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Monday Music Madness!
Posted by PhantomFire on Apr 23, 2012 11:53 am
Hello! And welcome to the sixth installment of "Monday Music Madness!"
This week we have nine music suggestions for you to try for the Novelty song catagory.

What IS a novelty song? It's a song that is made to be silly, funny, spoofy or generally poke fun at somethng ( Weird Al's work is a prime example) So, Lets get going!!

We start off this week with a suggestion by Allira #8

Song Title: Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport.
"Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport" is a song written by Rolf Harris in 1957 which became a hit across the world in the 1960s in two different recordings (1960 in Australia & United Kingdom the original, and 1963 with a re-recording of his song in the United States). Inspired by Harry Belafonte's calypsos, it is about an Australian stockman on his deathbed. The song is one of the best known and most successful Australian songs.
Tie Me Kangaroo

Next up ... Weird Al Yankovic with "Constipated". Thank you Kidkeeper #889

Song Title: Constipated.
This is a parody of Avril Lavigne's Complicated.

Wildleaf #2806 suggested one of the all time classic novelty songs
Performed by Barnes and Barnes "Fish Heads"
Song Title: Fish Heads
"Fish Heads" is a novelty song by comedy rock duo Barnes and Barnes, featured on their 1980 album Voobaha. It has often been played on the Dr. Demento show, and is the second-most honored song in Demento show history.
The song is about fish heads and all the things they can (or, more often, cannot) do, such as playing baseball, wearing sweaters, dancing, playing drums, or being seen drinking cappuccino in Italian restaurants with Oriental women. It is accompanied by a high-pitched chorus, achieved by speeding up the tape, which repeats the original's chorus.
Actor Bill Paxton directed and appeared in the music video for the song, which aired on NBC television on Saturday Night Live, on December 6, 1980.
Fish Heads

Another Classic! Sent in by Wyvern #75
Song Title: The Lumberjack Song

"The Lumberjack Song" is a song by the Monty Python comedy troupe. The song was written by Terry Jones, Michael Palin, and Fred Tomlinson.
It first appeared on the ninth episode of Monty Python's Flying Circus, "The Ant: An Introduction" on BBC1 on 14 December 1969. The song has since been performed in several forms, including film, stage, and LP, each time started from a different skit. At an NPR interview in 2007, Michael Palin stated the scene and the whole song were created in about 15 minutes, concluding a day's work, when the Python crew was stuck and unable to come up with a conclusion to the barbershop sketch that preceded it.
The Lumberjack song

This last classic sent in by Brenne #13
Song Title: I'm too Sexy
This song pokes fun at the entire modeling and advertising world by pointing out the absurdity in the industry. Voted both one of the worst all time songs and VH1's Greatest songs of the 90's you can't just watch without cracking a smile at the silliness of the whole thing.
I'm Too Sexy

Congrats to this weeks Theme winners. If you didn't win this week it doesn't mean the picks were no good, I received so many! I'll get to them eventually! We WILL have more themes upcoming!

And now for my picks this week..I LOVE classic Novelty songs!!

Let's star out with the all time classic : Bobby Pickett - Monster Mash

"Monster Mash" is a 1962 novelty song and the best-known song by Bobby "Boris" Pickett. The song was released as a single on Gary S. Paxton's Garpax Records label in August 1962 along with a full-length LP called The Original Monster Mash, which contained several other monster-themed tunes. The "Monster Mash" single reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart on October 20 of that year, just in time for Halloween. It has been a perennial holiday favorite ever since.
Monster Mash

Up Next, Larry Groce with "Junk Food Junkie"... oddly I know several folks this song fits...
Junk Food Junkie is a 1976 novelty song by Larry Groce. Reaching #9 on the Billboard Top 100, it was Groce's only song to chart.
The song tells about a man leading a double life. During the day he boasts of his natural diet lifestyle – however, at night, he reveals that he is secretly addicted to junk food.
Junk Food Junkie

It STINKS!!!! Technicolor man!
Loudon Wainwright3rd with "Dead Skunk"
"Dead Skunk" is a 1973 novelty song by Loudon Wainwright III.
The song is musically a simple folk song based on acoustic guitar, but accompanied by drums and strings. The lyrics, which literally interpreted describe a dead skunk in the middle of a busy road and the smell it produces for pedestrians, have often been seen as an attack on then-president Richard Nixon. Wainwright himself has never confirmed or denied this claim, but has said the song was an accident written in fifteen minutes.
Although the single was released in November 1972, it was not until well into 1973 that it caught on with radio stations, and its number sixteen peak on the Billboard Hot 100 chart was not reached until May 1973. It was the only record to chart for Wainwright
Dead Skunk

And the best known of all Novelty songs this gem from 1958

The Chipmunks Christmas song
"The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)" is a song written by Ross Bagdasarian, Sr. (a.k.a. David Seville) in 1958. Although it was written and sung by Bagdasarian (in the form of a high-pitched chipmunk voice), the singing credits are given to The Chipmunks, a fictitious singing group consisting of three chipmunks by the names of Alvin, Simon, and Theodore. The song won three Grammy Awards in 1958: Best Comedy Performance, Best Children's Recording, and Best Engineered Record (non-classical).The song was very successful, reaching No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 Pop Singles chart, becoming The Chipmunks' first (and only), as well as David Seville's second and final, No. 1 single. It has the distinction of being the only Christmas record to reach No. 1 on the same chart.
The Chipmunk Song

As I stated last week, We want YOUR songs! PLEASE though, don't send more than 2 suggestions at a time.
If you find NEW stuff to suggest, feel free to send, just don't keep sending the same song over and over :) If you wish to suggest music, you must PRIVATE message me directly with the link and the subject line "Suggestion for Music".

Theme for next week Songs that Define YOU. What does that mean? We all have a song that plays in our head when we work, or we go to when we need comfort, or something that makes us feel calmer, happier or simply feels like it was written for YOU. Send me that song!!

Congrats to:

Allira #8
Kidkeeper #889
Wildleaf # 2806
Wyvern #75
Brenne #13

Also, Last weeks comments were great guys keep it up!
Our three "thoughtful" posters last week are:
Sasha #11
MrsGunsage #1114
ImBeeZee #1668

The prizes for Thoughtful posting are Novelty Fibbles you can get NOWHERE on P3 EXCEPT by posting!! Want one?? Get commenting!

You go guys!

Same rules this week. The top three postings on the music this week will win the prize! Happy listening and get posting!
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MoonGoddessApr 23, 2012 12:13 pm
Omg I love this weeks songs there awesome the chipmunks christmas song is the best pick ever as I used to lison to it everyday all the time when I was growing up cause that the record my dad bought me before he was gone again so it really brought back some really good memories and also my daughter and I love this song as we watch the moves over and over lol so way to go picking this song hugs as for the other picks this week monster mash is another favoret song of mine again from my childhood used to dance around to it all the mine and now my kids sing it on a game they have so it's a really good day when there's two picks that really make me jump for joy thank you everyone for all the good work.

MoonGoddessApr 23, 2012 12:15 pm
Omg I forgot to mention about the song I'm to sexy I dance to this at Agnew school dances this is really a blast from the past love love love all the songs this week it really has made my day thank you so much woo walks around house dancing and singing lol

UsikuApr 23, 2012 12:48 pm
oh wow I actually know most of these for a change :) I have the Chipmunk album...yes I said album hehe and love to play it for my girls because it just cracks them up. I'm to sexy if favorite of those listed....but my favorite version is Elmo from sesame street. If you haven't seen it you need to watch just to cute. Monster Mash is great too!!! I always look forward to hearing it as an oldie at halloween time

kidkeeperApr 23, 2012 2:32 pm
OMG! I have actually heard all of these!
Tie me kangaroo down my mom used to play when i was little, Constipated I was introduced to by my sons, Fish heads my husband used to sing on our camping trips all the time, lumberjack and monstermash we sang in a school play in 7th or 8th grade, im to sexy is not my fav , dead skunk is hilarious, chipmunks drive me crazy, but my fav of all of these is junk food junkie, see when i was little my brothers that are 9 and 10 yrs older than me would play this over and over again i had forgotten that this song even existed since its been 31 yrs since i heard it!! i absolutely adore that song!!

SashaApr 23, 2012 3:26 pm
All of this weeks songs are great!

We used to have a cottage in the country and when Dead Skunk came out I was about 10 at the time and my brother was 12 we would sing it as loudly as possible while driving to the cottage.Drove my mother nuts and if there was a dead skunk anywhere on the drive we would bust a gut giggling and burst into song!

Wierd Al is awesome. I dont think he has done a parody that I did not like yet.

Wow Monster mash! and the chipmunk song! I feel so old lol

I love tie me down Kangaroo. Thanks for suggesting it Alli, I had not heard it in quite some time!
I;m a lumberjack and I'm ok.. Gotta love Monty Python They are fabulous.
I'm too sexy.. now its stuck in my head........gah!
Fish heads and junkfood junkie were also fun to listen too!

All in all this weeks picks make me smile tap my toes and sing along to the silliness!

QuadricatApr 23, 2012 7:28 pm
Oh man, I had Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport on cassette :) good times!

mrsgunsageApr 23, 2012 8:18 pm
Every single one of these are songs I have known and loved forever. :) I have a secret weakness for novelty songs, although my all time favorite isn't here. I thought for sure They Might Be Giants would be a shoe-in for the list so I didn't bother to nom them myself. :(

Wasn't a bit surprised to see Weird Al or Monty Python making appearances. They are so beyond WIN it isn't even worth arguing with the people who "don't get it".

Kami Mi Ke NekoApr 23, 2012 9:05 pm
Dead Skunk, one of the BEST songs to sing when you're driving down a country road in Nebraska. There are a LOT of dead skunks in the middle of the road there. . . and possums . . and birds . . . ;) I really AM from a "country" background.

And OMG Fish heads. <<.>> And the lumberjack song!

You've totally just reminded me of all of the awesome things I listened to ad nauseum in High School and college. Thanks so much! I also remembered this one that I'll share here for hilarity:
(Dead Puppies aren't much fun !)

AlliraApr 23, 2012 11:50 pm
Tie my Kangaroo Down Sport must be the ultimate novelty song because Rolf Harris wrote a parody of it specifically to be sung with THE BEATLES (one of several versions written for specific audiences)

The original version had an extra verse which was removed since it was later deemed racist. Rolf later expressed regret for writing it. It's good to know that we learn from mistakes in the past and become more enlightened as a society - not that we dont still have a long way to go.

Ahh the Chipmunks.... now if someone wrote a novelty song about a singing chipmunk squished on the highway - I'd buy it. Apart from that the only good singing chipmunk is one with laryngitis :p

I love Monster Mash - we had it on a video with other fun songs and my kids loved to listen to it.

lol I am a junk food junkie. The irony of this song is that in 1976 the average person was NOT addicted to junk food and was not obese. Today I think it's probably more sad than funny.

Fish Heads.... this was popular in the US? lol that has to be the worst song I have ever heard!

I'm too Sexy is a great song. It's funny but it also has a catchy tune. You can definately see why it could be voted both best and worst song :D

DQ_Apr 24, 2012 8:51 am
Tie Me Kangaroo down Sport
When I was in grade 6 my class got together with grade 6's all over Sydney and performed in this amazing concert and this was one of our songs ;) It will remain in my heart forever as one of my most treasured experiences during a time in my life when things weren't so great. Music was my big escape at the time so this song holds a lot of emotion for me <3

I think that at my age if I hadn't heard of Monster Mash it would mean I had either crawled under a rock for most of my childhood or was on another planet heh heh - I think I can still remember the wacky little dance me and my friends made for this song *grins goofily* (You do realise you're making me show my age >;p)

Fish heads, fish heads, Roly poly fish heads, Fish heads fish heads, Eat them up, YUM! This wins my prize for BEST song ever!! *Dies laughing* Not sure if I will ever get this song out of my head in the next century or two though! I must remember to show this to my next class so they can then sing this when they get home and drive their parents BATTY! :p Mwahahah!

PhantomFireApr 24, 2012 10:19 am
and DQ, I actually didn't mention I made you sing "Tie me kangaroo down" to me on webcam....Aren't you proud I could keep a secret?

DQ_Apr 24, 2012 10:28 am
Oh so utterly discreet oh boss Man XD Of course I'm still waiting for you to return the favour my dear >>

PhantomFireApr 24, 2012 10:29 am
:D Waiting is good you know. Teaches patience

oryxApr 25, 2012 3:15 am
Absolutely <3 love the music sharing. what a blast! I have a really fun one I would like to share...its by "southern culture on the skids" and is called 'camel walk" and was featured in a movie with Patricia Arquette and Ben Stiller. It is a comical, happy, hilarious song.

oryxApr 25, 2012 3:20 am
ps. my dog, a pit bull, just now danced to "stop Drop and Tooch!" no kidding.

ImBeeZeeApr 25, 2012 9:51 pm
I have to say I adore the chimpmunk song but, I'm too SEXY just makes me smile:) I remember my brother standing in the mirror and dancing/posing to this song back when we had no, I guess that would be my favorite pick this week:D YaY, to the days when we thought, "I'm too SEXY" for this mirror...too SEXY:D Now days, I just kind of avoid the mirror, lol:(

singleroseApr 26, 2012 2:31 pm
Every one of these songs has had me laughing so hard I get tears in my eyes...I have played these for grandchildren with some amazingly different reactions from different age groups. However, all of them "caught the bug" and bounced along with the music. Great choices this round folks.

AshDizzleApr 29, 2012 4:57 pm
So many good songs I have always loved "I'm too sexy" "The Chipmunk Song" and "Monster Mash". Weird Al is so great too, so many good songs from that man. Love the theme for this next week, music is so powerful and I have so many songs for different aspects of my life but my two anthems were easy to narrow down. This is a cool new P3 thing and I really like it. Can't wait to see the new songs for this week.
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