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Geek Month - Last Day!
Posted by JT_ on May 31, 2012 1:11 pm
Today is the last day of Geek Month. We hope you've enjoyed all the fun new items! :)

Tomorrow, June 1st, we will add all of the new geeky items to the Item Search.

All Geek Month items will continue to stock in shops until June 15th! So you still have time to grab the ones you haven't collected quite yet. :) The Random Event will also stay until the 15th.

Today's items are both "out of this world" (one new, one re-released!)-- and stocking in the same shop. Can you find them? :)

Our Towel Day Celebration ended yesterday, and we hope you enjoyed a few days of hitchhiker fun! Towel Day items will be added to the Item Search today. :)

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brenneMay 31, 2012 1:30 pm
And have till midnight to submit your truly awful vogon poems. Tomorrow, if you hear a distant scream of ultimate suffering, it will not be the man in black, it will be me judging the contest. I will post the winners tomorrow evening, directly after referring them to their local psychiatric ward, where I'll likely be joining them.

QuadricatJun 01, 2012 3:00 am
Must hoard moar stoof! -grabs everything from shops wildly- I'm sad to see geek month go D: (but yay for extra time to grab goodies :D)
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