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ARRRRRRR: Pirates & Birthday Booty!
Posted by JT_ on Sep 19, 2013 2:23 pm
Hoist yer grog to pirates and send those scurvy land lubbers to the brig!

Ahoy! Today be Talk Like a Pirate Day!


Aye, a new matey be joinin' this here ship!

There be some new plunder found in Petites. Arrrrrrr! And for any o' you bilge rats lookin' for pirate lingo, check here.


Shiver me timbers! It be time for announcin' the winners of the Motherload Booty! (aka the P3 Fourth Birthday Grand Raffle!) A huge thanks to all ye who entered. P3 had its happiest birthday yet!

Before we be gettin' too squiffy w' grog, here be the randomly chosen winner hearties!

5th Prize goes to...

Sambari (#2846)!

4th Prize goes to...

Emmie (#3223)!

3rd Prize goes to...

logan9605 (#10363)!

2nd Prize goes to...

Dawn (#10459)!




Meau (#9714)!

Congrats, congrats! And a reminder of these here prizes:

• Grand Prize: Opal Orb
• 2nd Prize: 3 Months of Premium
• 3rd Prize: 1 current TE Item (August & September TE Items -- your choice)
• 4th & 5th Prize: 2 TE each

(Prizes will be sent shortly. :) And we will be in contact with the 3rd place winner for their item choice!)

(NOTE: Birthday items will be added to the Item Demo and Item Search later today.)
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PhantomFireSep 19, 2013 2:46 pm
Congrats to the winners!!

brenneSep 19, 2013 3:52 pm
YARRRRR! A RATTIE! We be needin a rat fer our pie ratty pumas!

singleroseSep 19, 2013 4:32 pm
Arrrggg... congrats all ye winners...

SambariSep 19, 2013 5:46 pm
Uaha! I was pleasantly surprised by the TE. <3 I love ye all, matey's.

crazy catSep 19, 2013 6:15 pm
Aye, congrats ye winners of the mighty booty!

SashaSep 19, 2013 7:20 pm
Arrrrrgh Congrats my hearties! That thars some fine booty!

EmmieSep 19, 2013 8:36 pm
wow i won a prize........thanks :) congrats to the other winners too

QuadricatSep 19, 2013 9:41 pm
Grats mateys!

ZambeeSep 19, 2013 11:27 pm
THANKYOU SO MUCH!! So excited!!! :D Congratulations to everyone! :)

oryxSep 21, 2013 4:11 am
yay way to go yo ho ho and a bottle of puma-rum! yipee! (lol@Brenne's lingo)
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