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Summer Solstice Festival 2013 - June 21-23
Posted by JT_ on Jun 21, 2013 12:00 am
The summer has finally arrived! I say finally, but spring sure did pass by quickly. :) With summer comes fun at the beach, BBQs, backyard pools, and just beautiful outdoor weather (though it can get a bit hot). One thing you'll notice-- a brand new background tile! Magenta and orange, two vibrant summer colors to help you get into the spirit.

The Summer Solstice Festival is one of our shortest (only 3 days!), so we have to pack a bunch of things into those days. :)


Bounce Beach Balls: Clicking on user profiles once per hour will net you some awesome prizes!

Gifting Stump: As always, our trusty Gifting Stump is available to send gifts to fellow users.

New Items: We have a bunch of new items, both in the profile click game AND in the Site Shops! Be sure to check them out.

We hope you enjoy the festival! :)
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SambariJun 21, 2013 12:00 am

ZhaveaJun 21, 2013 12:06 am
I'd literally looked at the page mere minutes before it rolled over to the next day, and the news came up. Quite the change, but I do just LOVE the color combo!

vistJun 21, 2013 12:07 am
I'll be broke soon :p

SairyeJun 21, 2013 12:17 am
Love the background, not so sure I'll love having no pence. XD

MeikaJun 21, 2013 12:29 am
Ah summer time, how I miss you! It's officially winter today in Australia! ^_____^ I hope everyone is having fun in in the north!

NightLionessJun 21, 2013 1:00 am
Yaaay!! My first Summer Solstice Festival!
*Goes look in shops and such*

crazy catJun 21, 2013 6:58 am
Yahoo! I love the new background, so pretty! *goes off to hunt for items!*

singleroseJun 21, 2013 11:21 am
Beautiful background...have already sent off first gift and bounced first to check out shops. Happy Solstice everyone.

furryfeathersJun 21, 2013 12:01 pm
wow! neat background!

I just found an app so my phone will make a noise every hour so I don't miss a click :)

JT_Jun 21, 2013 12:36 pm
Glad you guys like the new background! I was hoping that some vibrant colors would really reflect the season, without blinding everyone in the process. :)
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