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Puma Search - UPDATE!
Posted by JT_ on Feb 17, 2014 5:45 pm
A small update was just uploaded for the Puma Search. In addition to a bug fix, there is now a new option.

For Markings, the default search is now "All Markings & Markingless". This is a combo of our two previous options!

You can still search for "All Markings" (which excludes Markingless) and "Markingless" (which excludes all Markings). You can also choose a very specific Marking to search for if you are looking for something in particular.

For Evolutions, the default search is now "All Evolutions & Evolutionless". This is a combo of our two previous options!

You can still search for "All Evolutions" (which excludes Evolutionless) and "Evolutionless" (which excludes all Evolutions). You can also choose a very specific Evolution to search for if you are looking for something in particular.

Basically, we just made it easier to see a combo of our options in one search. :) Now you don't have to do two separate searches to find out the data (unless you want to).

Enjoy! And let me know if you notice any bugs.
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singleroseFeb 17, 2014 5:47 pm
AWESOME thanks for all your hard work folks.

SambariFeb 17, 2014 6:59 pm
Ah awesome! Thanks <3

TigerLilly101Feb 18, 2014 11:08 am
Cool :)
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