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Monday Music Madness!
Posted by PhantomFire on Jul 16, 2012 6:35 pm
My PERSONAL theme for today!!
Sorry this is being posted late. It's been a fairly nasty day. TOO much rain!

Hello! And welcome to the 18th installment of "Monday Music Madness!"
This week we have lots of great suggestions from our members. The category is "Acoustic music." so lets get started!

Acoustic sounds...

Allira (#8)
Band name:Eric Clapton......."Tears in Heaven"
Tears In Heaven

singlerose (#145)
Band Name:Incubus.... "Drive"

brenne (#13)
Band Name:Beatles...."Blackbird"

Silvery (#14)
Band Name:Queensrÿche...."Silent Lucidity"
Silent Lucidity

oryx (#7669)
One of my personal favorite bands QMS.
Band Name:Quicksilver Messenger Service....."Don't Cry My Lady Love"
Don't Cry

mrsgunsage (#1114)
Band Name:Death Cab For Cutie......"I Will Follow You into the Dark"
I Will Follow You

crazy cat (#6022)
Band Name:Kiss...."Beth"

kidkeeper (#889)
Band Name:Myles Kennedy and Slash...."Civil War"
Civil war

Dazza (#1180)
Band Name:Israel Kamakawiwo'Ole...."Somewhere Over the Rainbow"
Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Sasha (#11)
Band Name: Boys II Men...."A Song for Mama"
A song for Mama

Thank you everyone for contributing!!!

Now for my picks:
Songs on guitar..I love the sound of good acoustic guitar.

Start off with my Favorite Band..
Band Name:Poets of the Fall...."Illusion and Dream"
Illusion & Dream

Band Name:Pink Floyd..."Wish You Were Here"
Wish you Were Here

Band name:Jim Croce....."Operator"

As I stated last week, We want YOUR songs! PLEASE though, don't send more than 2 suggestions at a time.
If you find NEW stuff to suggest, feel free to send, just don't keep sending the same song over and over :) If you wish to suggest music, you must PRIVATE message me directly with the link and the subject line "Suggestion for Music". It would help me a GREAT deal if you would also include the name of the band and the song with your video clip. I am running into removed videos and I have no way to search w/o information included. Also, If you discover I did NOT use your particular clip It's usually because it isn't available, isn't playing properly or has a long commercial in front of it. I will try to search out a good version when this happens.

Theme for next week is WEATHER!! Yup, Saw it coming didn't you? Any song about the weather. The Rain, The sun, The snow.. Your pick!

Congrats to:
Allira (#8)
singlerose (#145)
brenne (#13)
Silvery (#14)
oryx (#7669)
mrsgunsage (#1114)
crazy cat (#6022)
kidkeeper (#889)
Dazza (#1180)
Sasha (#11)

Also, Last weeks comments were great guys keep it up!
Our "thoughtful" posters last week were:
Allira #8
mrsgunsage #1114
Wildleaf #2806

Thanks for all the comments!! WE LOVE THEM! Keep posting!
SPECIAL CONTEST! Post a catagory in music you'd like to see and if it is picked I'll announce it next week and it will be used on the 30th! AND the person suggesting the catagory chosen will get a special prize as well! Good Luck!!

Same rules this week. The top three postings on the music this week will win the prize! Happy listening and get posting!
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ZeliksJul 16, 2012 6:51 pm
I'm happy to see that "Beth" and "Wish You Were Here" are up there!! =D It also makes me squeak with happy when I see classic rock songs being chosen! Or, well, any songs that I know I guess lolfest <3

"Wish You Were Here" has a special place in my heart not because I love Pink Floyd, actually, I don't know much about the band, but because it's usually played on my favorite radio station late at night. For as long as I can remember, when I've been out on the road with my mom and we'd be coming home after a long journey either from my grandparent's, the airport, or just shopping, it'd always seem like that song would come on. As a child it never failed to put me to sleep, and now as an adult, it's soothing, relaxing, and hearing it can calm me down. <3

"Somewhere Over the Rainbow" brings back quite a few good memories... I remember watching the Wizard of Oz with my grandma when I was very young. I'd sit in her lap, we'd eat popcorn or potato chips and happily watch it. One of the many reasons I love the movie so much, is for this song <3

Thank you for bringing up the great memories! <3

I had a few ideas for songs, but I forgot to submit, oops XD

Congrats to all the previous thoughtful posters and those who got their songies chosen! <3

Kami Mi Ke NekoJul 16, 2012 7:34 pm
Ooo Ooo OOOOOOOooooo!!!

I have a category for music! Parodies! I suggested it a few Mondays back in my reply as well, but I think we could find some really awesome ones to share with everyone. :D

It was really good to see the Somewhere over the rainbow clip. Very nice song and well done. :D Also - omg Poets of the Fall. I'd forgotten they existed! Thanks for reminding me they're a great group. :D

"Tears in Heaven" I'm surprised that someone brought that one up -- I have a special soft spot for that particular song. It was one of the first tunes that I remember playing during one of our band concerts waaay waaay back when I was a wee high schooler (hey to me that was wee!) and when I was in high school that was actually when band started to get cool - I had started in the 5th grade and it didn't get cool til I was older. At any rate, it was all the popular fad to play "band versions" of popular songs and of course that was one of them. It gives me good memories :D

WildLeafJul 16, 2012 7:55 pm
I love this weeks songs.
Somewhere over the Rainbow is a song I have always loved. It reminds that through good and bad, at the end of the rainbow there is love.

Blackbird- Although I prefer Kurt from Glee's version, this song is wonderful. It reminds me of so much, so many undescribalble feelings.

I thought for sure that this week there would be a fribble with a guitar and music notes, lol.

AlliraJul 17, 2012 12:47 am
I have two categories which I've hoped might get used for ages
Firstly - FOOD. Songs which mention, sing about, glorify, celebrate one of my favourite pastimes.
Secondly - WHAT'S IN A NAME. Songs which either have your name (first or second) in them (real or nick) or are by an artist with your name. To broaden it you could find songs which have ANY girls/boys name in it.

Tears in Heaven is a lovely song. I remember when it first came out - it was soon after Eric Clapton lost his son and then wrote the song about his loss. It used to bring tears to my eyes because my kids were very young, like his son had been and even though I could only imagine the shadow of the sorrow he must have felt that was enough to make me cry.

I can't believe I didnt think of Somewhere Over the Rainbow - it's one of my favourite songs! It's just a joyful song and he has a beautiful voice which is so suited to it. It also happens to be part of the soundtrack of one of my favourite ever movies - 50 First Dates. Imagine if we really had to live every day making our friends like us again and our partners fall in love with us. Lol either the world would be a lot nicer or we all go crazy :D
I havent really heard of the rest of the songs. I have listened to them but I wont comment cos I think I've rambled on quite enough :D

punkaJul 17, 2012 9:49 am
I remember Beth from my youth, one of my all time favs! Thanks for the trip down memory lane! Lots more i enjoyed that I'd never heard before! Thanks!

SilveryJul 17, 2012 11:51 am
Category suggestions:

The voice - Whose voice just sends chills up and down your spine? One of the biggest factors for me in determining if I'm going to like a song or not is the quality of the singer's voice, moreso than the general genre or 'sound' of the band.

Hair bands - why not? xD

Grunge - pull out the flannel!

80s! - big hair and bright colors!

Get on your feet - what makes you get up and move?

Folk - 60s, 70s, and more!

World - celtic, native american, chinese, aboriginal, etc.

Fusion - throw two things in a blender and see what comes out?

Local bands - got a favorite band in your home town? Got a husband who (used to) be in a band? ;)

TV show themes -

Classic rock - it's freedom rock, man \/,,

Classical - Mozart, Bach, Beethoven anyone?

Video game music - (shudder) it's just a suggestion

Steampunk - One of my favorite bands has pretty much created this genre and they just don't fit anywhere else (could go in an "other" category)

Music your parents listened to - stuff that, whether you liked it or not, you couldn't get away from growing up. xD

I'll stop there for now, but I'm sure I'll come up with more. :3

AlliraJul 17, 2012 12:44 pm
oh I didnt know we could write a whole long list! I thought two was pushing it!

MittenmonJul 18, 2012 11:31 pm
- Orchestral and Special Effects Music (Think Lux Aeterna or stuff from Two Steps from Hell)

- TV Show Opening/Closing Songs (I promise not to do Power Rangers!)

TygerJul 21, 2012 12:12 pm
Lovely songs this week! I especially love Somewhere Over the Rainbow!

Also, for categories...

~Beautiful/Sad Songs: Which songs make your heart break and your mind sing? This is for those gorgeous songs that also make you feel all depressed. For the songs who's singer makes you shiver in delight. Have any of those? They go in this genre. One of my favorites, although most people would assume that it doesn't go in here, but I think it does cause I think it's beautiful, is 'I Write Sins Not Tragedies'.

~Parodies: In my opinion, one of the best genres. I hate quite a few pop songs, but parodies of them have made them much better. Such as the Sherlock parody of 'Telephone' by Lady Gaga.

So yeah, those are the categories.

TygressDreamJul 21, 2012 11:00 pm
It makes me so happy to see Iz's version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow. I always associate that version with my husband because he introduced me to it and then our wedding DJ suggested it as one of the songs, I believe for when we cut the cake. <3

I like the idea of a Parodies category, but perhaps divide it into 2, one stricly Weird Al and then for other artists. I'm sure a lot of people would go straight to Al for their parody needs, so giving him his own week would take care of overlap. :D

Oh dear for some reason I now have the Power Rangers theme in my head, I wonder why. *looks at Mittenmon*

Tyger I like that Beautiful/Sad song idea, especially mention of the shiver. I easily can think of a couple songs that do that to me and there are more.

And a category suggestion of my own.
Great Covers: You know sometimes when it seems the cover is better than the original or maybe you thought the cover song was the original until one day, surprise! you hear the original.

AlliraJul 21, 2012 11:27 pm
oh I have another one! One Hit Wonders.
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