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Health, Happiness & Hunger - Coming Soon!
Posted by JT_ on Feb 03, 2010 11:34 pm
The large project I have been working on is the Health, Happiness, and Hunger Meters (H3 Meters). :) It has been completely revamped and is ready and raring to go!

First, just the facts/important info:

• Changes will go into effect: Sunday February 7, 2010 (there will probably be some maintenance downtime on the 7th, more details announced as we get closer)
• Alpha Pumas are the ONLY ones that will have H3 Meters -- all other Pumas are frozen in time unless they are made to be the Alpha
• H3 Meters will now be Account Specific -- this means that instead of each Puma having their own H3 Meters, each Account will now have H3 Meters for each Alpha Breed. If you change your Alpha Lion from Puma A to Puma B, the H3 Meters will remain the same from one Puma to the next. :) The H3 Meters are now tied into the position of being Alpha, rather than the Puma individuals.
• All Alpha Pumas will have their H3 Meters set to full-- please do not try to "pre-feed" your Pumas, as that will be a waste of your Food and will not be refunded.
• H3 Meters affect all Pumas' breeding ability. The Alpha Lion (for example) has an affect on ALL Lions in your pride. For more details, please see the detailed information section below.
• Your Pumas will NOT die or run away! Never, ever! No matter what!
• Premium accounts have some perks with regard to the H3 Meters -- please read below for more info!
• There is a LOT of information here, so please read through carefully. :) As mentioned above, however, nothing bad will happen to your Pumas. So please do not be worried!


• No breeding will be allowed unless the Alpha of the Puma you are trying to breed has been set. For example, if you only have one Lion and have removed his Alpha status to sell him (etc), you may NOT breed him unless he has been set as Alpha. An Alpha is required for the Puma you are trying to breed (whether in-pride or out-of-pride).
• If the Hunger for a breed is 50% or greater, Pumas of this breed will only be available for In-Pride Breeding
• If the Hunger for a breed is 75% or greater, Pumas of this breed will not be available for breeding at all
• The Puma Profile will reflect whether or not the Puma can breed -- options will be disabled as necessary
• Hunger increases 5% (Premium) or 8% (non-Premium) if both Health and Hunger are optimal (greater than 75%) in each breeding
• Hunger increases 10% (Premium) or 13% (non-Premium) if Happiness is below 75% in each breeding
• Hunger increases 30% (Premium) or 33% (non-Premium) if Happiness is below 50% in each breeding
• Hunger increases 50% (Premium) or 53% (non-Premium) if Health is below 75% in each breeding
• Negative impact of lower Health and Happiness adds together-- for example, if Happiness is below 75% and Health is below 75%, then Hunger will increase 10% + 50% = 60% (or more, for non-Premium)
• For every 5% increase in Hunger from Breeding, Health decreases 2% (Premium) or 5% (non-Premium)
• For every 10% increase in Hunger from Breeding, Happiness decreases 1% (Premium) or 4%(non-Premium)

• Requesting a breeding will not be allowed unless Hunger of both pumas is less than 50%
• If a breeding request is received, user will not be able to accept it unless Alphas are set for all breeds involved and Hunger is less than 50% for all breeds involved (see above for more info about the Alpha being set)

• Hunger increases 1% twice daily
• Health decreases 3% once a week if Hunger is greater than 25%
• Happiness decreases 5% once daily

• Happiness increases 2% for all Alpha Pumas for each Game played (Pay-to-Play and Multiple Play games only)

- FOOD -
• Current Food effectiveness will increase :)

- TOYS -
• Toys will increase happiness between 5-10%
• Playable toys have a random shelf-life between 1-4 uses -- they will break and will disappear from inventory

• Elixirs will be available for purchase to increase Puma Health (this may be slightly delayed, but no worries, because we have the Healer! see below!)

• Healer will increase the Health of your Featured Puma
• Cost is 100 PP for every 1% Health increase

As you can see, this is a lot of new stuff to take in. :) But it will be a fun new addition to the site-- your poor Pumas have been waiting for their H3 Meters to function correctly!

Some questions you might have:

1. OH NO! Will my Puma die if his Health drops too low?
--NOPE! :D Your Puma will NEVER die!

2. Will my Puma run away from my Pride if she has a low Happiness?
--NOPE! :D Your Puma will NEVER run away! She might get a bit angry at you, but with some toys and some love you should be able to make her happy again in no time. :)

3. Can my Puma starve to death if Hunger increases to 100?
--NOPE! :D Your Puma cannot die! A veryvery high Hunger will change his ability to breed, but will not kill him. :)

Feel free to ask any questions you might have. We want to make sure everyone is comfortable with the changes and understands how everything will work. :)
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brenneFeb 03, 2010 11:36 pm pumas are delighted at the thought of toys. They've been batting around that old chewed leg of invi too long. *geegl* Can't wait to see it all in action. Kudos JT :D

WeaverFeb 03, 2010 11:36 pm
Woohoo! The system is go and thank you for explaining it all.

ZhaveaFeb 03, 2010 11:44 pm
Can't wait to get this going, the sales market is going to get better now thanks to this system! =3 And we can get more for studs fees.

QuadricatFeb 04, 2010 12:19 am
This should slow down breeding, and give us all something else to do =D hurray!

vladFeb 04, 2010 5:19 am
Thank you for all the detailed stats etc, Can we have the mass of percentage relationships thing sort of broadly explained in idiot-speak for those of us who are totally incapable to mental math (or indeed, not going completely blank when numbers are involved!) Lol. I hope I'm not the only one who can't understand a word of the percentages in the 'Breeding' section of this news post! ^_^ All I really gleaned out of it was: Upgraded accounts decrease less than non-upgraded.
Looking forward to all of this, once it gets past the brain imploding numbers part! XD

Kami Mi Ke NekoFeb 04, 2010 6:22 am
Woo! Excited :D

SebraxisFeb 04, 2010 7:27 am
That's awesome, JT. Just curious as to whether pumas may bare more than (1) kit per pregnancy with optimal breeding stats of both [Alpha] sire and queen? Essentially, I'd like to know if the new changes will potentially increase litter size... thanks. ^_^

JT_Feb 04, 2010 10:54 am
Vlad: Let me see if I can explain. :) When you attemp to breed your Puma, the first thing that happens is that the system looks at your Puma's H3 Meters. If your Puma's Hunger is at a certain level (for example, 50% [all meters go from 0 to 100]) then your Puma will either be allowed to breed, only allowed to breed in-pride, or not allowed to breed at all. After that is decided, you can then breed (or not!) your Puma. When the Puma is bred, your H3 Meters come into effect again. If you have a high Health and Happiness (100 is the best for these two!) your Puma's Hunger will increase a much smaller amount than if your Health/Happiness are low (under 75 or under 50). The information I posted above is the exact % that are lost for various circumstances. :) And yes, Premium accounts have a smaller % of loss for each of those circumstances. The most important part to realize is that if your Puma is high in Health and high in Happiness, you will have an easier time keeping him/her full of food. :)

Sebraxis: The number of kittens in a litter has nothing to do with the H3 Meters. It is affected by the Levels of the two Puma parents. :) Levels has not quite been implemented yet, but it's coming up!

SerenaFeb 04, 2010 5:09 pm
Sounds awesome!

I like it that the hunger spped has decresed(?) because before I realized that feeding it was useless at the time I would be frustrated at how much It needed to eat! Dangit, I just fed you and you're hungry again!?! :P

ShadowFeb 04, 2010 8:10 pm
hehe I am so glad I am not the only one that didn't fully understand the percentages :) I thought it was only me being a blonde (yes I AM a blonde) :) I do understand the general idea of the percentages etc though (boy am I glad I have been hoarding food no)

Thanks JT for explaining it further :)

IxiFeb 04, 2010 10:02 pm
*dances* Oooooooooooh! This shall be fun :D

JemenaiFeb 05, 2010 2:47 am
Ack...maths! Do Not Want :(

JT_Feb 05, 2010 11:14 am
hehe, sorry for the maths. :) I figured some people might want to know the exact %, but it's actually *not* that important to know! All the % stuff is taken care of "behind the scenes" so even if you forget to check your Puma's Hunger, you will get an error message explaining.

The most important numbers are 50% and 75%. :) So if you know one of your Pumas is going to hit one of those numbers in any of the H3 Meters, you might want to take care of it as you will start seeing "negative" effects with Breeding. :)

Less than 50% is the "high danger zone" for Health/Happiness, and greater than 75% is the "high danger zone" for Hunger!
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