fancy Dress"
Fancy Dress

Ruck (#6299) & singlerose (#145)
Band:Elvis Presley....."Blue Suede Shoes"
Blue Suede Shoes

furryfeathers (#671)
Band:Joe Nichols....."Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off"
Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off

crazy cat (#6022)
Band:David Bowie....."Jean Genie"
Jean Genie

sienna77 (#1863)
Band:Jimmy Clanton....."Venus in Blue Jeans"
Venus in Blue Jeans

Thank you everyone for contributing!!!
This was fun!
GREAT songs! As Always!

Now for my picks..

Band:Metro........."Black Lace Shoulder"
Black Lace Shoulder

Band:Rod Stewart..........."You Wear It Well"
You Wear It Well

Band:Derek and the Dominoes....."Bell Bottom Blues"
Bell Bottom Blues

* * * * * *

As I stated last posting, We want YOUR songs! PLEASE though, don't send more than 2 suggestions at a time.
If you find NEW stuff to suggest, feel free to send, just don't keep sending the same song over and over :)
If you wish to suggest music, you must PRIVATE message me directly with the link and the subject line "Suggestion for Music". It would help me a GREAT deal if you would also include the name of the band and the song with your video clip. I am running into removed videos and I have no way to search w/o information included.
Also, If you discover I did NOT use your particular clip It's usually because it isn't available, isn't playing properly or has a long commercial in front of it. I will try to search out a good version when this happens.

This upcoming M3 will post on June 17th

Next category: WATER. Songs about Water, Seas, Lakes, Rivers, Oceans, Rain. Big category.. get your feet wet!

Congrats to:
MsBee (#2384)
Sasha (#11)
katsutos (#110)
izgir (#10458)
Maddie (#3235)
Allira (#8)
mrsgunsage (#1114)
Flooffy (#10399)
brenne (#13)
Sambari (#2846)
Usiku (#926)
Camogurl (#469)
Kami Mi Ke Neko (#72)
Internal Panthara (#10759)
Tolf (#2458)
GreenRowan (#2410)
Billy The Kid (#7312)
Ruck (#6299)
singlerose (#145)
furryfeathers (#671)
crazy cat (#6022)
sienna77 (#1863)

Keep posting comments for interesting prizes!!!
Top three Posters this week are:
brenne #13
Meau #9714
Allira #8

Usual Rules apply. The top three postings on the music this week will win the prize! Happy listening and get posting!

Prizes will go out sometime this week.

Posted by PhantomFire on Jun 02, 2013 1:34 pm
Monday Music Madness will be posting in the late afternoon on Monday the 3RD. Get your suggestions in!! And please post on the last Music Madness thread to win fun items!! NEW COOL and FUN STUFF COMING SOON!! Don't miss out!! Please check out the thread here Music Madness and post for cute exclusive prizes and submit your favorite music for more prizes! You cannot win.... if you do not play!!
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And the WINNER IS.....
Posted by PhantomFire on Jun 01, 2013 10:24 pm
Winners to the Geek Month VOGON POETRY contest have been announced! Check it out here! Click here if you dare! and scroll to the bottom of the page.
WTG all you hoopy froods! Those were TRULY AWFUL!!
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Geek Month & P3 Breeding Challenge #2
Posted by JT_ on May 31, 2013 2:13 pm
Today is the last day of Geek Month! We hope you enjoyed the fun and the new items for this year. :)

In case you missed it the first time (or just want a second one!), all active users since May 24th have received a Gamer Crab!

The Tin Robot has also been re-released in the Petites Shop.

All Geek Month items will continue to stock in their shops until 11:59 PM on June 15th. Comics and Manga, however, will be around until April 30, 2014. Enjoy!

In addition, it is time to announce the P3 Breeding Challenge #2! This time we have a bit of a different format, so PLEASE be sure to read through the rules very thoroughly. We want everyone to be successful. :) The theme is "Rags to Riches"!

CLICK HERE for the important rules and information. Good luck to everyone!
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