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What is CISPA?
Posted by JT_ on Apr 22, 2013 1:10 pm
Today is a good day to remind people that the CISPA bill has passed through the House of Representatives in the USA government. It still has to pass through the Senate to have a chance at becoming law.

CISPA could change the way the Internet works as we know it, undermining privacy for users on many websites if a cyber threat is deemed imminent.

If you are feeling a bit of déjà vu, that is because CISPA was around last year too (in a similar time frame as SOPA and PIPA). Last year, the Senate and the President of the USA said they would veto the bill if it continued forward, so it did not.

This year, no such proclamations have yet been made (at this time). The bill has been amended to make it a bit more palatable to the Senate and POTUS.

PC Magazine has explained what CISPA is and what it all means, so I'll let their article speak for itself. Hopefully they can explain it a bit better than I can!

What is CISPA, and Why Should You Care? at

EDIT: Ah, I forgot to say the following! P3 does NOT support CISPA.

Edited: 04-22-2013 01:17 pm
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FlooffyApr 22, 2013 1:18 pm
First PIPA/SOPA and now this... -sighs- America is becoming a teeny bit paranoid... understandable, but isn't it a bit too much...?

singleroseApr 22, 2013 1:22 pm
I totally agree

singleroseApr 22, 2013 1:22 pm
I agree with you i ment floof

FlooffyApr 22, 2013 1:32 pm
And ironically, this news post is the 666th
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