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Hey Folks!!
Posted by PhantomFire on Mar 12, 2014 9:59 am
With the coming of the newsletter we will also be doing P3 "Spotlights".
What are spotlights you say? This is where you get to nominate friends, displays, pumas that you think are worthy of a mention in the newsletter. The people showcased will be given a spot in the newsletter, you will also get mentioned and .. who knows what else? :)

Do you want to suggest someone?
Go here: Click me!

Is there a puma you think is awesome? Go here: Click me too!

How about a fun display? Then go here! : Clickie Clickie!

Let's get those thinking caps on and get the suggestions going!!

Also, We are looking for short stories and poems, writing, art, anything creative! Do you have something for the newsletter? Go here: Click this link too! and show us your stuff!

Anyone wishing to write for the newsletter or help gather fun facts and things should contact me directly here at acct #1!

Edited: 03-12-2014 10:00 am
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singleroseMar 12, 2014 10:54 am
WHOOOOOOT!!!!! This is going to be fun,fun,fun. Great idea all of you.
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