News Announcements

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September 2015: Paradigms
Posted by JT_ on Sep 15, 2015 7:16 pm
Time for something a bit different! :) Thanks Quad!



• Glacial Fissures
• Emerald Starfield
• Fiery Starfield

These can be found in our Custom Demo, Custom Creation, and all Marking and Evolution Utilities! Enjoy!

Do you have any suggestions for new Paradigms? Even recolors of current ones? Let us know! :)

Birthday Raffle!!
Posted by PhantomFire on Sep 12, 2015 9:33 am
Hurry on over!!
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P3 6th Birthday 2015: Sept 12 - 18
Posted by JT_ on Sep 12, 2015 12:00 am


P3's 6th birthday has arrived! Where has the time gone??

P3 opened to the public on September 12, 2009. Over the years we have added lots of new stuff-- but the best that has been added? YOU GUYS! :D We are so glad to have all of you here to join us and help celebrate! Thanks so much for being a part of P3's 6th Birthday. :)

It turns out that the Pumas have all be decorating and stuffing crackers, piñatas, and present boxes while you weren't looking... :D

The birthday celebration lasts a whole week, and here is what you have to look forward to:

Gifting Stump: We never start a party without the Gifting Stump! Send fun gifts to friends and soon-to-be friends alike. :) You can even send them anonymously, if you want to be sneaky.

Profile Clicks: We can't have a party without gifts for all of you! Click on user profile once per hour to find all the goodies.

Pin the Tail on the Puma: It's back! Collect 6th Birthday Puma Tails to help our Puma friend reattach his tail. :) All users active in the last week will receive 2 Puma Tails to start off our party with a bang.

Items: That's right, there are even a few new items in our Site Shops. Check 'em out!


Alphas: It's our Sixth "Anniversary", and the Alphas have prepared a little surprise for you. Go check 'em out!


(NOTE: Items first released in 2012 will be retiring at the end of the celebration!)

TE Items: September 2015
Posted by JT_ on Sep 05, 2015 12:47 pm
ARRrrrrrrRRrrrr! Prepare for Talk Like a Pirate Day with these new sets from Jamie!


Pirate Accessories [ 3 TE ]

This set includes: Pirate Booty Chest, Pirate Cannon, and Pirate Treasure Map.


Pirate Attire [ 2 TE ]

This set includes: Pirate Torn Shirt, Pirate Tattered Shorts, and Pirate Scar.


Both are now available in the TE Items Shop, as well as our Item Demo if you'd like to see them on multiple Puma breeds.


Impress me! [ROUND FIVE] Has begun!
Posted by PhantomFire on Sep 04, 2015 8:20 pm
Do it To it!! get going! be creative!

Click Here!
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August TE raffle winners!
Posted by PhantomFire on Sep 02, 2015 9:37 pm
Thank you so much for coming out and helping to Support P3!
It means a lot to us! Sites like this are expensive and costly, We try to keep prices as low as possible but, sometimes it's difficult. Lately so many things have increased in cost and it's getting difficult to maintain within the old budget! So thank you again for helping to support us! September TE raffle is now open!

Remember, all contributing 10 or more will be entered in the New Years Eve OOAK raffle, One entry for every 10 dollars contributed! Win an Original one of a kind [OOAK] puma of your design! ( And we might be raffling more than one OOAK! stay tuned!)

annnnddddd....The winners of the August TE Raffle are.... (as determined by

4th place:
MoonGoddess [ 127 ]
Winner: "Emerald Orb"

3rd Place:
ImBeeZee [ 1668 ]
Winner: "Saphire Orb"

2nd Place
Quadricat [ 74 ]
Winner: "Garnet Orb"

singlerose [ 145 ]
Winner: "Opal Orb"

Congratulations you guys! Prizes will be sent out shortly.

Also.. CONGRATULATIONS to "Impress me" round 4 winners!
There will be an "Impress me round 5" posted shortly in Custom discussion! And a hidden raffle! So keep a look out!

September is P3 BIRTHDAY month!! Get ready for Cake and party favors!
Also Arrrrrrrr... talk like a pirate day! Wear your shoulder parrot proudly!

Whooot FUN FUN!

September TE Raffle!
Posted by PhantomFire on Sep 02, 2015 12:26 pm
September TE support Raffle has begun!! You will get a fun badge for your profile to say "THANKS!" to all our supporters the first time you Help Support P3 with a 10 dollar donation! That badge will be yours.... FUR-ever!
Please remember, We Appreciate all your support, You guys are the best and this monthly raffle is our way to say THANK YOU. We want to give back some of what we are getting :D
ALL Purchases of 10 dollars (10 is one ticket, 20: two tickets 30: three tickets) will be entered into the end of the year drawing as well for your very own One of a kind Puma ( you get to help design it!)..Rumor has it... IT might not be the only one... shhhhh...
All you have to do to enter is Help Support P3Games! Go to "Shopping" on the sidebar, and to Buy TE! and with every 10 dollar TE purchase you get one entry!
Good luck everyone!! And thank you from everyone here at P3Games!

(Winners for the August TE raffle will be announced this evening!)

Thanks again everyone! You guys ROCK!

You have Impressed me!!
Posted by PhantomFire on Sep 01, 2015 12:35 pm
Winners for IMPRESS ME round 4 have been posted!!
Go look and see who won and if it was YOU.. get me your recipes ASAP!!

Click Me!

September 2015: New Premium Gift Available
Posted by JT_ on Sep 01, 2015 12:00 am
A brand new month has arrived, which means we also have a new Premium Gift!

This Premium Gift is available until the end of the month for all upgraded users. Head to your Index Control Panel to accept this month's gift whenever you are ready! Don't forget to open it and see what is inside. :)

Not yet Premium? CLICK HERE for more details, or head to the TE Items Shop to buy an upgrade item! Enjoy!

Summer Breeze has chosen his Pride!!
Posted by PhantomFire on Aug 31, 2015 7:00 pm
It was difficult! so many GREAT entries! So many fun prides! but.. Summer breeze has decided to go home with :

Trilobite #12721

YAY!! Congratulations on your luau pooma! Hope you are very happy together!

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