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May 2013 TE Items
Posted by JT_ on May 05, 2013 12:00 am
Thanks to Quad and Yam for these awesomely geeky TE sets! We hope you enjoy them!


Shroomville [ 2 TE ]

This package contains the Shroomville set, which includes the following items: Pixel Field, Pixel Shroom, Pixel Fribble.


Off to See the Puma [ 3 TE ]

This package contains the Off to See the Puma set, which includes the following items: Ruby Slippers, Striped Stockings, Filmstrip, and Yellow Brick Road.


Also note that March TE Items will be removed from the TE Items Shop on the 8th. April TE Items will increase in price on the 8th. So grab 'em while you can!
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SambariMay 05, 2013 12:14 am
Those pixels :o

SairyeMay 05, 2013 12:17 am
Those are hilarious! Excellent work as always you guys~

crazy catMay 05, 2013 6:31 am
Ha-ha! That pixel one is a-dork-able! Totally getting that Wizard, I mean puma, of Oz, I mean.. hm, fuzz? We're off to see the Puma!
The pumaful Puma of Fuzz! ...Ya, that works! =D

VendettaMay 05, 2013 10:34 am
Aw, I so want Shroomville. Totally awesome. The other one with the Dorothy shoes is cute too. Darn, teach me to sell my TE.
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