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March 2014 - Paradigms
Posted by JT_ on Mar 15, 2014 12:29 pm
It's mid-March, and we have some new Paradigms for you. The main theme of this month is fur, fur and more fur!

(Okay, and some stained glass in case you don't like fur. ;))

• Calico
• Dilute Calico
• Tortoiseshell
• Dilute Tortoiseshell
• Autumn Stained Glass

All are now available in Demos, Custom Creation, and Utilities! Thanks Yam and Quad!

Don't forget about the Saturday Evening Live Chat!
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singleroseMar 15, 2014 12:36 pm
Absolutely love the stained glass...though they are all awesome....going to have to add to my kolico kissed clowder I can see that now.

Kami Mi Ke NekoMar 15, 2014 3:52 pm
*flails and spazzes out all the way to the demos*

(and I think I might just have some orbs O.o

^^ !!

SambariMar 15, 2014 5:00 pm
OH yay :D! I've always wanted a tortie paradigm <3
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