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Weekend Luau 2012 - August 24, 25, 26
Posted by JT_ on Aug 23, 2012 11:59 pm


Summer is beginning to wind down, but we still have time for a weekend luau celebration. Are you ready to hula? Good! Cause from August 24 until the 26th, you can hula non-stop. :D

Here is what you can look forward to this weekend...

Gifting Stump - Send gifts to friends and new friends too!

Profile Game - Dance the hula with your fellow members. Lots of awesome prizes-- can you find them all? Be sure to click every hour to maximize your chances.

Whole Coconuts - MMmmmm, can't have a luau without coconuts! There just might be some new items hiding inside of them too...

Everybody-- Shops, Shops, Shops, Shops, Shops, Shops, Shops - Have you checked out the Site Shops yet?? Lots of luau-themed items and some returning from last year too. :)

The corner icon on an item will let you know if it is 2012 only ("12" in the corner), returning Luau items (just an icon), or here to stay (no icon)! You can also check out the item description for information. :)

We hope you all have fun! Thanks for partying with us!
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singleroseAug 24, 2012 12:02 am
*Puts on grass skirt and lei* Lets Hula...

QuadricatAug 24, 2012 2:52 am
Woot woot! :D I love Luau!

Thread is up for those wanting to help with the list!

Cat GodessAug 24, 2012 3:03 pm
Yay!!!! Time to party!!! XD
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