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October 2012 - TE Items
Posted by JT_ on Oct 05, 2012 7:42 pm
Somehow, it is already October! Time is flying by, isn't it? This month we have 2 awesome TE item sets for you guys, created by Quad and Yam. They are suitably spooky for this time of the year...

walpurgisnacht_toadstools.png shadow_hall.png

Walpurgisnacht Toadstools [ 3 TE ]

This package contains the Walpurgisnacht set, which includes the following items: Walpurgisnacht Swamp, Swamp Grass, Swamp Cattails, Swamp Pendant Lantern, Swamp Vine Lantern, Faerie Ring, Ghostly Mushroom Duo, Large Blue Mushroom, Purple Toadstool Trio, and Plump Mushroom Trio.


Shadow Hall [ 2 TE ]

This package contains the Shadow Hall set, which includes the following items: Vacant Room, Cracked Vanity, Tilted Framed Photo, and Foreboding Framed Photo.


As a reminder, all August 2012 TE items will be retiring from the TE Items Shop on October 8th! In addition, September 2012 TE items will be increasing in price on October 8th! Grab 'em while you can. :)

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singleroseOct 05, 2012 8:13 pm
Super awesome items all... *thinking of ways to get 3 more TE* then I can have both. lol

UsikuOct 05, 2012 8:19 pm
just awesome!!! who do we have to thank for these works of art????

QuadricatOct 05, 2012 9:02 pm
Walpurgisnacht is by me, Shadow Hall is by Yam :)

punkaOct 06, 2012 11:05 am
I love love these sets! this is the best time of year! Yay!
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