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Happy Donut Day! & Surprise Raffle
Posted by JT_ on Jun 01, 2012 1:39 pm


I have a bit of a sugar high, since I spent all morning eating these delicious donut bars from Quad. She mistakenly did not write on the box "DO NOT EAT, FOR P3 ONLY". Luckily I saved some for all of you, and you'll find them in the Sweeties Shoppe. :D

Have you logged in since Monday? I hope so, cause if you did, you'll find a Strawberry Sprinkle Donut Bar in your inventory. WOOHOO!


Alex and I have been rooting around in the P3 basement, and it turns out there are a bunch of cool prizes down here! He's off cleaning out the dust bunnies right now, so in the meanwhile we are going to run a free surprise raffle!

Click on this link to post your entry!

EDIT: The Raffle starts RIGHT NOW and will end at 11:59 PM Puma Time on June 7th. The topic has the full details. :)

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QuadricatJun 01, 2012 1:59 pm
Darn it JT ;)!! Kekeke! Man I LOVE donuts, I may have to run out and get some for donut day! :D

Hope everyone enjoys! OMNOMNOM!

Yam McYamJun 01, 2012 2:44 pm
I'm really excite to see all the stuff rescued from the basement!

katsutosJun 02, 2012 6:36 pm
Happy belated Donut Day.
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