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Monday Music Madness!
Posted by PhantomFire on Mar 19, 2012 4:13 pm
Monday Music Madness!

Hello all. I'm going to try a new feature here which as you see is called "Monday Music Madness"

I will be posting 3 music links every Monday of songs I like and telling a bit about them. Feel free to comment on the songs or groups.

I will also accept suggestions for music to post as well but you MUST follow the protocol.

If you wish to suggest music, you must PRIVATE message me directly with the link and the subject line "Suggestion for Music".

If I like the music, and your song is included in the Music Madness posting you will also be given a Prize available nowhere else on the site! Yay for crazy prizes given to lucky people!

Also, People who post comments about the songs might also be eligible for a prize if the comment is thoughtful, insightful or has a bit of interesting information about the songs posted to share. ( It's ok so say you don't like the music, just let me know why ) DO NOT POST links to other music those comments will be removed.

This band is called "Poets of the Fall" and it's one of my favorite bands.
They hail from Finland and started up in 2003. Here is my favorite Song:

Next up, "Thriving Ivory". This is an American Band out of Santa Barbra Ca.
They started up around 2002. I like the lead singers voice, slightly odd.. but enjoyable nonetheless. My Favorite song from this band: Angels On The Moon

This band "Florence and the Machine" are an English indie pop band. Start up appx 2007. The band is a lot of fun and I think enjoyable to listen to: Blinding

Hope you enjoy this first group and get those suggestions in to me!
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SashaMar 19, 2012 4:21 pm
Angels on the Moon is a really awesome song. This band reminds me of Green Day in style. The lead singer has a real gravelly voice but I like it.

Captain StumpyMar 19, 2012 4:21 pm
Aww Florence and the Machine I saw her live a couple of years ago at a festival, She wasn't as big then but still drew a crowd Nice songs I think this Music Monda is a smashing Idea =)

SashaMar 19, 2012 4:23 pm
Forgot to say Music Mondays is a wonderful idea and all 3 choices today were enjoyable to listen to. :)

tarkizMar 19, 2012 5:18 pm
Awesome idea ;)

I like the lyrics for the first one...just not quite something that really stands out for me musically, but good :)

The second I like that one it makes me feel a sort of sadness for some reason though...I think I'll add it to one of my playlists still lol

The third oooh I really like it...its definitely going on the playlist...very appealing to makes me smile and feel a tad aggressive lol

awesome picks...I'll have to look through my songs for some to submit :)

singleroseMar 19, 2012 6:57 pm
What a great idea....Not sure what it is about the first song...but it did something for me...I really liked it. I have to agree with Sasha about Angels on the put me in mind of Greensleeves. The third one isn't one I would likely have listened to all they way through under other circumstances but I'm glad I did because it was pretty good...a bit off the beaten path in delivery for me but I did enjoy it.

MittenmonMar 19, 2012 7:19 pm
Wow! What a GREAT idea Alex!!! =D

AlliraMar 19, 2012 8:17 pm
I listened to the first one (again) and while I don't like the music - the song itself, when I listen to it, reminds me of someone I love very much :)
It's like when something is precious to someone who is precious to you - that thing surely takes on new importance if the person truly means something to you. The second song - along with a cat and a dog -remind me of this fact.
That is probably all a bit cryptic - but music is very personal isnt it?

This is a great idea - even if the chances of Alex liking my music are...well what's less than 0% :p

Jordan2Mar 19, 2012 9:28 pm
Review for "Blinding"
In the chourus, I believe the song is about a girl in love with the afterlife. At first, I didn't like it. Eventually, I started singing along! The music has an interesting beat and sound.
Overall, on a scale from 1 to 10, I'd give it 9!

WildLeafMar 19, 2012 10:16 pm
I agree with Jordan. For the talent show one year I sang another one of their songs called Dog Days Are Over. She has such a beautiful voice, that hits every chord perfectly in that song. Of course the song was made for her voice, but she makes it outstanding in Blinding. I love this idea, and sent you a few suggestions. If I were to be the one who wrote the song blinding I would have taken out the silence in part of it. I thought the song was over, and almost left the page! Then I saw that there was more and I was excited to hear it. Great song choices Alex!

MittenmonMar 19, 2012 11:34 pm
Thriving Ivory is such a great band! I really like them because they remind me (for some reason) of Elton John, one of my all-time favorite musicians. And their music is a lot more stylish than that of say...Maroon 5. Wherever they get their inspiration from, I admire them. The piano movements in their work is brilliant, and as a pianist myself I can appreciate that. Their vocals and overall composition of their songs, especially in this one: Angels On The Moon, is simply amazing. :)

Kami Mi Ke NekoMar 20, 2012 7:25 am
I really like this idea -- all artists I had not heard before, which is cool. Even though the first one - Roses - the actual music itself I wasn't initially a fan of (something about the way the lyrics are sung just seems awkward), I really enjoyed the lyrics, they have a good message. Angels on the Moon also I thought was a splendid song, and since I had never heard of that band before it made me want to go find more of their music! :D The last, "Blinding" - is an interesting song and while I enjoyed the musical accompaniment to the actual vocalist, the vocalist herself I was not a fan of her voice. At least to me, it sounded a bit "stuffy" if that makes sense at all. That and I enjoy songs where I can actually "get" all of the lyrics and those were a bit cryptic for me, even.

I love this idea, and I may come across some songs that I'll send you, Alex. :)

mrsgunsageMar 20, 2012 7:57 am
YAY! Three of my favorite songs! I spam chat with links to Angels on the Moon whenever it comes up on my playlist, I think I got Nocty addicted to Thriving Ivory because of it. :)

kidkeeperMar 20, 2012 9:07 am
awesome songs ! I had not heard any of them before although angels on the moon did remind me of another song... cant remember what it was but really did enjoy all three of them :) nice and calming after a hectic night at work !

oryxMar 21, 2012 3:11 am
Wonderful I <3 florence, and am v. sad that the day I found out she is to appear at my favorite place in the world, is the same day her tix were totally sold out. bummer. and THANK YOU for music monday!

VendettaMar 23, 2012 4:33 am
Just listened to Angels on the Moon several times, even pulling up the lyrics. Thank you. By the end of the first time, I was already being pulled in. Sometimes when you least expect it, something like this magical song can express your tangled thoughts so well. It is very haunting. *Adds song to favorites too.*

PhantomFireMar 26, 2012 1:11 pm
end comments here.
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