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October 2014: Paradigms!
Posted by JT_ on Oct 15, 2014 2:36 pm
Halfway through October means that Paradigms are here!



• Candy Corn Bubbles
• Brown Cordtone
• Green Stucco

These can be found in our Custom Demo, Custom Creation, and all Marking and Evolution Utilities! Enjoy!

Do you have any suggestions for new Paradigms? Even recolors of current ones? Let us know! :)

NOTE: Danse Macabre is almost here! It should begin on October 24th. Be sure to keep reading the news for any details leading up to our celebration. :)
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FrelanceOct 15, 2014 5:40 pm
very spooooooky

oryxOct 16, 2014 1:25 am
alright! candy corn! bring it on!
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