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Monday Music Madness!
Posted by PhantomFire on Apr 08, 2013 12:27 pm
Hello! And welcome to another installment of "Monday Music Madness!" The category is "Heat" it me or is it hot in here??

Burning for you!

Allira (#8)
Band:Bananarama....."Cruel Summer"
Cruel Summer

Burning Sky (#107)
Band:Buster Poindexter (David Johansen).........."Hot Hot Hot"
Hot Hot Hot

izgir (#10458)
Band:Aerosmith...."Girls of Summer"
Girls of Summer

Dawn13 (#10459)
Band:Beatles............."Here Comes the Sun"
Here Comes the Sun

Sasha (#11)
Band:Glenn Frey....."The Heat is On"
The Heat is On

oryx (#7669)
Band:Beyonce......."You Give Me Fever"
You Give Me Fever

Flooffy (#10399)
Band:DDA......."Summer Dreams" (Chris Create Orchestral Mix)
Summer Dreams

Mittenmon (#71)
Band:Baz Luhrmann......."Everybody's Free to Wear Sunscreen"
Everybody's Free to Wear Sunscreen

Usiku (#926)and brenne (#13)
Band:Seals and Crofts...."Summer Breeze"
Summer Breeze

GreenRowan (#2410)
Band:Ray Charles......."In the Heat of the Night"
In the Heat of the Night

Kami Mi Ke Neko (#72)
Band:Bryan Adams......."Summer of '69"
Summer of '69

Billy The Kid (#7312)
Band:Great Big Sea......."Summer "

singlerose (#145)
Band:Jerry Lee Lewis......."Great Balls of Fire"
Great Balls of Fire

Internal Panthara (#10759)
Band:Science 4 Us......"Heat Energy Song"
Heat Energy Song

mrsgunsage (#1114)
Band:Jimi Hendrix......."Long, Hot Summer Night"
Long, Hot Summer Night

WildLeaf (#2806)
Band: Lady GaGa...."Summer Boy"
Summer Boy

katsutos (#110)
Band:Elvis Presley...."Summer Kisses Winter Tears"
Summer Kisses Winter Tears

Camogurl (#469)
Band:Aly & AJ..."Walking On Sunshine"
Walking On Sunshine

Thank you everyone for contributing!!!
This was fun!
GREAT songs! As Always!

Now for my picks..

Band:Nick Gilder........."Hot Child In The City"
Hot Child in the City

Band: Night..........."Hot Summers Night"
Hot Summers Night

Band: Don Henley....."Boys of Summer"
Boys of Summer

* * * * * *

As I stated last posting, We want YOUR songs! PLEASE though, don't send more than 2 suggestions at a time.
If you find NEW stuff to suggest, feel free to send, just don't keep sending the same song over and over :)
If you wish to suggest music, you must PRIVATE message me directly with the link and the subject line "Suggestion for Music". It would help me a GREAT deal if you would also include the name of the band and the song with your video clip. I am running into removed videos and I have no way to search w/o information included.
Also, If you discover I did NOT use your particular clip It's usually because it isn't available, isn't playing properly or has a long commercial in front of it. I will try to search out a good version when this happens.

This upcoming M3 will post on April 29th, 2013 (We are still renovating here)

Next category. Animals! Lets find songs that feature animals, or have an animal in the title!

Congrats to:
Allira (#8)
izgir (#10458)
Dawn13 (#10459)
Sasha (#11)
oryx (#7669)
Flooffy (#10399)
Mittenmon (#71)
Usiku (#926)
brenne (#13)
GreenRowan (#2410)
Kami Mi Ke Neko (#72)
singlerose (#145)
Internal Panthara (#10759)
mrsgunsage (#1114)
WildLeaf (#2806)
katsutos (#110)
Camogurl (#469)
Billy The Kid (#7312)
Burning Sky (#107)

Keep posting comments for interesting prizes!!!
Top three Posters this week are:
GreenRowan (#2410)
Flooffy (#10399)
Allira (#8)

Usual Rules apply. The top three postings on the music this week will win the prize! Happy listening and get posting!

Prizes will go out this week.

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Internal PantharaApr 08, 2013 12:54 pm
I claim no responsibility for my strange streaks of oddity. I hope you enjoy the heat energy song nonetheless. It was a new discovery for me. Beware: Don't let it get stuck in your head. It will annoy you.

PhantomFireApr 08, 2013 1:11 pm
Can't be worse than "Gummy Bears"

brenneApr 08, 2013 1:46 pm
I loved going through and listening to songs about summer when we were still cold and dark here. :) Thanks for that category. Sometime around August you simply must give us a cold category. lol. It's not hot yet, but there's a promise of it in the air... :)

furryfeathersApr 08, 2013 7:19 pm
I'm sure ready for summer here!

Internal PantharaApr 08, 2013 7:31 pm
It finally feels like spring here. I've been loving the warmer weather. My daughter and I went for a walk in the woods today. I've missed being outside.

rainbowkitApr 09, 2013 6:53 pm
You know, I think I actually might participate if the theme is animals. :)

rainbowkit [10544]

Kami Mi Ke NekoApr 15, 2013 9:28 am
Woot! I'm so glad for these songs that I finally now got the time to listen to :D

I have to say, I'm glad Great Balls of Fire and Walking on Sunshine made it up there - some of my absolute favorites!

I love this category a lot because my birthday is in the summer and I love the warmer weather :D

FlooffyApr 18, 2013 4:09 am
Ahhh, Heat! I wish Summer was here already! It's getting warmer here, but the snow will be back on Saturday, sadly D:

This M3 made me feel warm, hot! I found myself missing summer, hot summer sun, swimming or just going wild! Sitting in a shade, under a tree and drawing, everything that is summer! Wearing shorts and dresses, camping with friends, freedom from school!...

did it get hot in here or what? ;)

MittenmonApr 18, 2013 12:46 pm
It's still cold here in texas!

AlliraApr 22, 2013 6:29 am
Summer is a major part of Aussie life and culture. Most of what makes Australia... well Australia is related to the sun and summer. Beaches, bikinis, flies, sunburn, BBQ's, cricket, beer, ants, sharks, bushfires, budgie smugglers - They are what we are known for and they are all SUMMER.

I chose Cruel Summer because I loved The Karate Kid. I have seen so many characters in movies and cartoons do "the crane" since. The second and third movies sucked - but the original will always be a classic (I have NO idea why they needed to remake it - there was nothing wrong with the original)

I've never heard of Summer Kisses Winter Tears. I didnt think there was an Elvis Song I didnt know!

I havent actually heard of most of the songs on the list!! I guess that's not ususual huh? :D :D

crazy catApr 23, 2013 9:45 pm
These songs are on fire!! Feel like kicking back with a iced tea and be white with sunblock!! Favorite outta these choices was Bryan Adams's Summer of '69, a song I could play over and over! Love love love it! And the Beatles' Here Comes the Sun, feel good awesome song makes me feel nice and bright! Even on a rainy day like today!!
The new ones were lovely! Will have to add those to favorites soon! Can't now cause I'm walking on sunshine~! *frolics*

mrsgunsageApr 27, 2013 2:16 pm
Summer of '69 has always been one of my favorite Bryan Adams songs. I was quite the Bryan Adams fangirl back in the late 80's/early 90's.

And of course anybody with ears loves the Beatles, so Here Comes the Sun is one of those feel good songs we can all bop our heads along to. :)

corinaApr 27, 2013 2:46 pm
Jared Leto ..... 30 Seconds To Mars ..... Hurricane

SairyeApr 27, 2013 3:06 pm
Totally should have suggested "I'm gonna soak up the sun" by Sheryl Crow, since it's not up there, but I derped out. XD
And why are all my suggestion light music when I don't listen to it that much? Weeird~

corinaApr 27, 2013 3:10 pm
Dedicated to MUSIC MADNESS MONDAY!!!!! .....

Music is the hardest kind of art. It doesn't hang up on a wall and wait to be stared at and enjoyed by passersby. It's communication. It's hours and hours being put into a work of art that may only last, in reality, for a few moments...but if done well, and truly appreciated, it lasts in our hearts forever. That's art. Speaking with your heart to the hearts of others.

AlliraApr 27, 2013 9:48 pm
Corina your quote, by a Canadian Musician named Dan Romano will probably endure longer than his music - cos I've never heard of him lol

Here's some other good ones

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." -Red Auerbach

“Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent. - Victor Hugo

"A painter paints his pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence. We provide the music, and you provide the silence." - Leopold Stokowski

"Music is love in search of a voice." -Leo Tolstoy

ZambeeApr 28, 2013 4:41 am
Love, Love, LOVE Walking On Sunshine! Great picks! :)

MaddieApr 28, 2013 10:38 am
Hot Hot Hot is a great song!

"Music is the expression of my soul for times when I can't express myself any other way." -Me
"Music feeds the soul, encourages thought, and embraces everyone in different ways." -Me

corinaApr 30, 2013 7:38 pm
Everybody wants to be a Cat ..... The, Aristocats Movie ..... Everybody Wants to be a Cat by
Everybody wants to be a cat,
because a cat's the only cat
who knows where it's at.
Everybody's pickin' up on that feline beat,
'cause everything else is obsolete.
Now a square with a horn,
can make you wish you weren't born,
ever'time he plays;
and with a square in the act,
he can set music back
to the caveman days.
I've heard some corny birds who tried to sing,
but a cat's the only cat
who knows how to swing.
Who wants to dig
a long-haired gig
or stuff like that?
When everybody wants to be a cat.
A square with that horn,
makes you wish you weren't born,
ever'time he plays;
and with a square in the act,
he's gonna set this music back
to the Stone Age days.
Everybody wants to be a cat,
because a cat's the only cat
who knows where it's at;
while playin' jazz you always has a Welcome mat,
'cause everybody digs a swingin' cat.
Everybody digs a swingin' ca
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