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Monday Music Madness!
Posted by PhantomFire on May 28, 2012 1:42 pm
Hello! And welcome to the 11th installment of "Monday Music Madness!"
This week we have lots of great suggestions from our members. The category is "Heavy Metal" so lets get started!
Wow, do we ALL LOVE AC/DC or what? Lots of theirs sent in but I'm limiting it to two choices, sorry! Maybe a new catagory, AC/DC only! ... :)
I LOVE this category! My favorite music and some of my favorite bands! To me, there is NOTHING like listening to OLD metal, Zep, Deep purple, Ozzy, Maiden..etc.. on an analog stereo ( yes we still have one.. WITH tubes!) the soft scratch of the needle as the vinyl moves under... something about that sound... NO CD comes close.. you can hear every breath and every movement on old analog...I'm so glad I still have that option :)

Now, to get down to some serious headbanging!!

From Ashdizzle #1204
This popular Classic...
Band name: Black Sabbath...."IRON MAN"
Black Sabbath, featuring Ozzy Osbourne on vocals
Iron Man

Mittenmon #71 shared
Three Days Grace...Animal I Have Become

Brenne #13 sends us
Band Name: Blue Oyster Cult.... "Veteran of a thousand psychic wars"
BOC one of the ALL TIME classic Metal bands.

MrsGunsage #1114 sends us this awesome band
A7X is the nickname for "Avenged Sevenfold"
Listen to their song...

AC/DC!! whoot.. This sent in by Allira #8
AC/DC....Dirty Deeds
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

And from crazy cat #6022
The all time popular "You shook me all night long"!
Turn it up!
You Shook Me All Night Long

Lukrecia #2989 sends us this
Band Name: Skillet....Whispers in the Dark
Whispers in the Dark

From Camogurl #469
Band Name: Shinedown....Diamond Eyes
Diamond Eyes

Silvery #14 sends us this Gem from Queensryche
Eyes of a Stranger

One of my favorite Metal bands was suggested by BurningSky #107
Band Name: Scorpions.....Rock You Like a Hurricane
Rock You Like A Hurricane

Thank you everyone for contributing!!! There were so many amazing songs here! I loved them all! If I didn't get to yours do NOT be discouraged, Submit them when this catagopry comes up next time!

Now for my picks:
This week are three of my favorite Head Bangers. Hope you like them, Let me know!

Pick #1 The Cult. I love this band!
I have never been able to simply sit still when they are playing!
One of my all time Favs..
Sweet Soul Sister

Pick #2 Band Name: DragonForce...Cry Thunder
Cry Thunder

Pick #3:Band name: Bullet for my Valentine....Tears Don't Fall
Tears Don't Fall

As I stated last week, We want YOUR songs! PLEASE though, don't send more than 2 suggestions at a time.
If you find NEW stuff to suggest, feel free to send, just don't keep sending the same song over and over :) If you wish to suggest music, you must PRIVATE message me directly with the link and the subject line "Suggestion for Music".

Theme for next week "Guilty Pleasures". What does that mean? We all have them. That song you are actually embarrassed to share but you love cause it makes YOU feel good to hear it. ( you know which one I mean) Come on guys.. lets cough those secret songs up!

Congrats to:

AshDizzle #1204
Mittenmon #71
brenne #13
mrsgunsage #1114
Allira #8
Lukrecia #2989
Camogurl #469
crazy cat #6022
Silvery #14
Burningsky #107

Also, Last weeks comments were great guys keep it up!
Our "thoughtful" posters last week are:
Kami mi ke niko 72
Quadricat #74
Ashdizzle #1204

The prizes for "Thoughtful posting" are Novelty Fibbles you can get NOWHERE on P3 EXCEPT by posting!! Want one?? Get commenting!

You go guys!

Same rules this week. The top three postings on the music this week will win the prize! Happy listening and get posting!
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BellaMaeronMay 28, 2012 2:03 pm
All of these songs were really good and now I have a lot more to add to my favorites. :) I will be listening to them regularly now :D Thanks for sharing you guys :)

kidkeeperMay 28, 2012 2:13 pm
all awesome songs !! i remember going rollerskating and hearing dirty deeds done dirt cheap EVERY time we went ... yes im getting old! lol Rock you like a hurricane is another classic from my younger days lol they are all awesome songs!

SilveryMay 28, 2012 2:14 pm
Can we do this category again? A few times? I could have submitted probably 100 songs! xD I think the only band here I didn't already know is Skillet. Woot! for both the Cult and BOC! And some all time classics. :3 I tend to go for the "b-sides". ;)

PhantomFireMay 28, 2012 2:23 pm
I hope to do it again silvery. Three for me was insanely limiting as id had about 30 written down and had to cull the herd.

Kami Mi Ke NekoMay 28, 2012 2:33 pm
Ha! I forgot about DragonForce - that is an awesome band too, full of awesome songs and such. :D I really like the one that I think is "Fire and Flames"? I'd have to look it up. I'm terrible with song titles. :)

Also, Queensryche - that's one that I'm familiar with from college - my old roommate then used to listen to it ALL the time. And I loved it so I didn't make her stop. LOL :D She got me into a lot of really neat bands.

These are all great picks though I'm sad to see that Nightwish didn't make it up there. So, for all of you that don't know what I'm talking about, I'ma link my favorite song by them in my comment here:

Bwahahahaha ^.^ *rolls awaaaayyyy* :D

InvernoMay 28, 2012 4:59 pm
All of these songs are so awesome! I love classic rock so much... And of course Three Days Grace and A7X should get attention. I was thinking about sending in some Disturbed, but I never did.

mrsgunsageMay 28, 2012 10:24 pm
I really thought about submitting Through the Fire and the Flames by Dragonforce, but I had to give the love to my boys in A7X.

I would have been shocked had AC/DC not made the list. Same with Queensryche and Black Sabbath. I was kinda sad to not see Slayer though. :( They just ARE metal, KWIM?

CamogurlMay 29, 2012 2:03 am
Wow we have some good taste in music here! I was glad Diamond Eyes made the cut!

Ash, Iron Man is a great song. I don't remember hearing it before and it took a minute to get started but once the beat took hold it was very fun to jam with.

Mitten, Animal I Have Become.. I know this song, tho I didn't by title alone. It is a good song and I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking so.

Brenne, Veteran is.. Interesting. Not something I would put on my daily playlist, but a fun 'mixer uper' for once in a while when I want something different. I'm glad you shared it with us anyways!

Sage, Nightmare is a good song, Thanks for sharing. It will fit in nicely with the rest of my Head Banging Rage Rock Playlist.

Allira, AC/DC... Well its AC/DC.. Need I say more? We should have an AC/DC category some week in the future.

CC - You Shook me all night long.. Well.. As I just said.. Its AC/DC, need I say more? I love this song, its near the top of my most favorite of all songs.

Lu, Whispers in the dark.. I hadn't ever heard of this song before, but it is very good. Very good energy, and good lyrics.

Silvery, Eyes of a Stranger... Another good song I hadn't before known, added to my playlist. It is a bit long, but with really good songs, that's not such a bad thing!

Burning Sky - Another one of my favorite Songs, this one my family listens to on a regular basis, and can see why when you listen to it.. Great all around song.

Alex, Great picks.. I hadn't heard any of the three but they are all good songs. I know another song from Bullet for my Valentine, tho I think this one is better.

Very fun category all around, no way not to like most of them! This is also a fun way to sorta get to know the people submitting the songs thru their taste in music, which is one of the best ways, don't you think? ;)

AlliraJun 03, 2012 12:53 am
This isnt my favourite catagory at all so there's not much I can say about it. I chose AC/DC because they are an Australian band and and an Australian icon. When I was a kid in school I remember singing "It's a long way to the shop if you wanna sausage roll" and I think most Aussie kids still know this vesion of the a particular Acker Dacker song. We have our own version of the song I chose but I won't go into that here :)

Still, whether its my favourite or not it's great to see a wide range of music being showcased here.
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