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P3 Games.. a retrospective! :)
Posted by PhantomFire on Mar 18, 2012 10:22 am
Pocket Puma Pets came about in 2006 as a thought. I wanted to make a neopets similar game in which the pets could multiply. It was only a thought until about 2007 when I was lucky enough to meet JT and she agreed there was "something" to the idea. She, and an artist friend at the time joined me in this undertaking.
By about May of 2008 we had firmed up the ideas and started getting the plans for Pocket Puma together. We plotted our concepts, brought on some staff and set the whole thing in motion.

By 7/14/2008 we were ready to beta test.
Interesting info. Beta testing was limited to appx 50 people. Most were friends and aquaintences of ours. The Site ID numbers under 160 are more than likely all beta testers. Those who beta tested for us were gifted 2 customs made in any way they decided to make them. These are the original pumas.

On September 12th 2009 after about a year of beta testing, poking, prodding and harassing the poor moderators, we opened P3 to the limited public.

P3 has gone through changes, we shifted Artists, we developed a larger and broader scope of ideas and we gained many new members. But, this is JUST the beginning.

Soon.. many new changes will be coming once again, we are excited by them and we hope you will be as well.

In the mean time, I'll leave you with a bit of P3 trivia.

The VERY first puma on this site is "Beloved" and he was named for this song:
Beloved Hope you enjoy it!
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miso7927Mar 18, 2012 10:26 am

ImBeeZeeMar 18, 2012 10:54 am
I love P3:D

SambariMar 18, 2012 10:54 am
Many new changes?
Oooh. :D

SashaMar 18, 2012 11:51 am
I cant wait to see the new changes.I've been here from the beginning. I'm so proud that Alex trusted me to be on staff as a Mod.

I remember the day that Alex came to me and said "Hey Sashie, What would you think about a new site dedicated to big cats but the pets are small enough to fit into your pocket?" I replied" Cats? You had me at CATS!"

When he asked if I would consider working as a Mod, I think I cried a bit that He truisted me that much. :)

tarkizMar 18, 2012 11:52 am
thats cool to know and a awesome song..thank you for sharing :)

karalynneMar 18, 2012 12:46 pm
It's come a long way, I can't wait to see where p3 will go next!

singleroseMar 18, 2012 12:57 pm
I can't believe its been so long....but yeah, Alex wasn't it fun to razz the mods? We kept them on their toes. I remember when you first started talking about P3 and am so happy for you. Keep it up. I am anxious to see what you'll do next.

PhantomFireMar 18, 2012 3:28 pm
The poor mods had trial by fire. Those boards were a riot.

kidkeeperMar 18, 2012 4:32 pm
i joined in november of 09 and have only been gone for 10 months due to my computer pretty much blowing up and not being able to get a new one for 10 months. I have enjoyed every minute on here and missed everyone like crazy while i was gone. This is home and you all are family. Cant wait to see the new changes and hope to be on more and more once things in real life settle down again. Thank you Alex for having the idea for P3 and following thru on it :)

Amber Leaf ShadowMar 18, 2012 10:08 pm
10th comment!
Anyway, I love this site.

DragonaraMar 18, 2012 11:31 pm
I can't believe it's 4 years since it all doesn't seem that long and P3 has come such a long way from being Alex's brainchild to reality.
I loved being in at the start, being part of the planning committee and getting to hear all the ideas for the game. I even loved the razz the mods was a great training for the real thing, although, thankfully... we have had very few members being as evil as the testers:P
P3 has so much to offer now, but I know that wonderful things are not too far off!
"you ain't seen nothin yet"
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