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Monday Music Madness!
Posted by PhantomFire on Aug 20, 2012 4:46 pm
Finally Power is back on and the rain has stopped... Yikes.

Hello! And welcome to the 23rd and last installment of "Monday Music Madness!"
This week we are featuring "One hit wonders" My personal favorite because I know so many of them! Judging from the lack of responses VERY few of you do! So I will take this opportunity to BORE the heck out of you all with my favorites! Mwahahahahahahah... I love a captive audience!

"It's better to be a Has -Been than a Never-was"

Our submissions this week are:

singlerose (#145)
Band name:Alannah Myles ......."Black Velvet"
I LOVE this song too! Was glad to see it here! One of the Best "Elvis memorial" songs!
Black Velvet

Panthera (#8740)
Band Name:Lipps Inc.... "Funky Town"
Funky Town

mrsgunsage (#1114)
Band Name:Blind Melon...."No Rain"
No Rain

Dren (#653)
Band Name: Head East...."Never Been Any Reason"
Head East, I LOVE Head East and in fact I had one of their songs picked as mine for this week, I'll post it anyway since they are such an awesome band!
Never Been Any Reason

Sasha (#11)
Band Name: Wild Cherry..."Play that funky music"
Play that funky music

Cat Godess (#7621)
Band Name:Billy Ray Cyrus...."Achy Breaky Heart"
Achy Breaky Heart

Usiku (#926)
Band Name:Heartland....."I Loved Her First "
I Loved Her First

Allira (#8)
Band Name: Dexy's Migdnight Runners...."Come on Eileen"
Come on Eileene

Thank you everyone for contributing!!!

Now for my picks:
I LOVE this catagory. My FAVORITE bands are the esoteric one hit wonders because they usually are a treasure trove of wonderful songs that no one picked up and played on the air! What a shame, they deserved better!

First my all time favorite! This band is AWESOME!
Band Name:Sniff n' the Tears....... "Drivers Seat"
Fun Fact, Radio Personality Art Bell used this as his bumper music quite often!
Drivers Seat

Band Name:Ian Gomm..."Hold On"
This song gives me goosebumps. It is haunting, and lovely. The lyrics are interesting and hopeful
Hold On

Band name:Sweet....."Love is Like Oxygen"
Anyone know this?
Love is Like Oxygen

Band name:Aerial....."In The Middle Of The Night"
In The Middle Of The Night

Band name:Night....."Hot Summers Night"
Band formed by Manfred Manns Frontman Chris Thompson
Hot Summers Night

Band name:Metro....."Black Lace Shoulder"
A favorite song of mine. give it a listen, tell me what you think!
Black Lace Shoulder

Band Name: Billy Thorpe......"Children Of The Sun"
BEST song in headphones, it SPINS all over the place.GREAT Art Rock piece.
Children of the Sun

Last I wanted to share my favorite Head East Song too. LOVE this band.
John Schlitt on vocals
Band: Head East...."Dance Away Lover"
Dance Away Lover

This is the last installment of Monday Music Madness. Would rather end while A few people still like it then when no one even reads it any longer! :)
Maybe I'll try this again in a few months but for now, It's time to dance away... :D

Congrats to:
singlerose (#145)
Panthera (#8740)
mrsgunsage (#1114)
Dren (#653)
Sasha (#11)
Cat Godess (#7621)
Usiku (#926)
Allira (#8)

Please post thoughts on this last round, Posters will ALL recieve a new Alphabet Fribble!
Our "thoughtful" posters last week were:
Usiku (#926)
Kami Mi Ke Neko (#72)
mrsgunsage (#1114)

Thanks for all the comments!!

It's been fun but it's time to go.
See you in a few months maybe?
I dunno.

Feel free to message me with feedback!
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singleroseAug 20, 2012 4:56 pm
All of these were great songs. Usuki I absolutely adore I Loved Her First, made me cry the first time I heard it. Kinda like Butterfly Kisses. And Alex I listend to all you choices...had never heard Children of the Sun... was pretty cool. Sorry to see this is the last imstallment of Music Madness...I want more fribbles for my Sunshine lynx and my Schoolroom scene. lol

WyvernAug 20, 2012 4:59 pm
Wow, I had no idea this was going to be the last one. And I acctually know two of those songs! unfourtunanltly I hadent heard of the others before, should be fun discovering them!

PhantomFireAug 20, 2012 5:00 pm
Rose did you hear it in headphones? Can make you dizzy with the spinning sound. :)

SebraxisAug 20, 2012 5:25 pm
Awww, last installment... had no clue... guess all good things must come to an end. Thanks so much for the opportunity to broaden our musical awareness/ interests :)

Kami Mi Ke NekoAug 20, 2012 5:30 pm
Aw! O.o I LOVE Music Madness on Mondays!! Heck, I just didn't know any songs for this category . . . but I've loved and submitted for all of the others (I think?)! So sad to see it go away. It's been fun seeing what people like to listen to - especially when it's something *I* listen to as well! :D I mean, if you want ME to submit MOAR songs . . . ;)

Funny enough I recognize some of these - Funky Town, Play that Funky Music, Achy Breaky Heart (my mom is the country listener in the fam and I recall her liking it quite a bit LOL), Come on Eileen (which I HAVE heard before - but a Celtic band played it - it was either the Elders or Gaelic Storm ... I'd have to look it up), and of course I recognize Love is Like Oxygen but I had NO Idea who that band was. LOL

Also, I love Children of the Sun. That's just . . . neat. :D

*rolls all over Music Madness and fuzzles it with luffs* ^.^

QuadricatAug 20, 2012 5:33 pm
Come on Eileene! :DDD Always a favorite! Lot of the others aren't quite my tastes, but nice just the same.

I really like "Hold On" :o Thanks for sharing, Alex!

Cat GodessAug 20, 2012 5:48 pm
I loved "play that funky music"....:D
I just started looking at M.M.M and it sucks it will end now...But i hope it will come again!!!! :/

SashaAug 20, 2012 6:06 pm
Farewell Monday Music Madness! Hopefully we can restart this again in a few months tome! I had fun researching music and listening to everyones suggestions. Thank you Alex for giving us the chance to win cute fribbles while listeniong to awesome music!

~Dances to the beat!

PhantomFireAug 20, 2012 6:09 pm
September will be a difficult month for me as mondays will be filled with appointments and such. Perhaps we start up again in October?

mrsgunsageAug 20, 2012 6:21 pm
I hope we can restart later, I look forward to this every week. :(

MittenmonAug 20, 2012 6:32 pm
Oh no! I'm so sad this is the last installment. It was a lot of fun! I do hope you will do this again soon. Maybe monthly instead of weekly? I know I really enjoyed reading and participating. the prizes were amazing too! There was one left that I still wanted...lolol

ZhaveaAug 20, 2012 6:44 pm
Oh man, "Funky Town" was one of my personal oldies favorite! Grew up hearing it whenever my mom was feeling.... well.... funky. xD

And "Play that Funky Music" was a popular song with the marching band and my high school, plus it's just so downright catchy. I can never resist dancing whenever I hear it.

So sad to hear this is the last installment for a while. Would LOVE to see it return, maybe make a summer-only thing out of it? I would definitely make a better attempt to try to partake in it more.

sienna77Aug 20, 2012 6:59 pm
I have actually heard ALL of the songs at the top and love them all, I have most of them on CD and still listen to them all the time!

Didn't realize I knew the Head East song though until I started playing it, hadn't heard the other one before, but I liked it. Hadn't heard Love is Like Oxygen before, but I have heard their song Fox on the Run, love it! Never heard any of your other picks either Alex, but I liked them all, most of them remind me of when I was a kid. It's the kind of stuff my parents listened to and I loved it!

Bummer that this is ending, I didn't always send in suggestions or comment, but I always looked forward to seeing the top picks and finding some new stuff I liked! I will be keeping my fingers crossed that it comes back in the future! XD

SambariAug 20, 2012 7:38 pm
It surprises me a bit that I've actually listened to nearly all of those songs on the top part of the list. Must listen to the ones I haven't heard. The majority are totally awesome in my opinion, though. :D
And, awh. I wish I would have participated more previously for this madness of the music. Oh well, I suppose. :/

PantheraAug 20, 2012 7:50 pm
It was definately fun and look forward to the possibility of a return!!!! :D

kidkeeperAug 20, 2012 8:07 pm
i have heard some of theses as well, cant wait for it to return , i have enjoyed listening to new music as most of what i hear is rock so broadening my music knowlege has been awesome!! Good luck with all the appt in sept. its always a busy month :)

RyuStealthfireAug 20, 2012 8:52 pm
Oh noes! The last one! I really enjoyed these. My favorite song out of these was 'Achy Breaky Heart', mainly because we played this song in band once and our director fell of his podium. It was hilarious, and he made such a loud noise a bunch of other teachers came running to make sure we hadn't hurt ourselves.

WildLeafAug 20, 2012 10:07 pm
I loved achy breaks heart. My sister and I used to do a line dance to it when we were younger. Maybe one day we will dance it again. I hope that you continue to do this later, I loved hearing everyone's favorites. Maybe when you start up again you can do one of user-created covers and user-created songs.

Kami Mi Ke NekoAug 20, 2012 11:56 pm
I am happy to hear that it might come back! *fuzzles the commentator's box* :D Pleeeease bring it back. ^.^ It's so much fun! :D

SunnieAug 21, 2012 12:41 am
It was a blast listening to all the music. This is definitely a "do over." Sad to see it go. Congrats to all the winners ^_^!

AlliraAug 21, 2012 1:17 am
I'm surprised there weren't many entries. HOw hard is it to google "one hit wonders"? lol

My first choice wasnt actually used - it was Take On Me by A-Ha - not only did I love the song - I LOVED the film clip! I do love Come On Eileen though - it's just a happy cheeky song.

Sweet are NOT one hit wonders!! They were my favourite group (after Abba of course) when I was a kid! What about Ballroom Blitz and Fox on the Run??? Maybe you crazy people in the US didnt appreciate them?

Billy Thorpe is a member of the Australia Recording Industry Music Hall of Fame. He's well known here. His most well known song here is probably "Most People I Know Think That I'm Crazy"

I think Billy Ray Cyrus has had quite a few country music hits - but he sure has only had Achey Breaky Heart in Australia - I think it was number 1 here.

Monday Music Madness might be going into hiatus but there's NOTHING to stop people sharing their favourite songs on the forums!!

PirranAug 21, 2012 6:05 am
Ha! I hadn't heard 'In the Middle of the Night' in years. I haven't been on much lately, or I would have submitted 'Teenage Dirtbag' as my favourite one hit wonder. Go Wheatus!

punkaAug 21, 2012 11:48 am
I've had lots of wonderful memories brought back from some of these songs and from all the "Monday Music Madness" installations. Want to thank everyone for their contributions! Hugs to everyone! mrsgunsage , recommended one of my all time favorites with Blind Melons No Rain! I used to play that over and over again! i was thinking Not sure on the names, "right said fred"? with "Im too sexy", and who sang "you spin me"?(right round baby)wasn't sure about their one time wonderness but memorable just the So many goodies! Thanks again!!

punkaAug 21, 2012 11:58 am
Ps. Also am very sad, I was going to work harder on my thoughtful postings I haven't gotten near enough fribbles!!!! Please Please consider the 1 a month thing, I remember someone suggesting before?

Hugs again everyone!
pss. Why is so many super talented artists OD? So sad,silly no rain lead singer.

Jordan2Aug 21, 2012 1:14 pm
I scrolled down the list of the songs and 'Funky Town' sounded familier. I listened to it and brought back many memories.

It has a fun feel to it and now I am glad I know who sings it, Lipps Inc!

TygressDreamAug 21, 2012 6:23 pm
Sad to see this go even though I didn't contribute to the last few including my own suggested category. I love the idea of bringing it back as a once a month feature as mentioned above. So busy lately with work and getting ready to go on a long awaited vacation, Orlando FL for Star Wars Celebration VI. Our flight leaves tomorow morning bright and early. :D Going to give my pumas some attention before I leave <3

This last category was a fun one. I know most, maybe even all of the suggested songs. Yours I'm not sure on and can't listen since hubby is already sleeping. He worked last night and only had a nap this morning before we finished last minute travel prep. I might even remember to backtrack and listen when we get back next week hehe.

SilveryAug 21, 2012 11:57 pm

-shakes head really really fast-

-blink blink-


Whatchoo talkin' 'bout Willis?

nickdog3Aug 25, 2012 6:29 pm
i would have but i dont know how to put up on monday music madness

PhantomFireAug 25, 2012 8:12 pm
I will bring this back in October :) September is impossible for me as it is a VERY full schedule, but.. I've had a lot of messages asking for it to return, so... Look for it in October! I'll announce the category towards the end of September.

sienna77Aug 26, 2012 11:10 am
YAY, It's coming back! XD

*throws confetti*

UsikuAug 26, 2012 9:08 pm
I must some of these I had never heard and some like "Play that funky Music" and "Funky Town" really brought back some memories.

I love "Black Velvet" It is one of my favorite soulful and emotional. As for Billy Ray, what can you say? "Achy Breaky Heart" is the song everyone remembers but he actually had some other decent songs. When my daughter was little she had a huge crush on him so we went to a couple of his concerts...he really put on a good one.

I am so happy to hear that you will be back in October. I didn't always get to or remember to post but I really did enjoy hearing all the different types of music that I had not heard of before.

PhantomFireAug 28, 2012 11:40 pm
This thread is now closed!

oryxAug 30, 2012 2:46 am
oh I wish this would not stop! I enjoyed it immensely!!!
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