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Monday Music Madness!
Posted by PhantomFire on Jun 25, 2012 12:03 pm
Hello! And welcome to the 15th installment of "Monday Music Madness!"
This week we have lots of great suggestions from our members. The category is "Movie Madness!" so lets get started!

Everybodys in showbiz......

Rat (#224)
Band Name: Electrasy.... "Cosmic Castaway"
Movie: Titan A.E.
Cosmic Castaway

mrsgunsage (#1114)
Band Name: Garth Brooks...."When You Come Back to Me"
Movie: "Frequency" (AMAZING film and one of my favorites ever!)
When You Come Back To Me

singlerose (#145)
Band Name: Marietta...."Destination Unknown"
Movie:Top Gun
Destination Unknown

Usiku (#926)
Band Name:Susan Egan....."I Won't Say I'm in Love"
Movie:Disney's Hercules
I Won't Say I'm In Love

Wyvern (#75)
Band Name:Lara Fabian......"The Dream Within"
Movie:Final Fantasy- The Spirits Within
The Dream Within

AshDizzle (#1204)
Band Name:Lykke Li...."Possibility"
Movie: Twilight Saga, New Moon

brenne (#13)
Band Name:Carl Orff...."Carmina Burana: O Fortuna!"
Movie: Excaliber
O Fortuna!

crazy cat (#6022)
Band Name:Evanescence...."Bring Me To Life"
Movie: Daredevil
Bring Me to Life

Allira (#8)
Band Name:Stephen Bishop...."It Might Be You"
Movie: Tootsie
It Might Be You

Burning Sky (#107)
Band Name :OST ...."Time Warp"
Movie: Rocky Horror
Time Warp

Sebraxis (#1053)
Band Name: Mathis Brothers Music....."Exit 101"
Movie: Exit 101
Exit 101

Thank you everyone for contributing!!! It's great to see what movies we enjoy!

Now for my picks:
I love Movies! :)

Band Name:Gerard McMann...."Cry Little Sister"
Movie:The Lost Boys
Cry Little Sister

Band Name:OST......"Downtown"
Movie: Little Shop Of Horrors

Band Name:Prince.... "When Doves Cry"
Movie: Purple Rain
When Doves Cry

As I stated last week, We want YOUR songs! PLEASE though, don't send more than 2 suggestions at a time.
If you find NEW stuff to suggest, feel free to send, just don't keep sending the same song over and over :) If you wish to suggest music, you must PRIVATE message me directly with the link and the subject line "Suggestion for Music". It would help me a GREAT deal if you would also include the name of the band and the song with your video clip. I am running into removed videos and I have no way to search w/o information included. Also, If you discover I did NOT use your particular clip It's usually because it isn't available, isn't playing properly or has a long commercial in front of it. I will try to search out a good version when this happens.

Theme for next week "Female Singers". What does that mean? It means send me your favorite songs sung by women! NO MEN this go round!!!

Congrats to:
Rat (#224)
mrsgunsage (#1114)
singlerose (#145)
Usiku (#926)
Wyvern (#75)
AshDizzle (#1204)
brenne (#13)
crazy cat (#6022)
Allira (#8)
Burning Sky (#107)
Sebraxis (#1053)

Also, Last weeks comments were great guys keep it up!
Our "thoughtful" posters last week were:
singlerose (#145)
Punka (#6)
Billy the Kid (#7312)

This feature seems to be losing interest. It might not be worth doing much longer..thanks to those who DID post.

Same rules this week. The top three postings on the music this week will win the prize! Happy listening and get posting!
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brenneJun 25, 2012 12:07 pm
Hey Alex, just my opinion, I'm not loosing interest at all. Hearing some lovely new music when I listen to everyone else's choices.

But if it's slowing down in response, perhaps make Music Monday the first Monday of each month instead of every Monday?

PhantomFireJun 25, 2012 12:11 pm
Brenne, the thoughtful posting was what I was referring to. The music I'm still getting swamped :)

CinnamonJun 25, 2012 12:14 pm
I like the thoughtful comments idea, but I for me personally, don't know about other people of course, it's really difficult to put music into words, and I'm not sure what else to talk about on this thread.

Perhaps the Monday Music Madness would spark more discussion if - and this is just a wild suggestion, I can see many reasons why this would not work - there were a poll built in so people can vote on their favorite music/movie? That seems controversial enough to get people's fingers moving :P

Kami Mi Ke NekoJun 25, 2012 12:20 pm
Oh I'm not losing any interest! :D Last week I simply didn't have time to post really, or even suggest ^.^ I really really like the ones that were posted today however! :D I had forgotten about "Bring me to life" but yes, I did actually catch that one and find it interesting because of Daredevil as well - I just forgot until it was posted above. :D

Also, LOVE Destination Unknown. Top Gun was one of my favorite movies for a while because of the music. ^.^

MittenmonJun 25, 2012 12:26 pm
Downtown! Eee! I have had that song stuck in my head all week. I'm in NYC and everywhere I look I see downtown signs rotfl. Great picks!

PhantomFireJun 25, 2012 12:41 pm
Addie, "downtown"? Same one? or the Pet Clarke one?? That one I posted is from Little Shop of Horrors, and not at all like the Pet Clarke one

tarkizJun 25, 2012 1:04 pm
Oh I really love quite a few picks...Alex I love all of your's lol...the Cry little sister one is one of my current song obsessions lol

singleroseJun 25, 2012 1:32 pm
Prince... yay for Purple Rain.....I peeked at a couple of the winning choices... heard most of them before... all good choices. Seabraxis, now I want to see the movie Exit 101. Will have to dig around and find it. Please don't take away comments section...this was the first time I sent in music AND commented. I wasn't sure we were supposed to do both. And while I'm on a roll...YAY for my music fribbles...ADORABLE.

SashaJun 25, 2012 2:05 pm
I'm loving this weeks selections. Some of the movies I havent seen, but I really enjoyed the song selection so I will have to look for the movie now lol

I haven't lost interest, I didnt really have time last week to submit a song or post a thoughtful post. Real life got in my way!

punkaJun 25, 2012 2:12 pm
OMG!! I cannot believe how many of these songs I know and love love love!! Great job everyone!! I'll tell you a little funny story, Way way way back when ,I was 17 and in highschool and at our local mall(about 35 minutes away) they had midnight madness movies every saturday night. Well, all summer long they'd show Rocky Horror. We'd have a group of about 20 of us, who'd go every weekend. We had oodles of fun! I had caught the last few minutes of it recently on tv. Like the whiny baby I am I complained to any who'd listen how bummed i was i had missed it. This past weekend my hubby actually bought me the dvd! How awesome! Sorry for the lame story, I needed to share the Now I'll stop babbling and thanks again to all you who suggested all these awesome songs!

Captain StumpyJun 25, 2012 3:12 pm
Burning Sky's!! Your a leagend! Rocky Horror is my fav movie, and when ever I hear that music I want to watch that movie (rockys pretty fit ;)

I wanted to go see it on stage! dressed up to fit of course! but tickets are abit pricey. They where going to make a re-make of rocky horror, but the protest was so huge I'm sure they canceled it.

AlliraJul 02, 2012 1:54 am
I used to study for nursing exams with two friends of mine while we listened to Rocky Horror. Its a wonder we passed because we would always end up singing (badly). Yeah we used to get up and do the Time Warp too :D I loved Hercules - animated movies have some of the best music. I have quite a few whole soundtrack albums from animated movies.
I loved the music in Little Shop of Horrors (more than the movie itself) especially Somewhere that's Green and Suddenly Seymour - she has an amazing voice.
Tootsie is of my favourite all time movies. I saw it 5 times in 7 days at the cinema :) I remember that I tried to buy a copy of it from my local video store on VHS (might have even been beta) and was told they could order it and it would be $100. That's in the 80's - a weeks pay for some people lol. The theme song - the one I chose- is one of the loveliest romantic songs imo.
When Doves Cry is a great song - I always sing along when I hear it.
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