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Geek Month & Enviro-Collector
Posted by JT_ on May 24, 2012 3:11 pm
I know, I know... Towel Day is tomorrow and everyone is running around trying to get their favorite towels ready for the celebrations.


We still have Geek Month items today. :D A space theme... and items that are in wildly different shops from each other. Can you figure them out?


The Enviro-Collector has told me she has decided to clean out her bag for Towel Day (maybe she needs room for her towel too?). That means 5 older environments are retiring, and 5 new ones will be showing up!

Here are the retirees:
• [ EC #032 ] Dreamheart
• [ EC #033 ] Sunrise Sparkle
• [ EC #034 ] Smog (I hear a collective sigh of relief!)
• [ EC #035 ] Fog
• [ EC #036 ] WOW - Orange

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mrsgunsageMay 24, 2012 3:36 pm
WOOOOOO! So glad to see the end of Smog!

Yam McYamMay 24, 2012 4:24 pm
I have 25 Smogs and 25 Fogs gassing up my inventory. Good bye!

SebraxisMay 24, 2012 5:17 pm
And... I turn 39 on "Towel Day". ^_^

MittenmonMay 24, 2012 5:43 pm
I had 52 smogs and 68 fogs...that's after selling some and giving them away of course....

MsBeeMay 24, 2012 5:49 pm
Aww, I love smog and fog! (But I do have PLENTY stockpiled - lol)

Can't wait to see the shiny new enviros!

QuadricatMay 24, 2012 6:33 pm
Best news all month!

SashaMay 24, 2012 8:35 pm
bubuyeee smog and fog!
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